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Posts posted by Myouya

  1. 9 hours ago, ArchieKun said:

    Well you could use the books for fuel like I mentioned earlier, but then you'd have nothing for entertainment and they would not burn forever.

    Oh, I misread it.
    No, I wouldn't tire of reading them again and again and again. I guarantee you that.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Kuramura said:


    Nice!  Which character did you cosplay as?  Was it Flandre (since she is in your profile picture)?


    I cosplayed as Sakuya Izayoi from Koumajou Densetsu. There's a picture in my profile.

  3. On 11/4/2018 at 6:03 PM, ArchieKun said:

    Ya the so called subspace story line in brawl more, or less sucked in my opinion. It was cool the first couple times I played through it though. I think a skill tree system would be hella fun honestly, and would make the game more challenging.

    What aspects are you looking the most forward in it.

    Any game mode, but playing Zelda & Sheik.

    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, the_twig said:

    So neither of us is exactly an expert in quantum, however one of us is a chemist. As far as we understand it, the two places at once thing is not 100% accurate. Instead, when you look for something in a place where it could theoretically be, it is there, and when you look for it in another place where it could theoretically be, it is there.

    Something that a lot of people don't understand is that quantum mechanics is effective on the particular level. We're talking single electrons. Even molecules are too big.

    One of the more interesting properties of particles is quantum tunnelling. That basically means that a particle can pass through an energy barrier that it should not be able to break. Imagine you throw a tennis ball at a wall. It bounces off because it does not have enough energy to break the wall. Now if you shoot a cannon ball at the wall it goes straight through, because it has enough energy to break the barrier.
    With a particle, even if it doesn't have enough energy to break the barrier, there is still a non-zero probability of it passing through. There are multiple explanations for this, but one that we particularly like is the 4th dimensional particle one.

    To explain this, we're going to drop down to 2D vs. 3D, because 4D objects are exceptionally hard to visualise.
    Imagine you are a 2D person throwing a 2D tennis ball (circle) at a 2D wall (line). It will just bounce off of the wall. Drawing in the spoiler below.

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    If however you were a 3D person throwing a 3D tennis ball (sphere) at a 2D wall (line), you could just throw it around/over the wall. Image in the spoiler below. To a 2D observer, it would look like you had just thrown a 2D tennis ball (circle) through a 2D wall (line).

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    This same property also works if you scale up to 3D vs. 4D. A 4D tennis ball (hypersphere) can go around a 3D wall (cuboid) by simply stepping into the 4th dimension.

    It does however bring up the interesting suggestion that we are 3D observers made of 4D particles passing linearly through 5D time.

    Fascinating explanation, this is why I've got to love chemistry and physics... Also, you may want to edit your post, because it's set so only staff can see it, and how write in here without joining the club? (^ω^)

  5. The quantum world is a question in itself, it's one of my favourite topics. What fascinates me about quantum mechanics is mainly the fact that particles appear and disappear almost instantaneously, at any given moment in time in any region of space. Would you imagine if this was on a larger scale, being in your room and a chunk of material from far far away spawns only to disappear when you try to look at it? Wait... perhaps this really explains why you sometimes experiene a very quick flash in your sight, or when you look at something you thought just moved, but there was nothing there...
    Aah, this is so complex.

    About atoms behaving differently when you look at them or not, that's another completely different question, similar to the cat in the box paradox. Technically, with the information quantum mechanics gives us, we can predict every single action and event that will take place in an atom, even if we're not looking at it, so that point is still sort of unclear to me.

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  6. Oh - aah - ... ehm... The thing is that I feel like I transform into something partially new with every introspection, it's a never-ending transformation.
    Here are the facts:

    1. I am much more sensitive than it really looks like, to various emotions, but especially to strong ones, I'll explain in detail later.
    2. I think in ways that seem unnatural.
    3. I am dangerously sadistic and spiteful.
    4. I can be stubborn, but always remain open-minded.
    5. I dare say I live in some form of state of ataraxia (constant happiness, by the fact of "being" something).

    Now, how do I interpret this?
    I see myself as an unnatural thinking human being, due to the fact that barely a minuscule part of world-spread cultural/mental behaviours apply to me. I cannot let go of grudges easily, I have this conviction that a person does not deserve to be forgiven unless they mean to be forgiven, and make an effort to undo their damage, no matter how much time has passed since they committed whatever it is that's wrong to my eyes, so if I see this person has not changed their way of being, forgiveness is out of question. Therefore in that aspect, I am ruthless, and I accept that; not everyone deserves the same mercy.
    Every time I'm confronting a new behaviour or a new culture, I genuinely try to understand its reasons, however, this does not mean I'm not going to reject this culture, if it has aspects I find wrong, I'll avoid having myself linked to it in any way, in other words, I mean to show myself as a person without notion of patriotism, or belonging to a place/culture, because of the fact I was born there. To me, that's a mistake.
    As said, a small portion of my happiness comes from myself (I like how I am, I have consciousness over what I am, what I'm not, what I can be, what I can't be, what I can do, what I can't do...), so the rest of it comes from the happiness of my friends, their own state of being, their own problems, I consider them partially as my own and will always offer assistance to make them happy. 
    All summarized in a single sentence: I don't live to be happy, I live to prevent those I find worthy from being unhappy.

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    • Love it! (Daisuki) 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, __DeadMan__ said:

    I am trying to get some friends 

    Hello, welcome to Anime Forums. If you tell just a bit more about yourself, it'll be much easier to make a friend or two quickly.

  8. 2 minutes ago, XII360 said:

    now that i think about it...NaCl is kinda table salt, huh

    remember kids, dont do school, it messes your thinking process up so much that you think sodium chloride is poison >__>

    Indeed, NaCl is literally salt. Hehe.

    • Winner 1
  9. (I don't quite understand what "decent sized" means...) For the rest, I'd date.

    A vampire who's gender cannot be identified. They like biting their nails so much that they can go as far as nibbling its bones. Besides this, they are a sympathic and benevolent person. (^_^)"

  10. On 9/15/2018 at 11:09 AM, XII360 said:

    a death that was clearly worth it ^

    i take the toothpaste, and take some content of the toothpaste, after reducing the toothpaste's content, i add in some poisons (NaCl?, nah, sodium chlorides too cheap, lets go for mercuric oxide) inside the toothpaste and leave it back where its worth, place a camera in the bathroom where i can watch somewhere, waiting for you to brush the teeth, with the poisoned toothbrush,

    after finding out that plan failed, since you will probably notice it,i sneak in at the night, take the toothbrush, sneak inside your room, tape up your hands and feet, and then, stab you in the eyes every 3 minutes, and after the 12th minute (twice on both eyes), ill add the poison in the brush, and then throw it in the eyeball that stabbed at, leaving it there for the following day

    (jesus did i go specific and dark in this, tf,. i need medical help)

    next item: Elmer's Glue

    Eh... are you sure sodium chloride is a "poison"?

    As an object, I'll say : an unlimited stock of ice cream.

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