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Blog Entries posted by Xyro

  1. Xyro
    Judging on their name, one would assume that a shamblefluff would be something fluffy that shambles... Well, you wouldn't be far from the truth...
    So what is a shamblefluff exactly?
    Well, let's have a bit of a gander. Shall we?
    Full name: Shamblefluffs
    Other terms/Local names for the species: Cotton rollers, cotton fairies 
    Factual information:
    Appearance: Shamblefluffs are small, fluffy humanoids that are comprised of a stubby body. They have brown/tanned skin. And a thick layer of fur across their back and arms, which is extremely long and course, similar to that of sheep and cotton, giving them their name. Their eyes tend to be a solid black, and they have a small nose and mouth. Their features apart from this are usually bland, however they tend to adorn themselves with paints, accessories and styles in order to stand out from one another. They tend to travel as one large group, and as such look like a giant mass of shambling fluff (hence their full name)
    Locations/Climates they are found in: Thick forestry areas that are subject to intense weather conditions. Such as extreme fluctuations of cold or heat.
    Diet: regular Shamblefluffs are omnivores, however other subspecies within the group can either be carnivores or herbivores.
    Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): They tend to be relatively social and rather pleasant, as they prefer to talk and barter with other humanoids (with the exception of the more tribal subspecies, that can sometimes hunt them for sport)
    Culture: in general, a group of Shamblefluffs have their own cultural rules, histories and parts per group. However, for the most part, thir groups are commonly made up of individual professions with a single queen at the center. The queen is in charge, and is the soul leading force of the Shamblefluff group. If the queen dies, then the next queen is chosen on popularity and knowledge
    Life span: 40-80 years
    Other information: 
    They tend to vary a hollow, light weight homestead in the centre of the mass, which they use to sleep inside when either night rolls around, or when certain workers need to rest (this home is usually in the form of a wooden log, giant shell, or any natural/handmade source that can be squeezed inside as a home.)
    Scout Shamblefluffs tend to be far smaller then the rest, while worries are much larger. This varies depending on group, however.
    The smallest tend to be around the size of a human foot, while the largest can stand up to a humans waist
    As part of a defensive mechanism, Shamblefluffs will drag an attacker into their bundle, pinning them down in the centre of them. They will then cause the individual to cook to death under the mass of fur, before then either stripping it apart if it was a usable animal or something they could use for food, or throw it away/burry it if it were a humanoid (although some will still use the first option, however it is commonly shunned upon, and is only ever done in times of need to prevent starvation)
    Variations within the species:
    They tend to vary in appearance based on their role within the shamble. Worries tend to be a bit larger and muscular, while groomers tend to have specialised tusks for parking fur, exedra
    List of subspecies:
    Appearance: just like ordinary Shamblefluffs, but their fur is a red/dark red/black rather then the standard shade of white, grey and gold.  They also have sharper teeth and tusks in some cases
    Locations/Climates they are found in: deserts, volcanic regions and forestry areas prone to sporadic climates
    Diet: carnivores (the tribal groups are known to hunt and feed on other intelligent life too)
    Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): aggressive for the most part, with the exception of those living closer to civilization, as they tend to be either friendly to other humanoids or at the very least avoid them. More tribal ones will eat intelligent life, however. 
    Culture: they tend to prefer hunting as a pack, utilizing small weapons and tusks to hunt and kill prey. Intelligent life in tribal variants tend to be seen as a more spiritual hunt, and thus gives way for warriors to prove themselves in battle.
    Life span: 40-60 years
    Other information:
    Tribal variants are far more aggressive then those who are around civilization
    They tend to enjoy places that are far warmer and more open
    Although they travel as a group, they will fight other groups of shamblefluffians, and the winning group will take the losers in and use them as workers, only allowing them to become warriors when they prove themselves
    Appearance: similar to Shamblefluffs, with the exception of their fur being more green, dark green and mint in coloration. Their fur also tends to contain thick, sharp thorns, as well as being far heavier and more course
    Locations/Climates they are found in: thick forests, jungles and any places filled with crevices and foliage
    Diet: herbivores. They tend to enjoy vines and other vine-like plant life and vegetation, such as ivy
    Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): very defencive. They tend to huddle together when approached, and are overly cautious, even around other humanoids.
