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Status Updates posted by Sakura

  1. I got stuck in a bathroom stall that wouldn't unlock today and I had to belly crawl out of it just as one of the cleaners were coming into the bathroom. We made eye contact while I was on the ground for what felt like a good hour before they backed up and left. 

    Yeah... it's Monday 😑

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zeref


      Is this a thing girls do?

    3. Sakura


      @froggy Oh god 😱 Istg it was the most awk thing for me when that cleaning lady came in while I was doing that XD 

      @Sarada ~ Being as how you are my sister it's prolly just a matter of time before it do lmfao

      @Zeref ~ Yeah apparently I think @.@ 

    4. Sarada


      I've been locked in school before if that counts 🧍

  2. Me: I need to start saving money..
    Me: *gets money*


    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Sarada


      Wait 🧍i - what 💀

      sis barely three days ago:  "I'll never catch feelings for anyone ever again."

      Also sis: yeah so I put a ring on this random guy over here 💀

      Ik you're joking but I still laughed.

    3. Zeref


      I don't want to adopt kids sounds like trouble.

    4. Sakura



  3. I hope everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow has a wonderful day with lots of food 💜 Happy Thanksgiving AF~!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sasuke


      Happy Thanksgiving Serey.

    3. Forlorn


      Happy Thanksgiving~

    4. Sakura


      Thank you guysss I hope your day was wonderful with lotsa food and family and even if you are outside of the US I wish you a lovely holiday season 💖

  4. I'm thinking about starting a photography blog on here since I like to take a lot of pictures and I think it would be a good way to share those. However, I'm not by any means some kind of professional photographer so I'm a little apprehensive about doing so ;/ I do love to take photos of architecture and nature though as a fun hobby. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sasuke


      Lmk when you do if it's after I leave.

    3. Sakura


      It'll prolly be after you leave but yes I definitely will 💜

    4. Zeref


      Are you going to make a banner for the blog?

  5. I can't believe it's already time to start thinking about Christmas and Christmas presents. Or even that it's already about to be the end of 2024. It feels like this year has went really fast. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sakura


      @Sasuke @Zeref 
      Luckily I don't think I have seasonal depression, just normal chronic depression 🥳 LOL 
      Well after certain things going on in the US right now, without getting all political, I for one am not ready for 2025 :c 

    3. Sasuke


      I would say come to England but it isn't that much better. Let's both go back to my home country Switzerland. I think we would be much safer. 

    4. Kikyou


      I'm ready for 2025 in some ways its the year of the snake, I'm becoming older but cooler as well. Oh and Christmas too, however we don't do it like everyone now for Christmas past few years. I love the holiday songs, hallmark movies, food and making gifts for people. Not forgetting spending time with family, friends and of course my loved one. ❤

      My thoughts on living in the USA as a citizen of it, sorry no comment.


  6. I guess I'll be off AF for awhile, I'm going in to have surgery this weekend.. Around the end of September I was diagnosed with stage 3 skin cancer and I'm going in to have surgery. I guess that's the first step, the doctor is trying to remove the lymph nodes that are cancerous with this and if that doesn't work there will be radiation treatment therapy or chemotherapy. I'm hoping this surgery takes care of everything though. I have to admit I'm pretty nervous about going in for the surgery tonight, never been a fan of hospitals lol I'm very lucky to have my friends Ori and Pessi with me though, and my Dad and sister, so at least I have support. I will miss everyone here on AF though while I'm gone, this community is very lovely 💜

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sasuke


      You've got this. Every thing will be fine and when you get out of surgery tomorrow Pessi and I, your dad and sister, will all be here to help you afterwards. You're gonna kick cancers ass. 

    3. Zeref


      For anyone that wants an update the surgery went well and she is awake. The doctor believes she can go home in the morning 👍

    4. Sasuke


      I'm just glad the surgery went well. I feel a lot less worried now that this major part is out of the way. Things will get better from here 👍

  7. I thought I would be spending my birthday with just @Zeref on Saturday since moving out of state, which while I am glad he is here, it felt kind of lonely. I found out my dad, step-mom and sister are flying in for the weekend on Friday to visit though and I am soooo happy! 🥳

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakura


      That's what I'm most looking forward to, tbh. I just wanna hug my lil sister lol ~ 

    3. Animedragon


      @Sakura If I understand things correctly, birthday greetings are in order for today.

      I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and have a great time celebrating with your family.

    4. Sakura


      Thank you @Animedragon!! 💕 I had a great day + wonderful birthday. Probably one of the best I've had in a long time ^_^ 

  8. Get back on AF *shakes a stick at you*

  9. Get back on AF *hits you with a frying pan* 

  10. Happy New Year AF! 🥳

  11. Merry Christmas Anime Forums! Hope whatever you celebrate today (or even if you don't celebrate), That your day is wonderful! 🎄

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ohayotaku


      Hope you have a good holiday week as well

    3. Sakura


      Thanks very much, hope your holiday season is going great ^^

  12. I'm always really glad when this time of year comes because holiday vacation, but I'm dreading the exams that are coming before it. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakura


      I'm not sure what would happen to us if we didn't complete them at the job I worked before. Our supervisor just said they were mandatory and made everyone do them at a scheduled time so you really had no choice @_@

      Wish I had a way to skip exams though or could answer share lol 

    3. Animedragon


      I'm not sure what the senior management would have thought about people sharing answers, but I think they really wouldn't have cared as I suspect the whole annual CBT thing was just a 'box ticking' exercise. 🙂

    4. Sakura


      Yeah they seem to like to  have lots of those at every job lol 

  13. I hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving today in the U.S has a safe and happy day 💜

    1. Ohayotaku


      To you as well. I had an enjoyable meal with my sister & her family. We’re planning on checking out a Christmas lights display sometime this weekend.

    2. Sakura


      I love going to look at all the Christmas lights this time of year, I hope you have a great time :)!

  14. Okay so 3 day weekend coming up (in the U.S anyway not sure about elsewhere) for Labor Day. What's everyone doing? I don't have huge plans myself, going to a friends for a couple hours for a BBQ and will probably go for a couple walks on Lake Michigan. but I am going to enjoy 3 days of mostly doing nothing 🥳Whatever you're doing, hope you have a safe weekend AF. 

  15. I wasn't ready for the weekend to be over 😮‍💨 Monday isn't being nice to me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sakura


      Somehow it always ends up being the worst day lol only 4 days left until another weekend though now 😪

    3. Ohayotaku


      Segues nicely Into another of my favorite anime quotes spacer.png

    4. Sakura


      Yes reality sucks sometimes lol 

  16. For not being a morning person, I sure do wake up early every morning 😒

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