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Posts posted by Myouya

  1. 3 hours ago, Amane_Miko said:

    Okay then. Would you prefer Keiko-san? or Keiko-chan?
    Ah, I see. I had started in April so I'm a lot better at it now. I used to have so much trouble with remembering the sets of characters properly. I often mixed a few characters of Hiragana with Katakana. Well, I still mix up Kanji though.

    I will prefer Keiko-San, if I choose.
    Curiously, the kana do not pose such a problem to me. I have recently begun practising with karaoke, and reading the lyrics. Little results so far, I'm confident nonetheless that it might help for pronounciation, reading, and writing.
    Kanji is something unlike anything I've learned before, but I am eager to continue learning them throughout.

    If you should like, Amane, feel free to message me anytime for any matter.

  2. 1 hour ago, Amane_Miko said:

    Okay. I asked because I have an unconscious habit of adding '-san' or '-chan' to Japanese names. XD
    Oh, which level? I've never met a person outside of my class who's learning or has learnt the language.


    Oh, feel free to add the honorific suffixes. I mind not.
    I am in first year, I started four weeks ago. You mentioned you were a beginner as well.

  3. My Instance

    Dough, dough,
    Fabric of my eyes.
    Why, why do you escalate towards the nothingness?
    It fell into a well,

    Fade, fade,
    The hearth of my Heart,
    Painless, numb, so says the Moon
    A hiccup of my existence,

    Refraction, reflection,
    Cast upon my shade your foam of blight,
    A void opened, a void shut,
    Knowledge came, information died,

    I never escalated into the nothingness,
    Does such a thing exist?

    My skin turned over,
    My eyes are inside out,
    Where then is my mind?
    My eyes are the void, my mind is the information,

    I am no finished book,
    I am an unfinished book,
    I can be nothing else.

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  4. Greetings,

    For some time now, I have been creating a personal project RPG. In principle, based on The Lord of the Rings.
    I am looking after the whole project myself, however I was suggested by a friend that perhaps I could off the participation of a visual artist from the forums to assist me with certain visual aspects. 
    The purpose of this thread: I invite digital artists to create simple yet meaningful sprites for this project. 

    -The exact amount of sprites missing is uncertain, but it might be at least a dozen
    -I do not demand wallpaper-like resolutions or quality. The sprites must fit less than 500x500 

    With chance, I may find an artist offering their practice and time to participate in this project.
    I suppose this post alone might not tell everything. If you might be appealed by it, questions will be welcomed with answers, to clarify any more concepts or misunderstandings.

    I may attach a few screenshots of the current game, in hopes of inspiring.







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