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Open Club · 14 members · Last active
heyo~ its yo boi, x-kun the clubs centered around <PROJECTS>, any sort of project you may want to create, is creating(on going-projects), or have created that you want to share is allowed here please refer to RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CLUB before you advertise works this club is centered around <announcing/creating a project> you have in mind that want to come in fruit with, and of course, you may recruit any willing-individual to work with you to make the project not a fantasy, but a reality lastly, lets all have fun~ https://animeforums.net/topic/6797-club-rules-and-regulations-and-other-important-stuff~/
Open Club · 13 members · Last active
A club specifically focused on sharing any knowledge, insights or things you've picked up on writing and narrative in all shapes and sizes. Unlike the writer's clubs, this is more focused on teaching and learning new things, rather than sharing individual stories, so please feel free to join both! From people either getting into writing or those who have had years of experience doing so, anyone and everyone can learn or teach! Thus, I welcome you, to the writer's archive!