    Culture: they tend to live in smaller groups, but are always looking out for one another. They will usually consume leaves, vines and other creeper plants until they need to move ,and will do so as a large group. Shamblethorns don't have a queen, and instead work as a services group, working with other groups of shamblethorns when needed, but otherwise sticking in smaller groups.
    Life span: 70-88 years
    Other information:
    Their fur tends to be Incredibly sharp, accompanied by solid spines in their backs. These can usually cause immense lacerations, killing most species from exsanguination
    They tend to work well with other species, oftentimes accepting protection from other humanoids in exchange for them eating pest creeper plants from taking over farmsteads and the like.
    Appearance: exactly like normal Shamblefluffs in base appearance, however they can vary drastically due to their introduction In to civilised life. This can include styles of hair; including trimmed variations, colours and even race-okenos (Due to parents being a mix of shamblefluff and any other variation of humanoid species) based on the area they have grown up in throughout life.
    Locations/Climates they are found in: Civilised planets (or within civilization on many planets)
    Diet: omnivores; tend to eat anything, so long as it fits into a regular humanoid diet.
    Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): varies depending on upbringing and type of civilization. Brought up within. Varies from individual to individual.
    Culture: varies based on civilization brought up in and their own family history.
    Life span: average of 70-300 years
    Other information:
    Unlike other Shamblefluff species, Cottonfluffs don't travel as a group, and are independent (as such, no queens exist either)
    They tend to be far taller then others. And are usually waist height, but this varies from individual to individual
    Okeno Cottonfluffs tend to maintain their fur and their eyes, but will usually take in their other special traits, including normal height (but will always be slightly shorter then most, due to their overly short nature)
  2. Xyro
    ...so, you ever wondered what happened to earth within the MMaM universe?
    Long story short; that ship sank years ago. So much so that earth, it's sarounding planets, and the entirety of "the ring" (a galactic ring used to conjoin planets) is inaccessible to those outside that solar system. To this within it, however....
    Well, let's just say they have a lot of trouble to deal with, one such nightmare is the enforcer species...
    But what exactly are these creatures?
    Let's have a look, shall we? 
    Full name: Andromidas/ Biomechanical Enforcement units. Each are branded as enforcers, and have a unique numbering system.
    Other terms/Local names for the species: E.V's, (their correlating numbers)
    Factual information:
    Appearance: Most Enforcers tend to be varied on appearance from one version to another, however most tend to be humanoid in design, with a mismatch of biological and mechanical components. These components are varied based on their functionalities, but always tend to be designed to specifically fit said specifications. Most are made directly from dissecting and re-building a living host over a long period of time (between 20-30 years, some even going for longer)
    Locations/Climates they are found in: Anywhere and everywhere. As Enforcers were designed with set areas and working environments in mind, they tend to have varied living areas, but survive in said areas vary well (a fair number can even adapt to most environments quite easily)
    Diet: varies from functionality. Most can eat almost anything, but some have specific desires and needs, such as meat (of any kind or one specific), wood, concrete and even gasses.
    Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): Varied on functionality. Most tend to be aggressive in nature due to their upbringing and functionality, while some are aggressively protective of humanoids due to similar functionalities. It's rare to find a very passive Enforcer, albeit there are still a fair few around.
    Culture: While enforcers themselves build their own culture around their day to day lives or events, they all don't share an overarching culture, other then their production and their numbering/branding.
    When created, Enforcers are given a number before work begins on them, as to categories their number for later specifications and design principles (helps keep each individual documented on when the idea of said enforcer was created). Then, when they are decided upon, they will either grow biotechnological parts, or find a biological "host" to work from (or both), due to the fact that research into Andromidas variants had caused grief due to the lack of emotion and expression from complete machines (see the andromidas variants for further details)
    When a design is chosen, work begins, enhancing the enforcer for it's required duty. Hosts can be any form of life or from parts of living creatures, particularly humanoids (be it human, elf, Ork, dwarf, hemocupitor or otherwise)
    When the host's body is complete, a chip is inserted into their brain (or equivalent vital organ), acting as a Dead Man's switch incase they go rogue or leave too far from their facilities (which were known as Bunk"E"rs), as they are tracked on their distance from where their control chip is, which will give them a warning to return, or face termination. This was also used to control the more violent and destructive versions through the use of implementing chips in scientists tasked with teaching enforcers. The chips would be directly inserted into the arm bone of a trainer, preventing the enforcer from attacking or even threatening the owner of the chip, while simultaneously giving the trainer a fair amount of control over said enforcer if need-be. However, it should be noted that many of the later, smaller enforcers were never given said chips, due to the lack of violence in their nature. Same goes to the miniforcer series, with the exception of those specifically designed for military use.
