Sailor moon, Fooly Cooly seaon 1, Inuyasha, Haruhi Suzimiya, Samurai Champloo, Naruto part 1 and 2,Super robot wars, Medaka Box, Medabots, Monster rancher, Digimon the first 3, Air, Higurashi, yugioh, Ranma 1/2, Yu Yu Hakusho, early Pokemon from the beginning to the johto region, Card Captors!, Tama and friends, Spider riders, Rumbling hearts.
Favourite Genres
Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Ecchi Harem Magic Mecha Military Romance Slice of Life Supernatural
Favourite Characters
Sailor Scouts for sure. Anytime they came on i felt safe and happy. Naota from Flcl as well. I relate to him a lot as a kid.