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  1. Think my time here is drawing to a close. Kind of out of topics to post in and September is just around the corner which means so big name games releasing. :/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Seshi
    3. awesomedude20


      The way this notified me, it made it seem like Seshi was leaving and I started to panic.

      NOT THAT YOU'RE LESS IMPORTANT, still sad to see a member leave, it's very true that the forum is a tad dead right now. We're working on it, basically ;D

      If you are heading out, well, do check back sometime, and uhh...


    4. Vitis


      I'm most assuredly less important, just some guy that showed up and stayed for a bit though I'm not quite gone yet, come September I probably will be unless there's something that piques my interest to return for like more gamers coming around, shoppe picks up, maybe a SoTW basically something forum based that isn't anime related.XD I might try to get a Code Vein discussion going when it gets closer it's anime-esque. Even when I'm effectively gone I tend to return like a bad penny or check for notifications every so often, really wasn't expecting any kind of response or I would have been more specific in the initial post.

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