Illusion of Terra
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Status Updates posted by Illusion of Terra
just an fyi, will be inactive for a couple of days. as usual don't go setting the forum on fire
great, after having slept for about 11 hours every day for the last two weeks, I'm now waking up at 4. something's not right there
how did you get 75% on that common sense test
No Idea lol. I've seen the 2nd question multiple times before so after seeing that I started to think differently which made it easier to answer correctly, I guess?Â
Though there were 2 questions where I just went to quickly otherwise I would have gotten It 11/12
And this question still doesn't make sense to me:
Some months have 30 days, and some have 31. How many have 28?the answer Is 1 but I thought It should have been 12 since every month has 28 days, oh well.
for some reason I've been sleeping between 9 and 12 hours every day for a week or so. not sure if this is some sign that I should go into annual winter hibernation
also, I missed the deadline for a project working on aliens. I didn't really want to apply for it anyways, but still, aliens
dude, has the corona crisis quarantine brought you here again?
thought this does a decent job of an overview of covid-19. a bit simplified but overall well done for about 8 minutes
woke up with a fever. I should have stolen a pcr machine (something used to analyze DNA etc) when I had the opportunity, to test for different viruses
spilled vinegar over my keyboard, now it doesn't work. just great
Just a suggestion.
You know those 'Which [title] character are you?' things? I was wondering, since there already are quizzes here, if it is not too much work, would it be possible to add something like that to the quizzes section?
I don't think too many people are going to use it, so I'd suggest only adding it if it possible and not much work.
we need to get you on the Battle Angel Starship
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Would be curious about the costs of those seats
Not sure. Neither SpaceX nor Space Adventures has said anything about price. Definitely in the "if you have to ask you don't want to know" territory.Â
I do know that Branson and Bezos are asking around 250k-300k USD for flights on their rockets. SpaceX has a history of undercutting the competition, but I'd say that $250k for an orbital flight is probably an absolute minimum. Bezos and Branson only go sub-orbital too. Sub-orbital means technically into space, but without the horizontal speed to stay in orbit so a sub orbital flight only lasts a few minutes before they come back down. It would be easy to charge a premium to be able to stay in space for a few orbits. That would allow much longer (hours, or even days) to play, see the sunrises & sunsets, etc. before having to come back down. That's likely the low limit.
SpaceX as a private company doesn't have to make public disclosures of their costs, but just the fuel alone would cost around $200k for a minimum-energy orbital launch. The Dragon capsule seats 7, but the announcement said only 4 tourists at a time. Even an at-cost flight would therefore be about $50k per passenger just for fuel. Then you would have to add some amount for the cost of wear and tear on the rocket. (Yeah they're reusable, but even airline jet engines need an overhaul every few thousand flight-hours. Those are not cheap, and I'd imagine rockets would be even more expensive and more frequent.) There's regulatory and infrastructure (launch pad, etc.) costs as well.Â
Satellite customers are currently charged between $35M and $60M for a rocket ride on a Falcon 9 by SpaceX. Space Adventures got Dennis Tito an 8-day stay at the space station (via soyuz) for about $20M if I recall correctly. If I were to venture a guesstimate I'd say an orbital flight on a Dragon would cost *at least* several $million per ticket.
For anyone still wondering about this, here's the best analysis of Neon Genesis Evangelion I've seen as of yet. I disagree with some points (Schopenhauer point was a bit exaggregated), but still covered most of the important points.
Obviously this is going to contain spoilers.Â
just wondering. was that a technical update or did something on the surface change as well?
Not that important, but will be at a conference the next couple of days. So just a general fyi explaining the absenceÂ
holy guacamole, just saw the first dubbed episode of Nichijou. I didn't even know there was a dub. Gotta say, it is insanely different from the Japanese version! I knew dubs could change a lot but it really shows with Nichijou
A bit random, but anyone interested in the ethics of abortion? I've to write a 'short' example argumentation around what is called the 'violinist analogy/argument'. Since it's for an undergraduate course, there isn't much you'd need to know about ethics, and I thought it might be interesting for others here to see how something like this works.
Not quite sure of how to do this though, although maybe something like discord or the likes might work.
But as philosophy is quite dry and abortion is quite an icky topic I wouldn't be surprised if everyone stayed clear of this -
Episode 100 of Black Clover is fantastic. Was very skeptical about Black Clover but it's getting quite decent.
Random suggestion. I saw that there's an Instagram and Twitter page for Anime Forums. Now, I don't use those but young people seem to think they are 'on fleek'Â
 And I think it might be a bit too much work for a single person to regularly update it, especially since not everybody watches every current anime.
So I thought how about a thread where users of Anime Forums can offer stuff to go on Instagram (and Twitter). Take the Dr. Stone image for example. Someone who watches Dr. Stone could make screenshot, add a small description with those hashtag-things and then upload that to the thread after each episode if they can think of something. Then those in charge of Instagram (or Twitter) can quickly browse through them and pick the ones that fit. In that way the admins don't have to do everything, and the community can shape how Instagram (and Twitter) looks.
Not sure people are actually going to participate, and also not sure if it works out, so it's just a suggestion. Don't really need an explanation or response if you guys don't want to do that thoughÂÂ
Anyone either reading or watching Black Clover? As it happens I am at the same point in the anime as well as manga and was thinking which I should continue.
Back to 'usual' work which means I can spam on Anime Forums more
I see everything's still in one piece and there are a few new faces.
 Anything major that happened?
Aircraft question.
This is gonna sound random but I ran into a pickle at work and need someone who knows about Aircrafts. So, I'm working on error theory and need to include an example of an aircraft cockpit. Is it true that aircraft cockpits in general have these three things as interfaces (among others):
Buttons which you can push, Levers (or would you rather call it a switch?)Â which you can flick on/off and knobs which you can turn left/right?
Anyone who knows this or knows someone who knows would really do me a solid here! Or if you have any kind of reference where I can look this up (like a cockpit manual?).-
Well, you can guarantee that any and all aircraft still do require all three of the above user interfaces. Trying to change around the norms of the inside of a cockpit would get confusing, so while some more modern ones remove the mass majority of the unecisary clutter, there are still all three of the interfaces above, just varied in the number actually available :3
Just an fyi, I won't be home for about a month because of work and have no idea if and how much access to the internet I'll have. So don't go destroying the forumsÂ
 I'll try and check in when possible though
Have been wondering for a while, what exactly is this 'following' function?
Anyone here happens to live in South-East France, near Lyon? Going there in a few weeks for work and would be great if someone has any info what to see there.
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Somehow my reply got deleted, strange. Anyway, I found a Novotel there, but it's twice the price they offered to pay. Looked fantastic but in the end it's just a business trip and I'll be in the hotel only to sleep and shower. Only thing I expect is, that it's clean and things there actually work.
No doubt you’ll find something cute & comfy in France, no matter the price
My fave hotels are the little quaint ones anyway. Rooftop bars & things are a nice bonusÂ
Oh oh.. while you’re there, make sure you get to try their Bordeaux wines, if you like red wine, even the house wine is fantastic! Take some bottles home for cheap!!! And the cheese platter omg
I miss France