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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Sadly im leaving this place for good so message me if anyone wants my discord id 

    1. XII360


      we will miss you, take care my guy/girl

  2. Almost done watching card captor sakura Clear card 

  3. shaman king reboot 52 ep long

  4. My ptw for anime keeps on growing

    1. LonelyPoet


      Welcome to the dark side. 

  5. Finally seen 300 anime also currently watching noblesse

    1. Ohayotaku


      Congrats 🥳 

      As to Noblesse, I didn’t really care for the first half, but thought the second half was entertaining.


  6. Sadly I didn't like mulan 2020 live version

    1. Ohayotaku


      Haven’t seen it, but have never really understood the appeal of the live action Disney adaptions. I did enjoy Maleficent (the first one anyway), but it was it’s own story.

    2. RuthisianCodex


      From what I've heard, no one else has either. 

    3. efaardvark


      I'll just add a "me neither".

      What I want to know is, why do all these companies keep doing reboots?  🤔  Do they have no talent left, or is it being smothered under the bureaucrazy and greed?  I could probably tolerate it if it at least occasionally produced a better-than-original end product, but that almost never happens.

  7. Tired and busy day and hello guys😎

  8. It's been awhile, hi guys hope your doing well👻

    1. Seshi


      Hope you are as well. 

  9. Finally rainy season

  10. I wish it would rain

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nova


      What song where they? @Ohiotaku

    3. Ohayotaku



      Could go on & on :P 

    4. Nova


       Nice choices/pick

  11. I miss going out

  12. Nova

    Thanks for the follow and hello

  13. Greetings and welcome to AF from the ghostly potato
  14. My hair is gonna get long again😅

  15. Hi all😊how are you guys for today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anime loveer

      Anime loveer

      Doing good :) what bout you

    3. Nova


      Good and lurking as usual since I'm a ghost and potato lol

    4. Ohayotaku


      Better than a Monday, not as good as a Saturday

  16. Stay safe everyone

  17. Nice a fellow cat lover and welcome to AF hope we can be friends and enjoy it here
  18. Nice to meet you and welcome here
  19. Nova

    Hello 🙂

    Welcome to AF and nice to meet you
  20. Almost Chinese new year advance to all👻

    1. Seshi


      Happy belated New Year!

    2. Nova
  21. Welcome to AF I'm willing to be friends with you if you want
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