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Myouya last won the day on March 5

Myouya had the most liked content!


  • Favourite Anime
    Carole & Tuesday
  • Favourite Genres
  • Favourite Character Type
    Dandere - Set 2


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Auxiliary Veterinarian student
  • Interests
    Drawing, writing, creating, cosplay, D&D
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Touhou Project 東方, Kingdom Hearts, Baldur's Gate 3
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Karlach, Riku (KH), Rin Kaenbyou
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Nintendo 3DS

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  1. I doubt anyone is wondering about this, however this former member's goodbye message makes a very serious accusation towards me, and I don't like misinformation. So here's what they're referring to!


    "wants to redefine the meanings of words", they were questioning the existence of a "no LGBT-phobia" rule, I promptly explained it a few times, to no avail.
    "to suit their own agenda", dear human... is an agenda meant to protect individuals from harassment a program that shouldn't be endorsed?
    The conversation I had with this lad a few months ago is still intact, and should anyone request it, I'll happily distribute complete screenshots for you to see with your own eyes their suspicious and obnoxious terms.

    It's usually a shame to lose members like this, but frankly, I'm quite delighted that they did the job of sparing Anime Forums from themselves. It deserves better than members audaciously attacking rules that protect a core and innocent part of the community.


    PS: they were planning on a more dramatic departure? Shoot, I should've set off all the fireworks in celebration... but they're not worth it.

    1. Loli


      Legal action, he's got humor. You do what you can, don't let one comment bring you down lovely.

    2. Metro


      It's crazy to me how much was going on behind the doors, I've been here on/off for my whole adolescence and I've seen so many people come and go. I never thought there was much drama in the place. I still believe this is a great place with a very surprisingly strong community, I've rarely had any issues with the way this place has been run. 

    3. Myouya


      @Metro While I am doing my best to manage and moderate this place, it would be nothing without all the long-time dedicated members, I wholeheartedly agree!

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