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Everything posted by Myouya

  1. I purchased a PlayStation four yesterday, along with the entire Kingdom Hearts saga. Yay.

    1. txGemgal3084


      So in other words you are telling us you won't be around for awhile lol.



      Awesome! I have been saving for a PS4 myself, think I am gonna get it in around a week; hope you have a great time play Kingdom hearts! ~ <3 

    3. Myouya


      @txGemgal3084 Unfortunately, or fortunately, depends how you see it : No, that's not the case. I won't be able to play for a week, heh.

      @SAO LILDOOP I have been saving for it for a year myself, I was so happy when I got it. 

  2. Believe me, it's worth going until the final boss at least. The stories are just amazing.
  3. Definitely either Mudkip, Torchic, or Shinx. Those are the Pokémon I'm the most attached to after those games.
  4. The Mystery Dungeon games are my favourite Pokémon series of all time.
  5. I just saw this. I hope it goes well, as usual. After all, we need you to work to keep the website going! @Optic PS: Do you admit donations?
  6. For a change, more Touhou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN5Gi2T22mI&amp;index=29&amp;list=PLgO-eRKVtNB8kcWJVAwwCzvWdIMS8z3iy
  7. Good question. I would say it's a 'safe-zone' for me, safe from the rest of the internet. That might be one of the reasons why I'm still here, few places like this exist! Let's preserve this peaceful space.
  8. Fascinating, I didn't know about this.
  9. That's was my point, it's funny because it's 'yandere romantic'
  10. Thanks for opinion, Lildoop (^-^) . It matters a lot to me. Thanks for your support!
  11. @seemore_bhutts Do you like MMORPGs?
  12. Thank you! Was the other one yours? I think the writing and yours are similar, so I'm supposing you wrote it. It's also a very good one and I was scared you'd beat me with it.
  13. Yeeeeeeeeeeey I'm so excited! (ᗒᗨᗕ)
  14. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please! Mr Sakurai, has psychic powers and can read minds, however he only eats bananas and is always followed by his ex-girlfriend, a mad tsundere who likes knives.
  15. @Optic Thank you for taking measures, we know it's best for now. Patience is the key, let's not get ahead of ourselves when you have other things to take care of. Courage for your other issues (╹◡╹)
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