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Status Replies posted by Humbby

  1. how did you get 75% on that common sense test 😂 

    1. Humbby


      No Idea lol. I've seen the 2nd question multiple times before so after seeing that I started to think differently which made it easier to answer correctly, I guess? 🙄

      Though there were 2 questions where I just went to quickly otherwise I would have gotten It 11/12

      And this question still doesn't make sense to me:
      Some months have 30 days, and some have 31. How many have 28?

      the answer Is 1 but I thought It should have been 12 since every month has 28 days, oh well.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. dude, has the corona crisis quarantine brought you here again? 😂 

    1. Humbby


      Yeah kinda, Doing everything at home gives me more free time to do whatever I want :) tho I have been lurking for some days.


      So now I am communicating with people through forums again :) 

  3. Couldn't control myself, again.....
    But atleast I'm happy with what I got :D


    1. Humbby


      Nope, Mal doesn't sell any of the books I bought.

      Most of the time I buy them from Book depository.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Even though ESC Quality has declined the last years I'm still watching the finals tonight!
    C'mon duncan make us proud :D 


    1. Humbby


      Yea but 2 years ago Portugal won and that was basically the same as this but even smaller and very emotional. And he won by a Mile so im not giving up ☺ I will definitely update this if he wins. And I know odds Don't say everything hut we have 45% chance

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. f7ab6f1ec2422e90de2551254a77673c.png

    Happy April Fools

    1. Humbby


      The Zombie Girls dont look very Happy :)

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