This topic is actually a very good one to bring up.
When you look at the medical and psychological aspect of Anime or any show, you have to take into consideration the fact that shows will always try to bring in an audience. However, certain shows will always go about it in a different way.
Moreover, shows have to take into consideration the principal of addiction. In short, everything can become addicting, which is when watching shows will start to effect your health. This usually results in you having a dependency on continual watching the show (Regardless of if it is anime or not). But, like all addiction's, its just a case of getting help, or trying to limit yourself. Note that its never a problem to talk to people about these kinds of things. addiction can be hard, so being able to freely talk to someone about it is something you should always be able to do.
Now, another cause for health will be dictated on how impressionable you are. Now, let's be honest, everyone here has watched a show at one point or another, and has tried to or pretended to be characters from that show. We all have done it, even when it comes to quoting individuals. This is all to do with how our brain adapts to a situation, and how a show portrays that situation. In most cases, we see the situation as fun, or it links to us in some emotional way or another. While this is usually light on the surface, its not uncommon for certain individuals to take things to the extreme. In some cases, this is actually not a problem at all. However, if you know somebody who has tried to re-shape themselves in a characters complete image and personality, then it may be a suggestion to sit and talk with them. Regardless, if they are happy, they are happy, so trying to change them would be both a fruitless endeavor and something you shouldn't really try and change.
In my personal experience, while anime hasent actually effected my physical health in any way, (Since I set times to watch shows with friends, enjoy them, then move on for a few weeks or so), Anime and other forms of media have effected my mental state in a.... Well, I would say positive way. Mainly because without it, I feel as though I wouldent get the enjoyment I get when doing writing, since anime has helped me visualize characters, environments and settings in so many places.
Anyway, thank you so much for that question Mirror! That was really a brain-plucker ^w^