    Other then this, all enforcers are required to have their numbers stamped somewhere on their bodies. This varies from individual to individual, although if they somehow lose said stamp, they are still named in the chip in their brain that can be scanned briefly (albeit, this is the only information you are liable to receive, as most enforcers have chips capable of blocking almost all grades of hacking or receivers.)
    In the now apocalyptic wastes of Omer, Enforcers are built into the culture of many who are still living in it's harsh environments as rumours, myths and legends. But, many have claimed to see them, and many have knowledge of their existence. It's just the sheer scale of Omer, and the sheer amount of day to day problems leads to a simple factor of lack of trust, reliable sources and interest while attempting to keep perseverance at a priority when faced with hell.
    Life span: Most can live indefinitely, either by simply regenerating cells faster then losing them, by going into a standby phase to act in a dormant sleep until turned back on, or by modifying themselves to outlive things. Some, however, will die from age, but only after a very long time. Almost all that have died have died from external sources.
    Other information:
    All enforcers were built with a purpose. The first 10 enforcers were all built to act as weapons. These were made on earth with the help of other allied factions, and were designed to be humanity's idea of enforcing their laws, while protecting the ring with biological weaponry. The next 11 through until 30 were designed with functionality in mind, acting as an idea for how enforcers could be used to help in other circumstances. The rest from there are varied in functionality, but fall into either, or both categories.
    In Omers apocalypse, Most Enforcers are unknown as to whether or not they still function. However, it is a known fact that, while some are still dormant, other roam the wastes. Those who do have found alternative methods of removing the Dead Man's switch from their brain, either through one means or another. However, some are still bound to their laboratories, while others are working as slaves to those who found and installed their chips.
    Variations within the species:
    There are a number of variations from enforcer to enforcer, as all were designed with different ideals in mind.
    However, not that enforcers can be an abundance of variations, and sometimes fall into all other categories at once. The list below is simply a category of what types exist,as some enforcers can be any number of combinations of the below types.
    List of subspecies:
    Weaponized Enforcers
    Utility Enforcers (Utilit-E)
    Andromidas Enforcers
    Biomechanical Enforcers
    AutoME Tech (Miniforcers)
    **Note that the subspecies can have a mix of each within an individual, due to the sheer variety between each Enforcer variant.**
    Well, there ya have it. That's the enforcers. 
    While they don't make much of an appearance in MMaM itself, they are one of the main things seen within Memetically me, so they are particularly of importance to me at least. 
    As always, if there are any questions, or anything at all, then please feel free to comment
    thank you so much for reading, if indeed you did. Hope you liked it! 
  3. Xyro
    So, I wanted to start off MMaM lore softly by having a look at some of the species found within the MMaM universe. Now, it should be noted that there are litterely billions that I can think of off the top of my head (and trust me, I'm not kidding) but let's start off with one that everyone know and loves...
    ....slimes :3
    What are slimes?
    If you haven't already seen or heard of a slime (by some miracle or another) then to give a mental depiction; imagine if jelly was alive, but it was also sticky...very sticky....and deadly...well, sometimes.
    Slimes are such a varied and widespread species that they have to be taken out of the usual classifications of other species and instead classified as a different species altogether. They tend to be omnivores, adapting to utalise their bodies to engulf and digest food using their liquid-based bodies. While they take many thousands of different shapes and sizes, there are four major categories that separates them between one another:
    Humanoid/ Intelligent:
    Humanoid and intelligent slimes can be seen as either humanoid in appearance, or they have the ability to learn and have greater though, unlike their other slime counterparts. Although relatively uncommon, these species are adapted to fit in with humanoid groups and gain knowledge, to which they are then able to live alongside them in society. However, slimes still suffer from a lack of cognitive reforming, and as such are usually Increadibly slow learners, but very fast adaptors. Aka; it will take them years to learn a language, but seconds to take mimic your actions. While it is rare to find an Increadibly intelligent slime, those that are are usually Increadibly deadly, and not to be trifled with.
