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Shiroe last won the day on June 22 2019

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  1. Done, except for Dragon Maid. I'm getting a BadTItle Error, not too sure about that one. Nice taste by the way.
  2. One more week until freedom.

  3. Any game developers here? I've been thinking of making an XCOM-like for the past few weeks. I've been working on sprites the last few days, and I'm hoping to move onto the game functionality soon. I'm thinking about starting a new blog here on AF just to log my notes about the development cycle. If there are other game devs here, what has your experience been like?
  4. To be honest, I liked No Game No Life: Zero way more than the anime series. When I first watched No Game No Life, I was pretty excited for a second season, but after watching Zero, I'm fine with what the series has offered.
  5. Finished Neon Genesis Evangelion and Madoka Magicka.
  6. I'm a month late, but I finally finished it. These characters are amazingly fun to watch, and I had a lot of fun finally seeing these awesome abilities and personalities come to life. I'll give the show an 8/10. Like Ohiotaku said earlier, it's lightweight in comparison to Fate/Zero or Fate/stay night. My biggest complaint about the show is that it doesn't spend enough time on the serious moments, making it constantly feel like it's in happy mode. Now for some fanboy moments. Even with my hype, I'd say this show is pretty bad for Fate newcomers. If you're new to Fate and don't know where to start, please read the original Fate/stay night visual novel. This show also doesn't make a lot of sense if you've skipped over all of the previous singularities, so you may have to read them or play the Fate/Grand Order mobile game.
  7. I'm going to go with Kizumonogatari and Oath Under Snow. Both of them have great takes of the main character.
  8. Thanks for adding the Spring 2020 seasonals. I am loving this season =3

  9. Hey everyone, I'll be helping out AwesomeDude20 from now on. Added. I also added in some anime from the Spring 2020 season of anime. If anyone has any requests, feel free to let me know.
  10. Looking forward to working with everyone.
  11. So, I think someone has been stealing my blog posts and reposting them on another website. I feel so... weird. Is there anything I can do about this? Should I do anything about this?

    1. RuthisianCodex


      I don't know what you can do about it but that's kinda creepy that someone is doing that to you.

  12. Love OreGairu! Don't remember exactly what happened in episode 1, though.
  13. Finished: Haikyuu Toradora Tensei Slime Noragami
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