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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Welcome to af hope you two achieve the goal in your life best of luck from Nova the ghostly potato
  2. Just made another game enjoy it guys

  3. You tell the user above why you like him/her in any good nice reason of course.you can also be creative on your reason as well .
  4. Welcome to af glad to have you here with us and im willing to be your friend im Nova the ghostly potato of this wonderful community
  5. Sailormoon If you could visit any planet where you would go?
  6. No one posting here so ehm sings all by myself oh wait opps forgot this is about hp
  7. Added two more people at my haunted list

    @ArchieKun and @Muco


  8. Cheeseburger Basketball or swimming?
  9. Bday you say happy bday @Wedgy
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