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Status Replies posted by FSL29

  1. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  2. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

  3. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  4. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  5. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

  6. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  7. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

  8. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  9. I now have a favorite Bmap XD https://osu.ppy.sh/b/323769&m=0 The hard level is fun to play XD not sure if you have the Bmap (though I might have gotten it from you... if I did sorry for forgetting).

  10. Halloween is over, back to Ayano's avatar.

  11. FSL29

    FSL29    Veaz

    Happy birthday m18. Have a great day and may all your wishes come true. (did you see what I did there? did you see it? no? sorry, it was a stupid joke ;-; )

  12. Today marks one year since I joined Anime Forums. Time sure does go by fast.

  13. Funny how I ended up listening to a Chinese song, when I dont even understand the language..

  14. Funny how I ended up listening to a Chinese song, when I dont even understand the language..

  15. Funny how I ended up listening to a Chinese song, when I dont even understand the language..

  16. i don't even like anime

  17. i don't even like anime

  18. I think you might enjoy these Bmaps https://osu.ppy.sh/b/785584?m=0 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/245877

    1. FSL29


      Finally, managed to complete an insane level(4stars). Was losing it after midway though http://i.imgur.com/jxaGjjY.jpg

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  19. Yes! f*cking yes! I might be the happiest man alive when ozil scored. 2-0 win against Bayern,fina-f*cking-nally we get the game going in CL.

  20. I think you might enjoy these Bmaps https://osu.ppy.sh/b/785584?m=0 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/245877

    1. FSL29


      you already have the bmap right? here this is just my replay file http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/MeAjl8is/file.html

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  21. Yes! f*cking yes! I might be the happiest man alive when ozil scored. 2-0 win against Bayern,fina-f*cking-nally we get the game going in CL.

  22. I think you might enjoy these Bmaps https://osu.ppy.sh/b/785584?m=0 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/245877

    1. FSL29


      sure it is, do you want to see the recorded version of my magic :P?

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  23. I think you might enjoy these Bmaps https://osu.ppy.sh/b/785584?m=0 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/245877

    1. FSL29


      Wow, I was so happy today I got an extra magic somehow, managed to fc hard songs (3.3+ stars). 3 of them also xD. One of them is the one I gave you earlier the Indonesian song, I managed to fc the hard level xD.

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  24. Yes! f*cking yes! I might be the happiest man alive when ozil scored. 2-0 win against Bayern,fina-f*cking-nally we get the game going in CL.

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