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Everything posted by Nova

  1. I did and my dark side awakened from.the pain i gotten from being judge easily beside i know im not a likeable person
  2. i know that already happened to me recently somewhere else
  3. that's why i love you guys since your such good friends of mine plus im shocked that theirs a chain gang here
  4. Needs a bigger memory storage in my brain if that happens lol
  5. So far so good but still on recovering from heart being broken can i have a glue or something
  6. Waves i kaga welcome you to af community and like you im into anime
  7. Nova


    Hiya and welcome to af community im kaga the ghostly potato
  8. Lol im still potato in head /heart I can be whoever i want
  9. We need to hire someone or teach a spell
  10. kid dies again where is the phonenix down when you need it
  11. What's up with chainsaw and sword?
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