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Everything posted by Myouya

  1. As I have stated in posts discussing a similar subject, not really... I avoid having any sort of alcohol in my body. I did use to drink cider 3-4 times a year, but I also stopped that after I got very slightly dizzy from it. I also avoid it because of how it can be misused/abused. I wouldn't like to be in a situation where someone offers me a drink with alcohol, since they might call me "weak" or "kid", when I'm really just trying to have fun without losing any bit of my mental capabilties.
  2. Hehe, yeah. Messing with physics is entertaining. *Blows up the universe by accident*
  3. The scissors problem takes a made up point however, it’s not real information traveling the distance. Aye aye, that’s where the fun is, hehe.
  4. "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." -Confucius
  5. This one shows that what matters is the important, not how many fancy words you use in a long sentence. Good job.
  6. Battle for Middle-Earth ( ̄个 ̄)
  7. Myouya


    As people grow older, they also become more attached to their "being", they are less likely to change into something better. You, don't have to change on that side.
  8. Hello, welcome to Anime Forums!
  9. Granted, their battle submit the world into chaos as elder gods awaken and become enraged. I wish I knew how to read.
  10. How about a full body portrait of the protagonist of the RPG?
  11. Granted, but it literally costs a kidney to have access to it for a single day. I wish I was a pancake.
  12. (I was only responding to it, I wasn't adding anything since I have to go, no time to think about it ( ◜◡‾) )
  13. ( I don't care if it's fake, it's Saku Saku (´﹃`) Heuheuheuheuhue...... )
  14. Granted, but once you make a deposit you cannot get the money out. (ㆆᴗㆆ) I wish I had a Sakuya Izayoi figurine.
  15. I believe it's really not necessary, as said above by others, it doesn't add much if anything at all to characters and to the story (unless the story is based on sex jokes). It is irritating because at this point I cannot watch anime in front of my parents peacefully, if I have doubts that it might include fan service. When it's supposed to be a story with a reasonably good meaning and it slaps you in the face with something like it, I want to pull my hair. How it should be: -Anime supposed to be serious -> no fan service -Joke anime supposed to be for 'anyone' -> all the fan service you want To add more, the fan service should not be included in the main anime in the first place, in my opinion. It should be left as an extra episode or something like that.
  16. @Shift You are welcome to Anime Forums, like the others said.
  17. @Hatsune_Werewolf Your own anime club? That’s nice.
  18. @3YearsinJapan Welcome to Anime Forums. Kobe, eh? I hope it's nice there. If you want to find anime recommendations, there's a thread around. Here it is: But anyone may also leave their suggestions here. Tell me what's your favourite anime and maybe from that I can give you a recommendation.
  19. Granted, but he only repeats the sentence "Everything is relative", and won't say anything else. I wish I could summon Pokémon into the real world.
  20. Wish denied. Fine! Granted, but you are not allowed to touch them, if you do, you get electrocuted badly. I wish I could teleport from home to school and vice-versa.
  21. @Nono Welcome to Anime forums, you'll find endless recommendations here, so suit yourself!
  22. Granted, but then it will rain for three weeks consecutively. I wish I could stop time.
  23. Granted, but every time they take off, lightning hits your head. I wish I recieved no spam e-mails forever.
  24. Granted, but every time you breathe air in, the world around you slows down. I wish to have infinite wishes (ㆆᴗㆆ)
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