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Status Replies posted by FSL29

  1. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

  2. Copying over 100 gigs of anime to a friends HDD ... This might take some time :'( , I hope you like it @[442:Modyrts]

  3. Copying over 100 gigs of anime to a friends HDD ... This might take some time :'( , I hope you like it @[442:Modyrts]

  4. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      *stops you from flying* *make you sit in a chair* You need one!

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  5. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

  6. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      Nuu, there was supposed to be only one unicorn and that is me :p.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  7. I was asking everyone if they want a mushroom but no one said yes.... I seriously had a mushroom in my pocket.... ._. no,I'm not joking.....

  8. Oop. Er, um... My birthday is wrong . . . how do I change that?

    1. FSL29


      Indeed thats true, so here I will give you a box of raisins too, you can eat it separately too *hands raisins box* :p.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      Wait, its supposed to be "*floats away with the ship in a bottle :p*".

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  10. Oop. Er, um... My birthday is wrong . . . how do I change that?

    1. FSL29


      As a gift from onii-chan here I will give you a cookie *hands cookie*.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

  12. Oop. Er, um... My birthday is wrong . . . how do I change that?

  13. Oop. Er, um... My birthday is wrong . . . how do I change that?

    1. FSL29


      Hun, huh xD. Just call me onii-chan. Well he rarely gets this kind of thing, so it should be fine, I think.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      Yes, yes indeed. To me red is a colour of passion too. Even though I wear black all the time, I like it when a girl wear a redscarf, its cute.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  15. Oop. Er, um... My birthday is wrong . . . how do I change that?

  16. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      Uhm *changes voice* so listen kids, red scarf is a must worn accesory in winter, if you have a cute face it will fits you, if you have a mature face it will also fits you, if you have a mature face and a cute face too then I will love you if you wear it. But on a serious note, it certainly is a good accesory, people dont really wear it a lot though, I cri ;-;.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  17. I like that avatar, I like it a lot.

    1. FSL29


      But but I really like this avatar... the redscarf itself makes the avatar perfect.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  18. I was asking everyone if they want a mushroom but no one said yes.... I seriously had a mushroom in my pocket.... ._. no,I'm not joking.....

  19. I was asking everyone if they want a mushroom but no one said yes.... I seriously had a mushroom in my pocket.... ._. no,I'm not joking.....

  20. FSL29

    FSL29    Veaz

    Happy birthday m18. Have a great day and may all your wishes come true. (did you see what I did there? did you see it? no? sorry, it was a stupid joke ;-; )

  21. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

    1. FSL29


      But festival in anime is a cultural festival, its more interesting because you go from one place to another place.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  22. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

    1. FSL29


      I guess so, but fc ing an insane level is still a faraway dream for me, for now I can only stare in awe when I see the replays xD.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

    1. FSL29


      Not just yet? so you already fc an insane level o.o and just havent got the ss on it o.o?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  24. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

    1. FSL29


      I see, so that kind of performance, looks interesting indeed. But standing up and watching that will make you bored, no? I'm pretty sure I will.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  25. I was asking everyone if they want a mushroom but no one said yes.... I seriously had a mushroom in my pocket.... ._. no,I'm not joking.....

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