    Those that are like animals, as they act entirely on their own natural instincts. Most learn their tendencies from the first animal they see, so they can be either a predator or a herbivore depending on what they have adapted to live around. If no animals or creatures are present at their birth, they will usually adapt into either Intelligent slimes, or base their appearance around their environment.
    These are simply large masses of bacteria formed together to make one giant slime-like entity. These usually cluster together, and are mindless in the fact that they follow their nature and that’s it. These can be found almost anywhere and everywhere.
    Parasitic slimes are an adaptation to the bacterial slime, as they take on the form of a creature by either using their bones as a basic body structure, or taking over a host's body. These are by far the most dangerous versions of slimes at birth, but they usually adapt to live exactly like the animal or creature they take over, so they can become relatively tame after taking over a host. Intelligent slimes can also be misinterpreted as parasitic slimes, since there are a few who use a skeleton as a structural body, but this is more as a "fashion statement". But, intelligent parasitic slimes do exist, and are usually born on the corpse of a deceased intelligent species, and thus gain said intelligence through growth.
    While these 4 catagories are used primarily as an outline, they do quite commonly mix and match over one another, due to the sheer variety found within the slime species.
    While it may be a question as to how and why slimes take on these different typings, it simply comes down to when they were splips, or also known as seedlings.
    When slimes are first born, they are created when a mature slime either dies or consumes a mass of food to use as splitting resources. When either of these happens, the slime will split in half, with one half remaining as the slime, and the other half fracturing into thousands of tiny little raindrop-shaped slimes, that will bounces off in set directions. These are known as seedlings.
    Most seedlings will end up either perishing or being consumed by bigger seedlings, but the 1% that manage to live and beat the survival of the fittest will adapt and grow into something either within their environment, or to match a native species/intelligent life that they come across. Seedlings are adaptable in the fact that they can usually becoume any of the above, but will likely be more akin to the type they were before, unless adaptation requires it
    (The only exception to this rule are intelligent and bacterial slimes. While intelligent slimes will likely always produce other intelligent slimes, bacterial slimes don't produce seedlings, and instead just produce excess bacterial slime that will extend off the initial source)
    To give you an idea of some of the types of slimes that I've encountered head-wise, here is a quick list of some of them;
    Venomous/ Poisonous 
    Bubble slimes 
    Tar slimes 
    Cube/ wall slime 
    Honey slimes 
    Citrus/fruit slimes 
    Lava slimes 
    Clay slime 
    Fire slimes 
    Metal slime’s 
    Ice slimes 
    Gold slimes 
    Shelled slimes 
    Crystal slimes 
    Blood slimes 
    Foam slimes 
    Ocean slimes 
    Jellyfish slimes 
    River slimes 
    Slime urchins 
    Rubber slimes 
    Alkali slimes
    Acid slimes
    Masked slimes
    Wax slimes
    Rock slimes
    Alcohol slimes
    Plastic slimes
    Sand slimes
    Tea slimes
    Ceramic slimes
    Vegetation slimes
    Ferrofluid slimes
    .....exedra. as you can see, there are a many different variants that can be found, and the ones listed aren't even scratching the surface of the sheer variation that slimes can come in.
    With this adaptational ability, and the sheer variation they can be found in, it's no wonder why they are the most common species found within MMaM
    Even so though, every type of slime has its uses, including the animalistic and the bacterial. While animalistic variants and humanoid variants make great let's/partners, bacterial and parasitic have been used in many medical and eldritch treatments/methodologies.
    It's clear to see why they are, indeed, quite popular among researchers.
    Lastly, to wrap up this quick talk on slimes, I wanted to talk about their colour variations.
    You can tell a lot about a slime by its colour variations, more notibly it's type, where it came from, what it's done, it's personality, and how it's feeling at the time. While they tend to have the colours matching their type and the location they have come from, it's also common for them to change colours based on their environment or their emotions. While it takes them a while to change colours fully (usually a month or two) they can usually change shades depending on their moods. E.G a red slime will turn a clear and soft red when calm or happy, vivid red when excited, or quite a dark red when upset or angry.
