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Posts posted by Myouya

  1. On 6/15/2019 at 10:21 AM, Endynyp said:

    Hello all! I'm Endynyp or Endy for short. I'm on another forum site that I really like, but I thought, if I like one, why not two? :P I love anime, video games, books, mixology, and everything even remotely geek-tastic. My favorite anime is xxxHolic, and my favorite character in that anime is Yuuko Ichihara (followed by Mokona). I'm mostly just looking to chit chat and make more friends. I look forward to getting to know all of you. :)

    Greetings! I welcome you to Anime Forums.

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  2. I dislike most forms of slang words. I do not the point of making  a gesture that without no explanation is meant to be funny, or an insult that is not even understandable. All the words you have all stated above, hearing them does not please my ears at all. Why even make a sentence ugly on purpose when there are so many ways to make what’s you are telling so much more interesting? 

    The word that’s used wrong the most, I despise anyone who’d use it in their sanity. I hear often “That’s gay!”. You have a serious misunderstanding of language if you cannot make out what your words are expressing. Heck, can you imagine how idiotic these sound? “S@&$’s lit”. Huh? Why are faeces on fire? What’s the relation between something interesting you want to call attention on, and what you are actually expressing? 

    Possivly, another one that I feel adds absolutely nothing to a conversation is “oof”. It is used in absolutely any context, making if practically impossible to attribute a sense.

    Thus, I generally do not even consider slang words ‘legitimate’, purely for their uselessness.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kit Kat K said:

    I just created my very first quiz on here, and I'm wondering, is there a way to change the description after the quiz has been submitted? Or is it just stuck that way forever?

    There should be a way to edit it. The option should show under the leader ranking. There is a button labelled : "Quiz Actions"
    There, you should see "Edit" on the top.

    If you cannot seem to see the option to do so, I may be able to do it as a moderator.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Kit Kat K said:

    Thanks for replying! Man, I'm super excited. I have trouble making friends in real life, so it's great to see such nice communities of people who share my interests. By the way, what sort of anime do you like?

    I do not watch anime that often, nor read manga much, but I do have a minimum of general culture about it.
    I would say that the genres I usually enjoy most are romance, drama, comedy, and fantasy. I did very much like the movie "Your Name".

    And yourself?

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