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Everything posted by Xyro

  1. Yes! One more out the competition! I win!
  2. Hmm, it seems like I win. If you reply next, you lose!
  3. 94,000 words?!?! The party starts as soon as I hit 100,000 words! woop, woop!

  4. Happy birthday ^w^

  5. Xyro


    Maybe its because in your case, all your dreams to us are nightmares, but to you they are sweet
  6. Xyro


    With lucidness, its impossible for me to get "nightmares" as such. To be honest, at times being awake is more of a nightmare to me then actually sleeping in the first place.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g4P6Q6BZdI
  8. This was released recently, and I love it!!!!!!! However, this is in no way a song for everyone taste For those equal minded, hers a song i know you'l enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=wmEU-VypsHo;list=PLpE251q9dquyYPrVa4GRv_-9Dp93QrGF4
  9. Xyro

    Utada Hikaru

    I know this is completely unrelated, but I like kingdom hearts remixes ^w^ one of which is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjrMMAUxDWA
  10. Xyro


    Hey, Let me just tell you that firstly, I cant help at all with jobs. I mean, I have no idea what qualifications you have or anything, so I cant help you there, apart from advice you to keep looking. On the other hand, I will definitely tell you to keep looking out and believing in yourself. You are the only person who can truly take control of yourself. You know what you want, whilst others don't. never EVER let anyone brainwash you into thinking your decisions are wrong, because they aren't. Anything you do is justified by your own mind and freedom of speech and creative thought. Trust me, if you don't give up, everything will turn out good for you. just stay determined and never hold back on how you feel or anything. You only got one shot at life. make it count!
  11. Ok, lets just face the facts, im in a horrible mood tonight, so let me lay this down: Everything you said is based completely on personal opinion, which is completely respectable. here is mine: 1: women are portrayed in the way they are, because it actually makes the anime interesting to a much broader amount of viewers. If every single female anime character was highly intellectual, with no appeal to the opposite gender, then how boring would that be for the majority of fans already in the series? Besides, its like everything: in movies, for example , blond women are portrayed always as being dumb. its almost always the case, because the producer only has about 2 hours to tell you this message, so stereotypes are the way to do it. Unfortunately, stereotypes work in the same way in anime as well. They have a breife amount of episodes to lay down what each character is like, and how they will play a roll. 2: Gigantic, emotionless eyes? I think not! The main art style and appeal of anime is commonly the eyes. With every single artist making their own unique design, its hard to say they are all large and emotionless. I mean, the eyes are the hardest part to draw on an anime character, especial when it comes to detail. Its an art style. 3: erm, you know the main attraction to ANYTHING is merchandise. People collect the strangest things. Collectors can get into ANY item, so I don't see any harm at all in people having an obsession over anime merchandise. Its something close and personal to the owner. why criticize them on what makes them happy D:
  12. what seems to be your troubles?
  13. 89,000 words! only 11,000 to go until I can celibate ! yay!

    1. flambo



  14. Currently, not much :-P Give it a while, and we "May" convince optic into adding something ;-)
  15. Xyro


    Welcome to AF Kirry ^w^
  16. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, HUGE SPOILERS! SO SPOILER ALERT!!! ... Name: Atsuko Viola Age: 17 Gender and Species: Female, human android Picture : (Located inside the Me-Myself-and-Me gallery) Atsuko is a small, petite girl, who is incredibly timid.She wears a long, dark brown skirt, a dark grey shirt, and a black, smart uniform, fit with a blaze. On Top of this, Atsuko wears a green hoodie, and shoulder overalls. Her hair is short, kind of messy, and a beautiful light shade of silver. Her face is incredibly innocent, which ties off with her glossy gold eyes, that shimmer in the light. This look is completely tied off with her wearing brown industrial worker boots, which go up to her shins. (after the incident, her right ear is replaced with a robotic prototype, that acts as a new ear. She tries to cover it up with her hair, to no avail.) Dere: dandere Personality: shy: Atsuko is incredibly shy. However, this doesn't make her antisocial in any way. Struggling to talk with strangers, Atsuko finds pride in being able to speak with her friends confidently. Her shyness derives from both her past conflicts with the IWEC (International weaponry for extreme circumstances), and the fact that she was manufactured initially to not speak, as this was never a necessary modification on a construction Android. Kind: Atsuko does everything in her power to help others at all times. Nothing she ever does is completely selfish, as she has more care for those around her then her self. This, however, is a drawback, as she ends up blaming herself if anything bad was to happen to those close to her (Especially Xyro.) Intelligent: Her intellect and Understanding of the world was all given to her by her father. He created Atsuko’s brain using the same chips found inside of high- intellect supercomputers, therefore allowing Atsuko to learn freely from the world around her. After the murder of her father, Atsuko started to learn allot about herself in the facility: The fact that she was an android, the fact that she was a girl. Tom boy: She is in no way a girly-girl. Although Atsuko loves to wear female clothing, she also takes pride in wearing suits, boots, and any kind of male-esk clothing. You will never catch her in high-heels, that's for sure! … Off topic: Atsuko did age to begin with, making her now technically the age of 18, but her mind is still that of a 17 year old. Her make was designed to be the most advanced androids on the planet for their time, but many were recalled because of a few, issues. These were down to the construction chips making the androids violent and rash when placed into their port in the back of their heads. Atsuko’s chip is located in a silver metal box. When activated, this chip allows her to use 6 mechanical arms, which are located inside of her back. They are all incredibly long, made from thick metal, with a 4 piece pincer at the end of each one. Underneath the pincer’s are wielding torches, which activate at such a high rate, that Atsuko has modified them as a propulsion method instead. Likes: Atsuko loves construction and building. She strives off of being an amazing engineer.Her skill can't even be compared to that of a professional , as she is already 4 steps ahead of them. Boots are her favorite item of choice. Whenever we walk past any kind of store, if she sees boots, she goes for them! And when I say boots, I mean men's boots. These can be anything from construction to smart black. Lastly, she absolutely adores music. Atsuko takes pride in making both lyrics and instrumental. Dislikes: Being the center of attention: To keep it simple, she hates being stared at by a crowd of people. She feels as though she is slowly being suffocated, but she can do it if she absolutely has to. She hates senseless violence. Since her companions are all fighting, Atsuko tries to stay as far away as possible. This changes though, as the more confident and determined to help she gets, the more and more she finds herself being drawn to the idea of fighting. Not senselessly, but practically.
  17. Xyro

    League of Legends?

    I used to play League of legends all the time! I can't now though, because my current computer can't run it, unfortunately
  18. *Cracks knuckles* Whelp, everyone knows Atsuko, right yep, let me just get some coffee quickly
  19. Ahh,OK Well, simple answer really.... I WoUlD BuRn EvErY HoUsE tO tHe GrOuNd!!! O_o
  20. I'm a complete idiot! What is the purge? I have never heard the word before?
  21. Welcome to AF Necros! And don't worry, we wont hurt you! ...much
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