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Amane_Miko last won the day on October 12 2019

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1 Follower


  • Favourite Anime
    Pandora Hearts
    Fairy Tail
    Bungou Stray Dogs
    Boku No Hero Academia
    Detective Conan
    Fruits Basket
    Ouran High School Host Club
    Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
    Death Note
    Vampire Knight
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    Alice from PH, Killua Zoldyck from HXH, Lucy Heartphilia from FT, etc.
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  • Location
    Somewhere between Heaven and Earth.
  • Occupation
    College Student
  • Interests
    Anime, manga, games, books, writing
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Shin and Ukyo from Amnesia
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  1. Welcome to the forums~ I'm quite new here as well, so I hope we'll get along.
  2. Ahaha, you're welcome, I'm far from an angel though. Ofc it works, I always download whatever YouTube video I like from there. XD It's kind of a hack, but I thought most people knew about it. owo Glad I could be of some help.
  3. Sure. owo Here you go~ Nothing but AMV
  4. While I don't have Youtube Red, I really like the AMV so I'm gonna download it regardless. Thank you for the rec. ^^
  5. I liked the second and last one quite a bit. o.o If you like visualizations, perhaps you'll like these. They are not AMVs, but I hope you don't mind. Remember to turn on the subtitles, they make the video even more amazing. You don't need subtitles for this one. Would a person who's lurking tell you that they are lurking? <.<
  6. I liked the second and last one quite a bit. o.o If you like visualizations, perhaps you'll like this. It's not an AMV, but I hope you don't mind. Remember to turn on the subtitles, they make the video even more amazing. You don't need subtitles for this one. Would a person who's lurking tell you that they are lurking? <.<
  7. Sounds better with headphones on. Something about this sends chills down my spine. Dazai's voice, most probably.
  8. Okay, Keiko-san. Yes, karaoke and reading the lyrics does improve all aspects of learning the language. It helps tremendously with your pronounciation, bringing it closer to their native style of talking. Reading and writing are also improved because the lyrics help you learn more words, their meaning and the different forms they're used in. Kanji is the most difficult part of the whole language, I guess. I often get the complex ones mixed up, or sometimes their meanings get jumbled up. I do need to practise though. Okay, thank you Keiko-san.
  9. 88°F, it's humid and cloudy. I wish it would rain.
  10. Oh, me too! The only dubs I've listened to are of Pokemon and Ghost Stories but other than that, all of the anime I've watched are subbed. I once tried to watch the abridged version of Fairy Tail (in English) and it felt strange. Like it's not the Natsu or Lucy I'm used to. I stopped it at the first episode. And yes, I'm a super fast reader as well. Especially if it's a novel I really like.
  11. Okay then. Would you prefer Keiko-san? or Keiko-chan? Ah, I see. I had started in April so I'm a lot better at it now. I used to have so much trouble with remembering the sets of characters properly. I often mixed a few characters of Hiragana with Katakana. Well, I still mix up Kanji though. Hi efaardvark. Thank you for the welcome. Would you mind if I call you Vark? Your name is a bit long. Hey there. I see. I suppose I just liked the art and the extended story-line of 2011 better. Yes, I've heard that too. And truth be told, only 2 people had passed out of the 10 people in my class that gave the exam earlier this year. Though it seemed like they just didn't study despite attending the class for so long. I'm hoping I can pass it on my first go. ><
  12. I prefer subs if they are available. I can understand maximum of their dialogues due to watching anime all these years so at this point, I'd even prefer raw anime since I don't need to look at the subtitles much. But a few series, I feel like the dubs are better than the subs. Like Ghost Stories and Pokemon. Although I liked watching a few episodes which were only subbed in Pokemon but the names and voices are just too different from the dub. I'm so used to hearing dubs of Pokemon that hearing the voices and reading the subs felt weird to me.
  13. It will probably end when he's done defeating everyone (Four Emperors, Shichibukai, and Sakazuki) and has found One Piece. And that's a long time in the future. I'm kind of torn about it. On one hand, it's a great anime and I don't want it to end. On the other hand, I wanna finish watching it and come to a closure. In the end, I just wanna see more, I guess.
  14. Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter. I dunno why but something about him has stuck with me to this day. Especially those eyes when he's in assassin mode. >///<
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