    To wrap up, slimes are by no means simple in MMaM. While I haven't really covered much on them within this blog post, I hope this gives as much information that can give a decent idea as to their nature, what they are and how they act. 
    Still plenty more to come! Next I hope to move on to more advanced species, and cover them. Hope you enjoyed! ^^
    (If anyone has any questions, please feel free to leave them bellow! I'll always answer as best as I can :3)
  4. Xyro
    Ehh, not that anyone's ever really asked me about it, but I do mention MMaM allot, so I thought I might as well address it.

    MMaM stands for "Me, Myself and the Multiverse"; a series I have been working on for the last 3 years. its been mostly based off of characters and ideas formed within my head-thing (I'm an insomniac, so I spend a LOT of time thinking) so I've been developing an entire universe for the MMaM story-line, as well as other series based in that universe (such as "Memetically Me", which is one I'm working on atm)
    Without going into to much detail, I thought I might as well say that I will likely be using this blog, as well as the writers archive club, to share some of my thoughts, ideas and tips/tricks I have picked up over my short time of writing. (I will also be covering how to write a comic, as well as how to create narrative for characters in video games, in the writers archive. this wont be for a while, since I am still learning myself, but I will definitely get around to it)
    anyhow, hope this is at least helpful and informative, and I look forward to ranting on about narrative and ideas in the near future
    (Oh, and please, if anyone has ANY questions at all, or anything they would like me to discuss or go over within narrative or creative fields, then please ask! even if I don't know about it myself, I would happily research it with you, since it means we can all learn together!!! :D)
    Thank you for your time
  5. Xyro
    "Rain falls heavily,
    Illuminated by neon,
    Reflections faded
    cries echo softly,
    Of those from pasts left unchanged,
    Rain falls heavier
    Tears trickle softly,
    The blabbered cries now unheard,
    The cold envelopes,
    Collapsed to the ground,
    Tears formed of torrential rain,
    Accepting embrace
    The Morning dawn's true,
    The corpse of a lost soul drowned,
    But ignored by all
    The neon rains victim"
  6. Xyro
    ...Gold. Everywhere she looked, her vision was laced with the vivid yellow, only offset by the delicate shades of shadows cast through their wavering sways in the wind. The canvas of blue gave seperation to the ocean of wheat, showing her the direction onward.
    To where exactly, she didn't know. With laboured breaths, and a weak step, she took a few breif moments to collect her thoughts.
    Wandering had been all she had ever known. As an urchin who had spent her younger years growing up in one of the major city districts, the monotone shades of grey and black where bleak by comparison to the spectacle that she was now a part of.
    Exhausted from her travels, she searched the horizon for a place to rest. To her suprise, it was as if by some stroke of luck that a small, unwavered tree sat just above the wheat on a small mound of dirt.
    Swimming through the gentle swaying storks, she emerged at the base of the mound, it's spongy orange moss engulfing her boots as she stepped out into the clearing. Cautious at first, she took a few steps forward, before the comforting bounce of the moss made her strides unlabored as she reached the base of the old oak tree.
    With her back to its bark, she set herself down, accepting the trees support and the mosses soft, gentle embrace.
    She had left town so, so long ago. She couldn't remember, nor could she care to remember.
    All she knew was that she was hungry, thirsty, tired...
    Through glazed eyes the young girl smiled as her vision once again fell to the feild of Gold, the sky of blue and the soft, orange glow of the moss. The sound and the gentle rush of wind, the creaking of the oak wood, her own shallow breath fading.
    ...it was so beautiful...but she was so tired...
  7. Xyro
    "...Ya know, it's kinda strange to think how they change like we do, sat up there, doing whatever stars do... Kinda poetic, dont'cha think?"
    Silence answered him, accompanied solely by the gentle sway of the wind and the drab tones of the crickets he had grown accustomed to during the long nights of restlessness.
    "Heh, you never were one for talkin. Nor where ya ever really one for ramblin...But I can't help myself, not now. How did ya do it, all these years? Go through all-o-that with nothin but a grunt and the odd evil-eye? Heck, I remember when we faced that big-ass bear when I was little, and it took a massive chunk outa your arm, yet ya still managed to scare it off without so-much as a tear on ya face or a curseword or nu'ing..."
