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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Lol i ban them cause its fun
  2. A wild @Seshi wifey appears and i know
  3. I sing for you even when.i had a bad voice
  4. I ban them cause still sao
  5. Ban for being gone too long
  6. just when i had a bad cough but it the thought that counts I give you any console you want
  7. @Endynyp we already miss playing rp with you
  8. It better not be a cold drink lol i have a bad cough I gift you some nice songs in one cd
  9. Gaming on mobile Sunset or sunrise?
  10. Oh a chef cat of my own I gift you a magic wand
  11. “Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”

    ― 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

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