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Seshi last won the day on March 6 2024

Seshi had the most liked content!


  • Favourite Anime
    All time Favorite: Samurai X:Trust & Betrayal

    Current/ recent obsessions: Somali and the Forest Spirit, Chihayafuru, Demon Slayer, Rising of the Shield Hero, Summer Wars, Magi

    Oldies but goodies: Trigun, Inuyasha, Berserk, Hajime no ippo, Claymore, HSD Kenichi

  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    Aladdin (Magi) Furuba: Momiji, Ayame. Claymore: Claire, Gene. Inuyasha: Seshoumaru, Kikyo
  • Favourite Character Type


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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    FF8,9,10,12, Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance, Dragon Age Origins

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Hello everyone, its been a while! I stepped down as your community manager sometime ago... Since then there has been a void that our lovely moderators have graciously been filling. After seeing this post, I wanted to reach out again, since I never formally announced that I was taking my leave. Speaking more to this topic though, I would encourage you to apply for this position if you are interested in leading our community base online. We could use someone who likes to be engaged with the community, and has the time to put into this role. If that sounds like you, then please reach out to Optic! He is a wonderful mentor, and I'm sure you would like to work with him on creating more content for Anime Forums, and helping the community that we love to grow and thrive. I will be around as well, just not in an official capacity for now. Feel free to reach out to me, though I may not be online as frequently as I used to be. Best wishes -Seshi
  2. Hello everyone! Just a quick update here. Our new Anime Page Curator @Musuko has been working tirelessly to get the anime database updated for you all. With the addition of AniDB we are able to add in anime a lot easier than before. Due to this, you should see current anime series being added all the time! I was very excited to see that some of my favorites from the previous season were added in, and I was able to update my Favorite character list on the Anime page of my profile! =3 Also, a big thank you to all of the anime reviewers!
  3. Thank you for all of the applicants that have applied to fill our positions, we have promoted members to Forum Moderator, and Database administrator, but still would like to see some interest in the Social Media department! Someone who takes pleasure in creating posts on Instagram or Twitter and knows how to use the tag system, would be a great addition to the team! Please submit your application if after reading the requirements you think you would be a good fit for the position. The same goes for Review moderators, we would love to have someone dedicated to moderating the reviews from our members. Please be sure to apply if this interests you. ~ Have a great day
  4. I also love the fairy girl! Thanks for sharing
  5. Good day, Myouya =3

    1. Myouya


      Good late day, Seshi~

    2. Myouya


      I had so many notifications at one point, I missed this. (T_T)

  6. Loli

    Seshi said: I dub thee Loli.

    *Eyes glow in deep gratitude*

    I can now freely turn into any loli at will, thank you cutie sis. That's very sweet of you. So adorable.

    Nm1X.gif C489.gif




  7. No I have not tried tht yet. @Beocat is a proficient canner. I can only aspire to her level of awesomeness.
  8. Thanks Otakukid. Look forward to seeing you around the forums in the meantime. @Kity and @Koshigaya23 thank you for your interest, if you are serious about applying, simply follow the instructions I have posted.
  9. Now that's a nice recipe. Looks easy and healthy.
  10. Been feeling sick the last couple of days. Can't even enjoy my coffee 😑

    1. Ohayotaku
    2. Seshi
    3. Geano


      Drink a lot of tea. Tea helps your immune response.

  11. Welcome back @Persona its so nice to see you around again. I have only come across some of your older posts from when I was new here, so its cool to finally meet you and say hello =3
  12. Aside from the obvious ghibli movies, my faves are: Mary to majo no hana (Mary and the witches flower) Samurai x trust & betrayal Sword of the stranger Summer Wars
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