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Posts posted by Xyro
"Avatar, the last air bender is just for intellectuals, and requires a certain IQ to enjoy the humour behind it...."
Jk, welcome to AF dude, I hope you enjoy it here ^w^
4 hours ago, Greeneyes said:
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!??! You never fed the dogs and the cats tore the house up and I asked a million times to mow the lawn and you never did you just got up and left man I tell you at least 20x a day to warn me gosh darn it!!
8 hours ago, Metro said:WELCOME BACK XYRO
Though I'm not really active myself anymore due to focusing on other parts of my life and not having much time for here anymore, it's great to see you back among us again ^-^
He he, I missed you guys too ^w^
4 hours ago, Greeneyes said:
My friend is allot like you when I argue with him but most times I come out on top by talking him into a corner.
Tbh, I meant more along the lines of "being right in the first place to prevent the need of an argument." In all honesty, arguments can be incredibly constructive, and if you are willing to sit and argue your point effectively and without altering to the child-like reasoning, then they can actually help build character.
Also, nice to see you again Greeneyes ^^
How to be good at arguing:
by being right in the first place
1 hour ago, SleepyLeoulf said:
Sometimes we need breaks and there is nothing wrong with that. You did what you felt you needed to do. That's good things are better for you now. Congrats for being in college hope things go well for you. Also good luck on your game and with your story stuff. Please take care and see you around.
Thank you kindly ^^ I look forward to swing everyone again and meeting new people within the community
Hey All
I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly, it was mostly due to the fact of having allot of work and personal endeavours within my life, but thankfully all that is clarified and cleared up now. Moreover, I'm in college, I'm able to work on story stuff, and I'm even developing a game along with one of my friends
Anyway, like i said, i would like To apologise for my absence, but I look forward to talking to y'all again ^w^
On 07/11/2013 at 2:47 PM, Optic said:
I've slowly been getting into hot Green Tea but I have a question! How long do you usually leave the boiled kettle for it to cool down enough so it doesn't burn the tea leaves/bag ? The packaging recommends 80 degrees Celsius... maybe better to interrupt the kettle just before it boils?
<-- Tea newbie
I usually poor it directly after it boils, but only half way. Then I add cold water until its the right temperature for my mood. Of its a hot day, I would make it cooler, and a cold day I would make it warmer by adding a healthy mix of more boiling water.
I have never had a problem with burning the tea leaves this way, but maybe other brands would fare differently? I'm not totally sure
Maybe get a tea expert in... Anyone a tea expert?
In all honesty, I prefer tea over coffee. Especially apple infused tea's ^^
1 hour ago, RepentantSky said:
My favorite Holiday's Halloween and Christmas happening more than once a year.
What's something that you wish you could experience again for the first time?
I wish I could experience eating food again for the first time. I know that seems silly, but Imagine being able to go through and taste food again and not know the flavours :O!
On the topic of food, If you had to order food, but had to share it between 4 people, what would you order and why?
She was talking about Cy~ with the 'her' reference, I'd think.
I hope so
either that or i'm getting girlier
And is trying to drum up community interest in a particularly fun and interactive game something bad?Did I say anywhere that it was a bad thing? I just hoped I was being tagged in something different, that's all ^w^
anyway, don't worry about me, just being grumpy
Enjoy the games, and have fun!
that's all that matters ^w^
Pooooooo. I was hoping I could get her to join, but I understand.
...Already forgot that im your BROTHER, and not your sister
And yeah, I disliked it because I saw I was tagged in something and got all excited to find out it was in another forum game
I didn't mean it in offence, I was just disappointed
shall soak the pages with poisonif I had poison and alot of time,
what's it with you guys and poison?
Anyway, with a paperclip, I would use it to bind together a good selection of paperwork, then file in a document to get you arrested, then fight for 10 years to bring back the death penalty and make you go through it.
Who said paperclips are useless?
Next item: an egg (note: you cannot poison it this time)
A spoon? Come on, now. I'm supposing that you'd expect whoever took you up on this to go for the eyes, and work their way inward from there? How utterly cliche. I refuse.
Naaa, I just wanted to go for a rather basic item to get things started
As for my object... a bag containing two hundred live goldfish.Ahhh, the good o'll 200 live goldfish bag.
I would safety place the bag over the person's head while they were sleeping, and let them die from both suffocation and the mighty slaps of 200 wriggling goldfish in their full righteous power!
Next item: A jar of marmite
The idea behind this game is pretty simple: You have to murder the person above you with the weapon or item they provide. (aka, at the end of your murder description, you provide an item bellow for the next person to murder you with)
murder has never been so simple!
So, for starters: A spoon
I mean, if anyone is interested, you can read what I have at the moment at:
Please don't judge the webpage design
I need to learn what to do for it and how to make it presentable.
Storywise, as I said, I'm only on season 2, (only season 1 is on that weblink) and I intend on at least making 10-15 seasons.
I like writing
I mean, I'm currently working on MMaM (Me-Myself-and-the-Multiverse) which is a series about the every-day lives of almost immortals exploring the multiverse.
But allot of the facts and whatnot are scattered around AF's creative corner, so I shouldn't really go into too much detail.
Still, writing is something I never want to give up, since I want to make MMaM a popular web-series. All I currently need to do is figure out how to buy a domain name and all the technical stuff's.
(I'm incredibly sorry for the lack of posts in this section, however, I will now be resuming your daily dose of music goodness
So, let's start the day out with a little bit of Chaos Chaos - Do you feel it.
Female version:
Male cover:
A new fancy game called Ask Kirry!
Here you can ask me anything! Have a question about life? Need some advice? Curious to know my secrets? Ask me anything and everything and I will give you an answer.
quick question:
Who's the best brother ever?
(Note: hehe)
Quit playing with my heart
I would kidnap sekky and keep him as my loli slave.
Cause he's obviously loli
Suu would do what suu does best.....
I mean, the best thing I have atm (Aka, the most expensive) is a semi-florescent metal that reacts with the light that is formed in magma caverns. As I said, I would send a picture, but I cant figure out how since apparently the file sizes are too big and I don't know how to fix it ;-;
My friends are like "why spend money on rocks?"
well, technically, all money is rocks, considering money itself is just a placement holder for gold. therefore, money is gold, which is in a way, a "Rock"
another argument: why would you buy a diamond? its a rock after all
(Btw, I know that crystals and minerals are formed differently dependent on the heat to generate them and blah blah blah, but i'm not feeling sciencey today, and my normally over-the-top knowledgeable brain is literal mush right now
nevermind, apparently the file sizes are too large ;-;
in Chit Chat
In all honesty, as I have previously mentioned, I'm still working on my project. Its bee what? A year and a half now since I started it properly, and I'm about 70% of the way done with the prologue! (well, I call it a prologue xD)
Nethertheless, I can understand the vewipoint of getting around 50% of the way in and stopping in favour of something else. But in all honesty, I don't write for just the audience, I write for myself as well. I feel that if I leave anything half done then I'm not doing myself, or the characters I invented and fell in love with, any kind of justice.
Regardless, I do well and truely appreciate the amount of support I have been getting at college and at home. Its more moral support rather then creative criticism, but I still appreciate it nonetheless.
But yeah, I should get the first part of MMaM done early next year, in which case I will be able to go back over it all and make in-depth corrections and additions. ^w^