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Posts posted by Sakura

  1. 6 hours ago, Zeref said:

    I'm still waiting for you to come and PK me. 

    Please hold I will kill you soon enough I just have better things to do at the present time than chase you all over the Wildy map. Also I messaged Lucky back a few ago and posted in the clan chat channel so everyone can calm down lol but I really don't know why everyone lost their minds about me logging out XD 

    I also doubt I'm going to any clan events this weekend but I'll go to Woodcut Wednesday next week ~ Unless we are doing Callisto or that new boss. I want to do tempo boss with my husband @Soramee_ this weekend when I play LMAO

    • Funny 1
  2. 12 hours ago, FidelityBoss said:

    Great! I can't wait to see it, just let me know once it's ready.


    9 hours ago, Sasuke said:

    You're making his mind up for him in that case and not giving him the chance to speak it. You're coming to a conclusion that's likely incorrect based on what your anxiety is lying to you about. At least try to follow Pessi's advice. It doesn't have to be weird.  

    I mean maybe but I'm just certain I'm right. 

    9 hours ago, kyson said:

    bro ya'll making me feel lonely bro I just got out of having no one and now ya'll brought back the PTSD 😂

    Pretty much all I write lately is sad lol

    5 hours ago, Zeref said:

    Yup. Men are very simple. Just say something and even if he isn't looking at you like that most of us won't be insulted by it lol. I know you don't want to be hurt but putting that wall up and not giving it even a chance when you felt it this much is only hurting you in the long run. 

    No, I don't lol but I don't think I can handle going through hearing what I'm afraid of hearing right now. I just want to live in my head about it :/ 

    • Sad 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Soramee_ said:





    I started this game 2 minutes before and I couldn't even figure out how to WALK and some RANDO pops up and is like
    "Hello you two look like you are destined to spend the rest of your lives together take these rings and let your love burn across the night sky":icondragongrin:







    As noted in the exhibits above, you even stated "If Serey wants the rings I don't mind" and we both mutually agreed we are married now. AND anyway we already had 3 children together which now somehow we have 7 so now are just stuck together forever :icondragonhuh1plz: All I wanted was to fish LOL Now I'm married and raising a family. So if anyone wants to know what I'm doing today it'll be going out to get a job to support the family and my husband who beats me constantly :icondragoncryingplz: but it's okay I love him and our fish-kids and I know it'll get better.


    • Confused 1
    • Cute (Kawaii) 1
  4. @Animedragon thank you and I'm still positive you have time to find someone :3 

    @Sarada @Sasuke Tyty ~ I get it but istg it's not that easy lol it's not like I don't WANT to I just don't want to hear what I already know they'd say. It seems like a much safer option to me to keep it in my head where at least there is zero chance of having to hear it 

    @Zeref yeah no never in a millions years could I do that best I'd do is scream it over chat and then immediately turn off my computer for the next three days not even able to look at what they said back lmao 

    20 hours ago, FidelityBoss said:


    Thank you!! 

    I'm writing yet another one but I may not finish until the weekend.

    19 hours ago, Sasuke said:

    This is written beautifully and you really have a way of conveying feelings through your writing. I'd really like to see you writing happy poetry one day though.

    It may well be a happy one >~> 

    • Like 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Sasuke said:

    She wasn't wrong. Remember Xiad? 🤣 or that Goten1999 kid and what he did on video chat? 

    Please ono not Xiad why do we need to bring HIM up x.x 

    OH MY GOD NOT THE GOTEN PERSON PLEASE NO I.. The Trauma... Lmfao I WAS NEVER THE SAME AFTER THAT ~ I don't know how we even managed to win that clan war.. Because as I recall we still won all with some psycho guy being nude on cam ffs 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Zeref said:

    And watching you almost level a punching bag today was as if like I was watching the start of someone's villain arc. 

    I went to work and finished by 1 today which @Sakura came home and went to the gym with me around that time making me a little surprised because she never tags along to that with me. We did some kickboxing together I was teaching her some things and she went off on the poor punching bag I was afraid she damaged her hands. Exercise or workouts like this I felt are a good way of releasing angry feelings or sadness so I think it was still okay to do that. Sometimes the same helps me when I'm aggravated at things. 

    Since doing that not much else I played FFX for a little while and then had dinner. Now I'm feeling sleepy and lazy. 

    Honestly hitting something helped lol my head has been so confused this week that I've just wanted to scream. Directing it onto that gave me what I needed in some ways ~ 

    Today I'm just at class I'm not really doing anything exciting yet. I have some free time right now because I've no idea where our teacher wandered off to lol ~ 

    Last night was fun though ~! @Soramee_ taught me how to play Osu! And there were fish there! We adopted fish named Frederick, Hank and Abe lmao I swear I'm awful at the actual game though which has very little to do with fish butttt I thought it was fun regardless. Though I feel badly for him having to deal with teaching me because he's like a god at it and I'm at best a handicapped ant with one brain cell. 

