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Myouya last won the day on March 5 2024

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  • Favourite Anime
    Carole & Tuesday
  • Favourite Genres
  • Favourite Character Type
    Dandere - Set 2


  • Location
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    Auxiliary Veterinarian student
  • Interests
    Drawing, writing, creating, cosplay, D&D
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Touhou Project 東方, Kingdom Hearts, Baldur's Gate 3
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Karlach, Riku (KH), Rin Kaenbyou
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Nintendo 3DS

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  1. Why was I given a warning for "Impersonating staff"? I in no way posted that I was a staff member, I merely told the person who posted in a thread I started on Muscular Anime Women that the girl he posted was not in fact a muscular anime woman. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Myouya


      @Clayton I will clarify then, it's not about nudity itself, obviously nudity in art is a completely different story. The reason why it's inappropriate is because of the subject itself: fetishes, which by definition is the hyper sexualisation of certain traits in any person or thing, and that is most definitely another form of R18 discussion, one that shouldn't take place in front of children for any reason. You were basically asking others "what turns you on?", I hope you can see why this is a discussion that 1. is not relevant to a healthy talk about anime, since it does already suffer a lot from harmful fanservice, and 2. is not fine in front of minors, I hope you can agree with that, at least

    3. Clayton


      HARMFUL FANSERRVICE?! What language are you speaking?

      While I understand you having an aversion to rule breaking stuff, again discussing sex, including sex in anime, is not a bad thing. 


      How is fanservice harmful? In many cases it's the entire basis of many fine anime from Sailor Moon to DBZ. Outlaw Star (Did you see episode 25?) and many more. 

    4. Myouya


      @Clayton This is your last warning, discussing fetishes (which is the original topic, I'm not saying discussing sex is bad in other contexts) is not appropriate in a forum where minors can access, once again. If you fail to understand that, please do not interact in shared services with minors, in general.

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