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Posts posted by Xyro
A bit late from me, but welcome to the anime forums Vivi ^w^ I hope you enjoy it here.
Like always, we have cookies in the back.... And we DID have pudding cups, but somebody ate them all... *stares at AniMeFReaK*
I feel OK.
Not good, not bad. just peachy ^w^
.....Although I wish somebody would get more pudding cups for the forum....
*Looks over to the anime forum fridge, which has a single half-eaten pudding cup sat in the center of its barren shelves*
50 minutes ago, SleepyLeoulf said:
Well said about the relationship question I agree and get what you mean.
And funny about the ^W^ emote you use.. I use ^,.,^ a lot myself idk why I just like it.
Question: Do you like monkeys...? >,.,>
Who dosent like monkeys!!!!!!!
2 hours ago, BurnsyCEO said:
If you could kill everyone who answers "yes" to a question. What would be your question?
Simple: "Dont you just hate pudding cups?"
Northernlion and the rest of the NLSS crew. All of them are great! ^w^
Ok, so I know this is a little late into it, but I have received two more questions through PM, and I would like to share them anyway. Now, the first one that I get quite allot is advice when it comes to relationships and so forth.
While I'm not truly experienced in this topic (Since I currently have no interest in a relationship, and I am completely dedicated to nothing but work and making sure friends, family and myself are ok) I can happily say without a doubt that this mostly falls into a category that I like to call "Get to know a person before you jump the boat."
Thing is, you cannot rush a relationship. It takes more then a few months to get to know a person properly. In-fact, it should take you a year in order to fully understand and be with a person to get to know them fully. While some will disagree with me, you are completely entitled to do so, but like I always say; If it takes you at least 18-24 years to find out about yourself, then I don't think your going to learn about a new person in one or two months. That's ridiculous.
Still, on this account, you also need to consider the situations surrounding the two of you. Obviously, certain relationships may be harder to maintain, due to work or distance. Regardless, this may prove an issue, however this should only be seen as a negative if it actively impairs the two of you. otherwise, simply finding ways around the problem is always advised, as doing so shows love and devotion to your partner.
Anyway, like I said, I really shouldn't give love advice, since I wouldn't really know where to begin
It's an experience that you as an individual have to learn. It affects us in so many different ways, that it is next to impossible to give direct advice. All I would suggest is holding back for a while (Aka, get to know the person better, and don't rush things, or it can come across as forced), always remain a gentlemen/lady and respect the other member within the relationship. you are both individuals after all, and you both have separate ideas and needs, such as the financial, medical and family situations. And lastly, just be yourself ^w^ If the person wont accept you for who you actually are, then it was possibly not love in the first place.
The second question I seem to receive quite often is why I use "^w^" So much.
Well, that's actually a fairly long story.
A long time ago (Aka, 3 years. not actually that long, but you know
) I used to be a competitive player on a game called "Block and load"
Sounds stupid, but I got on pretty well with the community (Its small now, but back then it was fairly big). When I was within the community, I used to do a tone of live-streams and competitive matches within the game, especially with the actual developers (Most were pretty nice, although one of them was one of my arch rivals at one stage.). While it was fun, I used to be called..... Well.....
....Cinnamon roll.....
Don't you dare laugh! I know you are laughing!
Anyway, i was called that because I wanted to make a "Emote" that was unique to me, so that whenever I was in a match, I could use it to signify that it was actually me playing. Regardless, that meant that quite allot of the players within the community saw me as a "Mascot" player, so I was dubbed the nickname of cinnamon roll, even when playing competitively. I also never used a mic, so while everyone was chatting away, i would type and play at the same time, which was rather tricky but kind of fun. Heck, i even did a live panel at one point, which was me and about twelve others from the community, and they thought it would be funny to make my stand a cardboard box with a giant neon sign above it with "Cinnamon roll".
Anyway, long story short, i use ^w^ quite often in honor of that, because lets face it...
....if you cant beat them, join them
I'm a lucid dreamer, so I can take control of what I dream about, as well as details everything within the world I design. Its also pretty great, since I get to feel everything as if of was real
Anyway, my last dream was kind of boring to be fair. I was put on management duty for the task bots within my headquarters, so all I was doing was watching and testing the A.I's AI with Atsuko for the evening. I mean, we did solve a few errors, but most of them revolved around their own idiocy, so we just had to tell them what to do in detail and they did it.
Then after that I just spent the remainder of the time writing down notes for Ryu in the library. That was also pretty boring, but at least Miu came in and summoned an Imp on the table. She's getting better at that stuff I guess
But yeah, that's kind-of a basic summary of my evening
(If you have no clue what I am wrattling on about then don't worry about it XD)
On 11/10/2017 at 3:27 PM, Sayuri said:
Hello i'm Shinea but you can call me Shii or Sayuri haha
I love Animes & Mangas so much and i finally found this forum to share my love with other fans ~
I'm working on my own "Anime" at the moment & i would be happy if you want to take a look at it! For the time being i just uploaded the first introdcution video on my youtube channel
Okay i'm not here to make promotion for my show i'm sorry!I'm really into cosplay as well and i will cosplay my angel Hanamaru Kunikida from Love Live! Sunshine! next year. I already got all i need for it and i can't wait to wear it
Welcome to AF Sayuri! I hope you enjoy it here ^^
We have cookies! Help yourself to them if you need any!