    I had actually gotten a group together that was supposed to go PK'ing with @Sasuke on rs last night but the Osu thing made me forget and I just left them hanging at Edgeville so my b Ori if you read this blame Sora XD 

    • Friendly 1
    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  7. It's raining this morning though not as bad as it was last night. Last night there was a pretty bad thunderstorm going on and I heard the tornado siren going off at one point but I don't know if that possibly a mistake because it only lasted a little over a minute ~ I got woken up this morning by a huge lightning strike that sounded like it hit the building next door or something and I almost fell out of bed @.@ I couldn't really fall asleep again after that 

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  8. I decided to write a poem to get some things off my chest, clear my head. I don't really follow any rhyming scheme, I just felt like writing how I felt. 

    I'm writing love letters to no one,
    Because you'll never read them,
    They are just whispers to the wind,
    Echoes in the dark I'll never share. 

    Each word is a little piece of my heart,
    Tear stained pages wishing you'd be mine,
    But in this dance of words,
    You'll never see what I've left unsaid.

    I'll write to the stars, to the quiet night, to the misty sea,
    To the dreams I have of you & me,
    Hoping that somewhere, in this endless night,
    They'll somehow reach your heart. 

    I write of dreams we'll never share,
    Of moments that will never be,
    A universe that never was,
    Between you and me.

    I send these letters into the ocean,
    Let them drift where no one can see,
    A piece of my soul, A whispered plea,
    A love that will likely never be.

    I'm writing love letters to no one,
    A story that will never be told.
    But in this silence, I still believe,
    That love can bloom between you and me. 

    I'm writing love letters to no one,
    But I hope someday you'll see,
    That every word etched out,
    Was only ever meant for thee. 

    • Sad 1
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  9. I have the absolutely worst stomach pains I've ever had in my life that started about an hour ago and I honestly feel like I'm dying X.X I was having a perfectly fine day trying to relax and life was just like "No. Absolutely effin not". @.@ Send helpppp ~ 

    • Sad 2
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  10. 3 hours ago, Zeref said:

    I managed to be able to work out at lunch today. I didn't get to in a few days from being busy. The weather wasn't nice enough to use outside equipment so I only used in the inside gym. 

    I got assigned starting a new project at work that will take several months to complete but it felt good to know I'll be working on a long-term project. 

    Sometimes watching you is like watching a little hamster in his enrichment zone just living his best life LMAO 


    I didn't go to school today I felt like that was best after how I was feeling yesterday and still feeling this morning so I slept in and stayed in bed watching videos or playing games most of the day and trying to figure out a few things in my head. In conclusion I figured out nothing wooo.. 🎊

    • Sad 1
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  11. The weather in Kentucky be like:
    Monday - Tropical, warm, 80s
    Tuesday - Snowstorm
    Thursday - Beautiful blue autumn-like day, mid 50's
    Saturday - So much fog you can't see until it's 1-2 PM
    Sunday - Just pray to God because today there is all the above happening hourly. 

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  12. @Zeref I would end you before that happens 

    @Sarada @SasukeHAAAAAAAAAA that's why I tell everyone I was playing RS since I was a toddler because.. technically.. I was lmao Dad used to let me sit and click the stuff on his account until mom would yell about it & then he made me an acc when I was 5 and he would help me click things... again.. until mom would be like "SheS goInG To meeT a peDo on tHAt THINg"!! Like chill wtf he never left me unsupervised x.x 

    @ZerefST and EH are dead it's the new era. But ya @Sarada dad made an account last night I haven't talked to him today though so I don't know if he played on it yet or what the name is. 

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  13. 10 hours ago, FidelityBoss said:

    This is beautifully raw, more like emotions put straight to paper than just words. It reads like poetry to me, even if that wasn’t the intention. The longing, the what-ifs, and the acceptance of heartbreak all hit deep. Feels like something meant to be whispered into the night. 💙

    Thank you 💜 
    That pretty much covers what I was going through when I wrote it lol ~ missing someone very deeply that I cared about very much & never told them, and pretty much just having to live with it the rest of my life I imagine. Writing things like this have helped me deal with it and to attempt to move on from it. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Zeref said:

    whom'st'd've'dist'd'n't'st'd've'll's'd've're'n't'y'all'll'ven't said I was going to use my HC? 

    whom'st'd've'dist'd'n't'st'd've'll's'd've're'n't'y'all'll'ven't't'whom'st'd'y'all've'nt'll've'y'all'oughtn'tt'shan't've'there'dn't'vet'be'st'dn'mightn't'ven't'st've'ten'y'all'st'd'n't've'll'on't'vehe'd SAID I STILL COULDN'T TAKE YOUR MAIN??? I know things ~waves stick in the air~

    2 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

    ... what did i do to get into this situation all of a sudden
    Kafuu Chino Wondering GIF - Kafuu Chino Wondering Anime - Discover & Share  GIFs

    We can take him if we work together so DW. 

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