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Everything posted by Nova

  1. "Sometimes, I wonder who you see when you look at me"

    From the movie -The Falling (2014)

  2. Hiya new person welcome to af hope you will like this community of ours from Nova the ghostly potato
  3. Loneliness in my heart,pain by my side.

    Random stuff i made before

  4. For you @The History Kid You get Roy Mustang of Fma
  5. Welcome to the friendly site of af have fun here with us all from Nova the ghostly potato
  6. I still need a good name for my black cat
  7. I prefer a different weapon over a knife
  8. For a pet i want a black cat
  9. What kind of knife though? @The History Kid
  10. I do carry with me the t virus aka typos virus
  11. Nova

    I Don't know if i should laugh or be scared at your avi😂

  12. Ends up with a cold😷

    1. Xyro


      Nawh, make sure to drink plenty and rest up then Nova! best way to get rid of a cold is to flush it out after all ^w^

    2. Nova


      No worries though it will be gone soon

  13. Lol.it was my dad bday not mine yet Thank you
  14. Is butterbeer a beer lol Potions,riding a broom etc things im looking forward too
  15. When this day is meh 🙍

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nova


      Lol it wont work like that

    3. Shiroe


      Aw, hope you guys feel better soon. 🙇‍♂️

    4. Nova
  16. Kumara his my anime husband after all well first one Island or beach?
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