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LonelyPoet last won the day on April 21 2021

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    Inuyasha, Angels of Death, The World God Only Knows, Laughing Under the Clouds, My Roommate is a Cat, Rising of the Shield Hero, It's not my Fault I'm Unpopular, Cyborg 009, Spice and Wolf, His and her circumstances, Love Live, Free!, The Wallflower, Yu-gi-oh, Toilet Bond Hanako Kun, Somali and the Forest Spirit, Higurashi Guo, Sk8te the Infinity, Initial D, Bonguo Stray Dogs, Demon Slayer, Ranking if Kings
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  1. Geez a lot of people I knew back in highschool are getting married or having kids already. I thought I'd at least turn 20 before everyone I knew got married. It seems like I'm the only one how hasn't changed. I'm stuck at about age 14 both mentally and physically I guess. Atleast winter is over. I went to the park last weekend. This week I'm going to try and go to a battle of the bands at my school. Hopefully no mishaps happen. 😅 Maybe this will help me think of something for a poem.


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    2. efaardvark


      That happened to me too.  Seemed like after HS and during college everyone I knew was getting married.  I started wondering if maybe I shouldn't as well.  Then a few years later they were all getting divorced.  I dodged a bullet there it seems.  :D  Seriously though, I hope your cadre has better averages.  Divorces can be messy, especially if there's kids involved.  Frankly, the whole experience kind of put me off getting hitched myself.  (Though I'm not totally against the idea, I always felt I ought to be VERY sure before I take that step and I've never met someone I've felt all that serious about.  At least some of my friends got married just because it seemed the thing to do at the time.  That seemed then and still seems now like an insufficient reason to me.)

    3. LonelyPoet


      Yeah I don't know if I'm ever going to get married, first because I don't think anyone wants to marry me and second because my family has a history of divorce. I just feel like I should just cut it off now. I definitely need to decide sooner rather than later though. I know people these days are getting married way into their 40s but the the true is your options become really limited by that time. Since there are less other people in your age group who are also not married and because your looks (not to mention your fertility) decline at that time as well. It's just stuff you have to think about in life I guess.



      There is someone out there for all of us, don't think no one will ever want to marry you because to someone somewhere you would be perfect; I just hope you find that someone. Imo people should only date with the intention of marriage, if you date this way then you really weed through those who just wanna date for fun and those looking for a serious relationship. You are very special and I hope you find love, g'day. ♥ 

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