7 hours ago, Greeneyes said:
Here is your scenario to escape...
You are on a 12 by 12 is square with slight slopes of ice in every direction normally you could just walk up them but every time you step you start to lose your balance and fall back down.
You have what you are wearing and a small lighter, fork and some of your favorite rubber bands you collect how do you get out of this predicament?
Using the rubber bands first and foremost, I place them over my shoes! So that there is at least 3 of them on each shoe, which should provide me some added grip from the elastic. Then, using the lighter, I heat up the fork until it begins to glow red (Which I imagine uses up all the lighter fuel).
With my newly found climbing gear, I begin to traverse the slopes, using the the hot fork as a makeshift and barely useful icepick, all the while maintaining traction on the ice due to the elastic.
Reject, since i already have enough sass in my life, which will probably just end up with so many sassy arguments
Daren the dastardly Gnome
Don't let the tittle mislead you, this is a game ya naughty people you!
The aim of the game is simple; You have to create a character in 100 words or less, then the person underneath can either chose to Date, or reject. (Similar to swiping left or right)
Sounds simple, right?
that's because it is!
So, let me go first, shall I?
William the Pirate with two eye-patches!
Anime has taught me multiple life lessons. Especially how to use hedgehog warfare to my advantage. Oh, and that when the world goes into fallout, pudding cups will be the only currency available.
So yeah, anime is extremely important in my life!
Oh, also, without anime the Anime forums wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't have ever met all of you jokers, which is an existence I couldn't picture myself in. Stay true guys/gals, you're all amazing
... Unless you touch my pudding! Then we need to have a talk
17 minutes ago, SleepyLeoulf said:
What other things you like to do in your spear time, other than writing?
While I used to do a little bit of drawing here and there, I actually really enjoy sitting back and either listening and learning from sources, such as open lectures and the like.
Or, I usually try and meditate so that I can go into lucid dreaming ^^
Apart from that, I don't have anything else to add other then watching videos and listening to allot of music.
Kind of boring now that I think about it. But ehh, I wouldn't have it any other way ^w^
Just now, Optic said:
@Xyro now done.
Yay! thank you kindly Optic ^w^
1 minute ago, brycec said:
What would you do if all technology, from hand and power tools to electronic equipment, ceased to exist?
I would go back to what I used to do; living the good life, hunting my own food with friends, exploring the local forests out of sheer enjoyment, and just living the life I used too ^w^
....Oh, and i would build more Pillow forts. Lots, and lots of Pillow forts!
2 minutes ago, brycec said:
Kind of related to the last, but a bit different.
How would you be able to handle yourself if you were omniscient but still a mortal? Would you be able to continue living your life normally or would you break down from the stress of knowing so much?
I think I would still try and do everything. Because if I knew everything, I could do whatever i wanted throughout life and know the outcome. that way I would simply construct a life around the funnest and most exciting outcomes, especially if it ends without anybody getting hurt in the process. (however, if you want to get technical, if i knew everything, wouldn't I find a way to make myself immortal or biologically immortal anyway? just a side thought
*Gives puppy dog eyes*
Can my name be Xyro again pweeeeeeeeeeeees?
*Gives bigger puppy dog eyes*
19 minutes ago, brycec said:
What would you do if you had the powers of a god?
Now this is a question!
So, I will happily give two answers, one of which is serious, and the other is my non-serious answer.
Serious answer:
A "God" is a contraversial term. If you mean an Immortal with the ability to create things and take away things at will, then i would without a doupt create balanced and unbalanced worlds to veiw the outcomes and note them down. While power seems amazing at first, i already know that things would go on forever, so i will focuse on simulating infinite senarios and noting them down. After all, who wouldent want to note down and experiance everything that you create!
Same applies for Immortals without universal power. I would just wonder forever, exploring and Learning from everyone and everything I encounter, as well as passing my own knowledge down to those who i feel need it.
Not-Serious answer:
All mortals will bow down to the lord of the universe! I will lay waste to all who appose me with my army of hedgehogs and my skill in hedgehog warfare! Bring me every last pudding-cup in existence.... and I may just let you live another day! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH....*Cough*....MUHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
12 minutes ago, SleepyLeoulf said:Do you have a favorite book?
( Also you get more questions than me on my thread like this. Your pretty popular, heh )
My favorite "Book" was probably The art of war, by Sunzi. I know its weird, but allot of the things covered in there can easily be related back to simple civilized life, especially when it comes to the social aspects. (I was once told by someone that the art of war was just like the 48 rules of power. While the two may be similar in theme, the 48 rules of power are provided to those who want to completely down-tread everyone in their life and look out for themselves only. Please, don't take life lessons from the 48 rules of power.) Anyway, It's a must-read for anyone who is interested in the true art of war!
