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Everything posted by Myouya

  1. @AniMeFReaK Awkward...? I don't quite see it that way.
  2. Hmmm... I wonder as well. To make it simple, I think one of the factors that makes it great, is how diverse and entertaining anime can be despite it looking all the same if we look at it globally. It requires a lot of imagination to create one, and a lot of interest from the watcher to understand what goes on. I think it's often quite well balanced.
  3. @ArchieKun What do you like so much about Sayori?
  4. You quote yourself and stay blank? Curious.
  5. Welcome then, bienvenida a Anime Forums (^▽^)
  6. To be honest, I somehow feel that if I'm selected, it might be because no one else applied for it, just like it might happen with @ArchieKun ≖‿≖ I'm joking. I hope.
  7. I started in Star Wars TOR, I was introdued to it there (the first time was funny since I had no idea what they were talking about), but after that I've also done it on LOTRO, tabletop RPGs, and other custom ones.
  8. I sure do Role Play a lot in many MMORPGs, and I've loved it since I started 5 years ago. I think it's a wonderful way to use and develop creativity and imagination.
  9. I am made out of 15 types of honey.
  10. I ran to the garage to get a new waifu pillow because I lost my old Emilia pillow. If ____ plus ____ equals _____ , then it would only make sense that I was born to be a ______ .
  11. Saitama got so tired of winning ever(y?) fight that he gave up on his past life to become a farmer. If I was from ______ , I would have been forced to marry ______ .
  12. Pies, cupcakes, and carrots are suitable things for acting tsundere. When _______ sings like a(n) _______ , it makes me want to _______ .
  13. What are you? I really mean that, what species of living being are you?
  14. I've thought about this plenty of times, my conclusion is usually the same: I really don't see the use of piercings, they don't add any 'beauty' to my eyes, rather, they take away lots of it. They're also very unpractical, can cause infections if made wrong, can be dangerous if they get stuck with an object. Can you imagine the pain of having one of them pulled out of your skin because it got in the wrong place, like some cloth? As for tattoos, it's almost the same. They don't add anything super duper, and the ink filters through the skin and those microparticles eventually reach your blood. You wouldn't want having ink in your blood, eh? I know, it's not like hundreds of people die from ink intoxication every year I guess, but it still adds up to the list of factors that can end up harming your body.
  15. Welcome around, ArchieKun, to Anime Forums! I might ask you a few questions later, about those games you like.
  16. Oh, no, I meant my 'actual' waifu. Sorry for the awkward thing.
  17. What do I know... ask my waifu about that.
  18. I tried on the pieces I have for my cosplay to date. My mother laughed at it, but so did I...
    ↁ_ↁ I want to wear it complete so badly...



      Who are you cosplaying? 

    2. Myouya


      @SAO LILDOOP It's a secret until the time to wear it comes.



      Oooh, mysterious. :) 

  19. I left my application in there, time to wait.
  20. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vcm6Yqwz1NHkY4Za6 Here you have a link to check them all.
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