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Blog Comments posted by Metro

  1. I know it's not my place to comment but I do see both sides of the conversations in way. The loosing of your musical equipment is definitely gutting. And Tobi your messages have been coming across pretty passive aggressive. From personal experience I understand feeling so attached to your instruments and from what I know of you D, you do love your music. From what I get on the string situation as both you know they are meant to be changed regular enough (every couple of months) but I do agree with D on the point it does depend on how much you play it. My dad's old electric guitar has some pretty serious rusting from years of not being played or well kept, and it would cost a pretty penny to fix. On the matter of strings though, here in Ireland a "cheap" pair of strings is at least 15 euro which is like 16 dollars. Having them break or get old is a serious dampener on the wallet and heart. 

    Either way there's no room in this community for passive aggressiveness from either party, we're a community here to discuss our common interests and make friends, not enemies. Nobody can judge each other and nobody knows each other's situations. D if music is your passion keep rocking and I wish you the best and hope your family is alright. 

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