(And I'm not sure why Leoulf
I am just a boring peacock after all.
25 minutes ago, Mirror311 said:
This question might sound weird, ridiculous or something doesn't even make sense. But actually, watching anime does affect anime fans' health condition to a certain extent (Think about how many times you have been staying up late to watch anime, saying that just one more episode but spent the whole night to finish one season). I also have experiences of watching anime until late at night or spent an entire night to watch anime. As consequences, I always feel sick, weak, and exhausted afterward. If you don't mind, please share your experiences below. Thank you.
This topic is actually a very good one to bring up.
When you look at the medical and psychological aspect of Anime or any show, you have to take into consideration the fact that shows will always try to bring in an audience. However, certain shows will always go about it in a different way.
Moreover, shows have to take into consideration the principal of addiction. In short, everything can become addicting, which is when watching shows will start to effect your health. This usually results in you having a dependency on continual watching the show (Regardless of if it is anime or not). But, like all addiction's, its just a case of getting help, or trying to limit yourself. Note that its never a problem to talk to people about these kinds of things. addiction can be hard, so being able to freely talk to someone about it is something you should always be able to do.
Now, another cause for health will be dictated on how impressionable you are. Now, let's be honest, everyone here has watched a show at one point or another, and has tried to or pretended to be characters from that show. We all have done it, even when it comes to quoting individuals. This is all to do with how our brain adapts to a situation, and how a show portrays that situation. In most cases, we see the situation as fun, or it links to us in some emotional way or another. While this is usually light on the surface, its not uncommon for certain individuals to take things to the extreme. In some cases, this is actually not a problem at all. However, if you know somebody who has tried to re-shape themselves in a characters complete image and personality, then it may be a suggestion to sit and talk with them. Regardless, if they are happy, they are happy, so trying to change them would be both a fruitless endeavor and something you shouldn't really try and change.
In my personal experience, while anime hasent actually effected my physical health in any way, (Since I set times to watch shows with friends, enjoy them, then move on for a few weeks or so), Anime and other forms of media have effected my mental state in a.... Well, I would say positive way. Mainly because without it, I feel as though I wouldent get the enjoyment I get when doing writing, since anime has helped me visualize characters, environments and settings in so many places.
Anyway, thank you so much for that question Mirror! That was really a brain-plucker ^w^
I received a question a few days ago about my political views, and while they may be a rather controversial thing, I am more then happy to answer here about them....
....mainly because I dont have any!
While it is interesting to look into of from time to time, politics is a profession that I just can't get my head into, out of the fear of backlash from having a view within it. While that's not the case for most people, the simple subject can becoume increadibly bitter when two sides have apposing veiws. So, While I do look into it and understand the subject terminology, I try to steer clear of its discussion and outlook.
Nevertheless, everyone's views should be accepted (Unless of course they are incredibly damaging, hurtful or deliberately spiteful) and It would be better for peoples health if they just sat back and discussed things like people ^^
But yeah, thank you to the person who asked about my political views! (You know who you are
Right now I feel like I'm about to swan dive from a building into a goldfish bowl.
Welcome to AF, I hope you like it here ^w^
Oh, and we have cookies in the back. Feel free to take some at your pleasure ^^
So many questions! Thank you!
8 hours ago, SleepyLeoulf said:Do you have a favorite story you written?
Right now my favourite story is the main storyline for MMaM, since it means allot to me. While all the other stories I make are set in the same universe, its hard to say that any of them top A.I's storylines.
5 hours ago, Greeneyes said:Do you like cats more or dogs more?
That's a tricky one, since I like both.
But if I had to choose one or the other, I would chose Cats.
Mainly because a dog is too loyal, and I just dont have the time to look after one with the love and affection they deserve, as well as the amount of care they need.
A cat on the other hand just stares you cold in the eyes as it pushes your favourite cup off the side. That's why you have to love them
7 hours ago, brycec said:Which big name author you think should have enter been let in the door of any publishing house (e.g. your most hated author)?
Hmm, that's also a really tricky one, since I have allot of respect for any published author, regardless of their prior actions or the quality of their work. The point is, I like to try and not judge people on their social lives, but on the work itself.
Anyway, I know this is a generalisation, but I feel that celebrity books about their personal lives should not be a published book. I know that seems weird, but I feel as though books should strive to educate people in some way or another, which they can then apply to their lives.
With a celebrity book, you don't get the impact because it breaks the connect between the reader and the viewer. Instead, I feel a celebrity should rather go up on stage and address issues face to face, as its much more inspiring to watch a rolls model talk to you when you can listen directly to what they have to say.
Anyway, as far as the question goes I'm sticking to the "Celebrity lives" books. Not because they are necessarily bad, but because they just don't have the inspiration and the importance they deserve.
Ask the one, the only, and the rather annoying Xyro!!!
in Forum Games & Memes
So many Sneks! So much slither! Too much io!
Game is good game. Rate 7/10
Needs more pudding cups.