    Trailing off, he gently brushed the short, mangled hair beneath his heavily brimmed hat, leaning back against the wasteland floor to stare up into the night sky.
    "...maybe you were just doin it for oll ma. Maybe for me. Heck if I know...."
    Turning his head, he faced the shallow grave beside him, it's loose dirt darker then the rest of the surrounding landscape. The gentle outline of stones surrounding it's borders only disrupted by a small pistol and hat placed beside it, Allong with a bundle of wild-flowers picked that morning.
    With wet eyes and a small, meek smile, he sighed.
    "...I'ma miss you, Pa..."
  8. Xyro
    Well, here we are again...
    I would like to start this off by simply saying that at times being down really, really sucks. We've all been through it, since its just human nature.
    But tell me why it has to be such a great weight, huh? 

    Now, I always try to stay as positive as I can, but sometimes things get to me. Recently I have been going through some stuff, and in all honesty I just feel unhappy all the time. While its not exactly apparent on the surface, it feels as though there is a little part in the back of my brain that's rotting. Like a nagging doubt and decay.
    Either way, I just tell it to stuff it!
    I'm not giving in to some nagging mournful voice of doubt. I've had this before, and i sure as hell am not having it again!
    Anyway, regardless, the point in this was not for me to complain. In fact, I actually wanted to vent about why I love the anime forums so damn much. 
    Over the, well, I would like to say two years as a a cover, of being on this forum, it has slowly become much like a home to me. Everyone here is like family, and I wouldn't change that for the world. So, thank you so much Optic, and everyone who has been along for the ride. it's wonderful to have such an amazing community, and I look forward to seeing where we all end up in the next few years.
    So yeah, just know that you are all amazing people, and you all deserve to know that. Here, we are family.
    Anyway, like I said, thank you so much for allowing me to feel welcome in such a loving community. Without it, I don't think I would be as happy as I always am now ^w^
    (P.S: Don't worry about me either  I will be fine in about a month or two. I cant stay unhappy for long. I'm too positive...... )
  9. Xyro
    Well, hey all! ^w^
    I have been working with pixel art models for a little while, and I have to say that while i am not exactly good at it, i have made a few GIF's here and there. Here is one of my newer ones:
    While its not exactly smooth, I simply made it as a proof of reference for when I need to try and make another jump animation in the future. Regardless, If anybody is interested in knowing more about my Pixel art or other art stuff, then please feel free to ask ^^ I'm sure to post it regardless, since I really like sharing them
  10. Xyro
    This may be a bit short, but I really just wanted to vent something. I made this yesterday. Once again, I'm sorry that its short, but I don't know exactly what else to talk about right now.
    I never understood true disappointment until now.
    That feeling you get when you feel you did everything wrong and everything right at the same time, yet somehow it always comes out in a net negative. The feeling of being struck down, regardless of intentions on both sides. That feeling of letting those around you down, or visa versa.
    It’s painful…. I know…
    Truth be told, we all go through and experience this kind of disappointment at least once in our lives. It’s how we are meant to grow as people. Or so they say…
    I guess that means I just have allot of growing up to do….

    *Sigh* I guess it can't be helped at all. I think I will just go on, and try to forget things I felt so strongly about. Because after all, like I said from the beginning..
    It was too good to be true.
  11. Xyro
    Hey all! ^^
    Seems weird, but I have been running a HxH D&D for quite some time now, and i just wanted to talk about it a little bit, since I feel it may interest some of you. While it is set in the HxH universe, it also uses the idea of a forever expanding planet, so while some locations are still the same from the actual series, there are billions of different factions, creatures and places to explore. 
    Seems weird, but I kind of adapted the D&D rule-set to simplify the rules for newer players, shortening down the stats to only 5. While this means that large amounts of the micromanagement for stats is out the window, I have made up for this by implementing crab tons of items and stuff into the world. Either way, each of the characters is more or less meant to be designed to focus more on the RP elements and the combat then the actual technical game-play stuff. 
    But yeah, right now is going well ^^ I may have to document everything and share it, although that depends if i get the time
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