So what is a shamblefluff exactly?
Well, let's have a bit of a gander. Shall we?
Full name: Shamblefluffs
Other terms/Local names for the species: Cotton rollers, cotton fairies
Factual information:
Appearance: Shamblefluffs are small, fluffy humanoids that are comprised of a stubby body. They have brown/tanned skin. And a thick layer of fur across their back and arms, which is extremely long and course, similar to that of sheep and cotton, giving them their name. Their eyes tend to be a solid black, and they have a small nose and mouth. Their features apart from this are usually bland, however they tend to adorn themselves with paints, accessories and styles in order to stand out from one another. They tend to travel as one large group, and as such look like a giant mass of shambling fluff (hence their full name)
Locations/Climates they are found in: Thick forestry areas that are subject to intense weather conditions. Such as extreme fluctuations of cold or heat.
Diet: regular Shamblefluffs are omnivores, however other subspecies within the group can either be carnivores or herbivores.
Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): They tend to be relatively social and rather pleasant, as they prefer to talk and barter with other humanoids (with the exception of the more tribal subspecies, that can sometimes hunt them for sport)
Culture: in general, a group of Shamblefluffs have their own cultural rules, histories and parts per group. However, for the most part, thir groups are commonly made up of individual professions with a single queen at the center. The queen is in charge, and is the soul leading force of the Shamblefluff group. If the queen dies, then the next queen is chosen on popularity and knowledge
Life span: 40-80 years
Other information:
They tend to vary a hollow, light weight homestead in the centre of the mass, which they use to sleep inside when either night rolls around, or when certain workers need to rest (this home is usually in the form of a wooden log, giant shell, or any natural/handmade source that can be squeezed inside as a home.)
Scout Shamblefluffs tend to be far smaller then the rest, while worries are much larger. This varies depending on group, however.
The smallest tend to be around the size of a human foot, while the largest can stand up to a humans waist
As part of a defensive mechanism, Shamblefluffs will drag an attacker into their bundle, pinning them down in the centre of them. They will then cause the individual to cook to death under the mass of fur, before then either stripping it apart if it was a usable animal or something they could use for food, or throw it away/burry it if it were a humanoid (although some will still use the first option, however it is commonly shunned upon, and is only ever done in times of need to prevent starvation)
Variations within the species:
They tend to vary in appearance based on their role within the shamble. Worries tend to be a bit larger and muscular, while groomers tend to have specialised tusks for parking fur, exedra
List of subspecies:
Appearance: just like ordinary Shamblefluffs, but their fur is a red/dark red/black rather then the standard shade of white, grey and gold. They also have sharper teeth and tusks in some cases
Locations/Climates they are found in: deserts, volcanic regions and forestry areas prone to sporadic climates
Diet: carnivores (the tribal groups are known to hunt and feed on other intelligent life too)
Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): aggressive for the most part, with the exception of those living closer to civilization, as they tend to be either friendly to other humanoids or at the very least avoid them. More tribal ones will eat intelligent life, however.
Culture: they tend to prefer hunting as a pack, utilizing small weapons and tusks to hunt and kill prey. Intelligent life in tribal variants tend to be seen as a more spiritual hunt, and thus gives way for warriors to prove themselves in battle.
Life span: 40-60 years
Other information:
Tribal variants are far more aggressive then those who are around civilization
They tend to enjoy places that are far warmer and more open
Although they travel as a group, they will fight other groups of shamblefluffians, and the winning group will take the losers in and use them as workers, only allowing them to become warriors when they prove themselves
Appearance: similar to Shamblefluffs, with the exception of their fur being more green, dark green and mint in coloration. Their fur also tends to contain thick, sharp thorns, as well as being far heavier and more course
Locations/Climates they are found in: thick forests, jungles and any places filled with crevices and foliage
Diet: herbivores. They tend to enjoy vines and other vine-like plant life and vegetation, such as ivy
Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): very defencive. They tend to huddle together when approached, and are overly cautious, even around other humanoids.
Culture: they tend to live in smaller groups, but are always looking out for one another. They will usually consume leaves, vines and other creeper plants until they need to move ,and will do so as a large group. Shamblethorns don't have a queen, and instead work as a services group, working with other groups of shamblethorns when needed, but otherwise sticking in smaller groups.
Life span: 70-88 years
Other information:
Their fur tends to be Incredibly sharp, accompanied by solid spines in their backs. These can usually cause immense lacerations, killing most species from exsanguination
They tend to work well with other species, oftentimes accepting protection from other humanoids in exchange for them eating pest creeper plants from taking over farmsteads and the like.
Appearance: exactly like normal Shamblefluffs in base appearance, however they can vary drastically due to their introduction In to civilised life. This can include styles of hair; including trimmed variations, colours and even race-okenos (Due to parents being a mix of shamblefluff and any other variation of humanoid species) based on the area they have grown up in throughout life.
Locations/Climates they are found in: Civilised planets (or within civilization on many planets)
Diet: omnivores; tend to eat anything, so long as it fits into a regular humanoid diet.
Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): varies depending on upbringing and type of civilization. Brought up within. Varies from individual to individual.
Culture: varies based on civilization brought up in and their own family history.
Life span: average of 70-300 years
Other information:
Unlike other Shamblefluff species, Cottonfluffs don't travel as a group, and are independent (as such, no queens exist either)
They tend to be far taller then others. And are usually waist height, but this varies from individual to individual
Okeno Cottonfluffs tend to maintain their fur and their eyes, but will usually take in their other special traits, including normal height (but will always be slightly shorter then most, due to their overly short nature)