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Xyro last won the day on January 27 2022

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  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life


  • Occupation
    Writer/Artist/Games narrative designer
  • Interests
    anything to do with narrative! :D
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  1. Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful time!!! ^^

  2. I play Remus in this! Quite happy with how the production went, Malice was amazing to work with ^^ (Although I definately need to improve my acting, lol)



    1. Ohayotaku


      Remus... so the green dude? (sorry, not really familiar with Among Us)

    2. Xyro


      Yep ^^ He was super fun to voice!

  3. May be a bit simple, but just been learning to do some angles and shading and stuff during the fleeting moments of spare time I have between uni, writing and VA work XD Sorry it's not much, I honestly wish I could post more ;-;
  4. two notes!

    1: Voice acting is going well! Feel free to check out my CCC account if you are curious or need a VA for something

    2: If you would like to commission me for anything (Be it voice acting, or the occasional pixel sprite here and there) then go check out my Ko-Fi or message me on social media (my links are on the Ko-Fi page :D)

    It's been a great time for my work-a-holic brain XD I'm  just genuinely happy to be steadily making work, so I wanted to share it with y'all :3

    Hope everyone is still being awesome, you glorious people, you!!!

  5. On a tangential note; I have started a !!~~~~ Ko-Fi! ~~~~!! I'm going to be using it as my hub pay-place for commission work. So if you need a voice actor, writer, director, artist, or games designer, then please feel free to send me a message! I'm always happy to give a quote, and to share the creativity! Thank y'all I'm super happy to be able to finally show off stuffs again, what with how this place was my first forum and all XD
  6. "The scars were formed long ago, but not long enough..."
  7. Hey all! Been working on a few things recently (Most I cant talk about due to the nature of them), but, one of them being a Doki-Doki literature club dub over on Kat's Channel! (You can check it out Here if you'd like :3) Its just a casual little thing, but fun nonetheless this is just meant to be a Thumbnail for the vids :3 just a fun little project that I'm having fun being on, as they are all great people! (individual chibis too)
  8. Whelp, signed on for my first two auditions today! 

    Honestly, it was a blast to do, but I do still have a lot of room for improvement. moreover, I need to stray a bit further away from old announcer voices, lol.

    if you wanted to check some of them out, you can on my profile here: https://www.castingcall.club/m/XyroDonatus

    or I added the files on here too :3 



    1. Blue Dragon

      Blue Dragon

      Best of luck! I know I'm a bit late, but I hope they went well!

    2. Xyro


      Thank you BD :D

      Thus-far everything's going nicely! Curently doing a dub of Doki-Doki Liturature club, which has been pretty fun, but all in all I'm still auditioning for things and getting better overall at making sure my own audio is good :D

      (the doki doki club dub stuff can be found here if anyone wanted to listen to it :D The first episode is not the quality of the whole thing, as Kat accidentally recorded it with her own volume and screen out of whack due to faulty OBS settings. But its good fun nonetheless!)


  9. Whelp, this week already has been a pretty good tester into weather or not I actually want to go forward with trying to do VA work...

    I literally adore the field. I cant help myself but wake up excited to write skits and start voicing them. And can I just say, I have had so many issues; I found listening to myself back to be a little cringe, I've struggled to find voices to fit characters, I've been unable to act out certain moods, as well as yell lines that I need to. The editing is weird and I don't quite understand exactly what I'm looking for sometimes, or why something sounds off. I need to work on my pacing, as well as my management of my surroundings. and above all else, I just need to keep practising.

    Which is why I'm going to keep on at it :3

    Although its only been 5 days, I've already learned about the best ways to show off work, and the do's and don'ts. And I've fudged up a bunch, which means I now have a frame of reference on what to do and how to handle myself.

    And honestly, that's the best part of it all!

    I'm just really excited for the future, and definitely want to do more.

    Still, hope everyone doing ok, and if there are any VA's out there, please feel free to drop some advise! I would truly appreciate it, as I love your trade!

    ~Your benevolent cinnamon roll,


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xyro


      Thank you Omega :3 I'll do my best!!!!

    3. Xyro


      Thank you Wedgy :3 I'll make sure to talk like a tornado and annoy everyone and everything 😜 

      ...Which is what I do anyway, without the voice acting thing, lol

  10. Whelp, as was pointed out to me, I do need multiple places to post art and stuff... So now I do! (In case people are interested :3 I also do writing and voice acting on New grounds and such, so feel free to check those out too! ^^) Tumblr: https://xyrodonatus.tumblr.com/ Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/xyrodonatus Newgrounds: https://xyrodonatus.newgrounds.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/me_lucid
  11. I beleive I do have an acount, but I haven't posted anything on there yet! I'll likely get to that today I've only recently expanded from Newgrounds and Twitter to Tumblr, so adding deviantart will also increase my web, I guess Cheers for reminding me about deviantart Sauron!!! I appreciate it ^^
  12. Thank you Omega ^^ I tend to do most of my pixel art on Photoshop, so if your looking to start you may want to start there I wish ya the best of luck with it, and of you need any tips or whatever then always feel free to ask :3 Hope ya have fun!!! ^^
  13. Naww shucks, thank ya kindly I honestly do just enjoy making for the sake of making. So if anything I do inspires people, in any shape or form, then that's a mark on this realm that nobody can ever take away from me ^^ I shall try to conjure up the weird and the wonderful! Already working on a (well, hopefully interesting) butt load of projects, from learning voice acting for a series I'm planning on to doing writing for a few book series I have in the works, as well as some more designs for pixel art and games... ... :3 and I'll be honest, it's daunting stuff. Makes me want to vomit at the thought of working and making it. But that's why I love it so much. Nothing else can make you want to vomit in glee and excitement while maintaining giddy wonder and passion in your grasp! Anywho, thank ya kindly once again zila. I can never really thank people enough, after all, lol Keep being a wonderful being in a world of wonderlings!
  14. These are some of the regular art/graphics I've done in the past. the Lobotomy Corp one in particular is one of my oll twitch panels whilst I'm streaming. they aren't too great though. only been doing regular art for a year or so now in clip studio, so I still got a long way to go until I get a bit better. ATM I'm a bit more focused on Narrative and Voice acting though, so I don't get quite as much time with it anymore :3 Still fun though!
  15. Xyro


    Pretty cool! I honestly like the first one the most! Its pretty tripy!
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