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Posts posted by RuthisianCodex

  1. 2 minutes ago, Seshi said:

    This little girl is so adorable and relatable. Im loving this show xD Ohiotaku tsk tsk not liking cute little girl. How dare 😛

    I know, right!?! I just want to give her all the sweets in the world!!!

    Just finished the 2nd episode & I've just gotta say that it would be a total blast to cosplay as literally any of these characters 😀

  2. 5 hours ago, Illusion of Terra said:

    I think, but that's just a random idea, that it might be interesting for a parent to watch with their small child who can enjoy the visuals and kid's stuff

    So, I just watched the 1st episode & I'm instantly in love with it! The art style is gorgeous & the music is wonderful so far too.

    @Ohiotaku *giggles* Somali is just precious to me but she's so full of energy I can see how that could be a bit much to deal with. 


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  3. @Illusion of Terra I just hope that he has some redeeming qualities or does something so heroic that we have no choice but to cheer for him because if not, what a waste of potential & what seems to be a very useful & powerful quirk. 

    Also hooray for Eri! I'm so glad she gets to stay at UA! She is going to be a a complete badass of a hero when she gets older or at least I hope she does. And it was great to see that the Pussycats are back in business. They're a bit quirky but I like them. (See what I did there? Hehe) 

    I'm pretty interested to see what goes down with Endeavor & although I think it's safe to say he's just about the worst parent ever, I would like to see him & Todoroki team up to beat the snot out of some enemies. 

    • Silly 1
  4. Just watched this week's episode & ugh...Hawks just rubs me the wrong way all over! His arrogance is almost suffocating! 

    And these new Nomus look really awful too. I've not read the manga, so I don't know what happens but these new Nomus look like they're mixed with Warp Gate's ability. Um yeah, if that's true these guys are definitely going to be a problem. 

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  5. I'll probably spend most of my day walking the nature trail by my house. But before I head out, a good breakfast is in order. Today I think I'll have some avocado toast, an egg white omelet with some everything bagel seasoning sprinkled on top, a few slices of turkey bacon, & a smoothie made with mango, pineapple, banana, & arugula. 

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  6. I've got quite a few passions but my main ones at the moment are community involvement i.e. advocacy for issues like homelessness, human trafficking, child abuse, mental health awareness, etc., improving my health & getting in better shape, learning different languages, music, scary pc games, cooking, and anime. 

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  7. On 3/23/2020 at 8:15 AM, cruixethegreat said:

    Hello ~ I'm Maple ( not my real name ) I just registered here and I hope to make friends with minnnaa uwu so let's get along please ? By the way I wanna ask if you guys know the anime Libra of Nil Admirari apparently it's so pretty to me uwu that I ended making a fanfiction on it uwu HAHAHA that's all hope to make friends with everyone heree ~ 

    Hello & welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here! 

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  8. Cartoons are where it all began with me. Some of my favorites are:

    Rocko's Modern Life


    Ren and Stimpy

    Batman the New Advantures

    Teen Titans




    PowerPuff Girls

    Samurai Jack

    Dexter's Laboratory

    The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

    Muppet Babies

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Thunder Cats

    Scooby Doo

    Pirates of Dark Water

    Courage The Cowardly Dog

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/22/2020 at 12:14 AM, Nyxnine said:

    YUMM, I like making smoothies too. I don't really measure though. But, a decent alternative to having yogurt is avocados... I usually buy the frozen prepacked ones (so they don't go bad to fast) I suppose I would use like 90ml (or ~3 oz) if you are to measure (replacing the yogurt) for the base, and whatever fruits I choose.  (I also will let mine de-thaw in the fridge, actually...if you don't it is usually hard on the blender).

    And I don't really like milk in my stuff, I will ice cream every once in awhile, but a lot of milk makes my skin break out :) so I choose to avoid it. 

    I'll use either coconut milk or almond milk. 

    Other yummy fruit I like to add would be jackfruit (I usually get the canned kind, I like the brand Aroy-D....actually if you choose canned fruit as an alternative Aroy-D is really good especially for lychee). And fresh fruit I usually get frozen for smoothies, fresh just to chow down on. 

    I like how you kind of sweeten yours with cinnamon and tumeric. It's like perfect spice/sweet enhancer.


    So guess who just found a fun new video with some delicious new recipes to try? Oh yeah, it's me! On my journey to find new ways to bulk up my breakfasts with a variety of healthy, tasty options I ran across this video on YouTube on 10 ways to make avocado toast. I've never made it before but it's super easy & I think it would be amazing with an egg white omelet maybe stuffed with some sauteed mushrooms or marinated tomatoes(even sun dried tomatoes might work too if they're diced up really small) & a side of mixed fruit or one of my green smoothies! Here is a link to the video: 


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  10. On 3/15/2020 at 9:11 PM, Owl said:

    Hi... Does anyone want to talk to me about anime I just finished Durarara and I ain't well, also welcome to demon school is slowly killing me... Really everything is killing me so please talk to me!!

    I recently heard about Welcome to Demon School & was told that I might really enjoy it. I don't know too much about it though. Is it a longer series? Is it new? I've never heard of Durarara. What is it about?

  11. 4 hours ago, Illusion of Terra said:

    @RuthisianCodex I think you are going to quite enjoy the episode 😂 

    really was a hilarious episode 😂 best part was 'weren't you two strangers before you got married? why do you look so much alike?' 😂 

    Oh my LAWD! I absolutely loved this week's episode! 

    Dude, Gordon's dad & the Captain of the Coral Peacocks are NO JOKE! I wouldn't want to get on either of their bad sides because...whoa! 

    And now we can finally find out what happened to Noelle's mother plus I think it's hilarious that Nozel is kinda like Gauche is with his obsession over Marie.

    Oh yes, yes, yes! Let the backstory explanations & all around bad-assery continue! 

  12. 4 hours ago, Illusion of Terra said:

    yeah I didn't see that Charlotte thing coming 😂 Gordon is a kinda shady character but I think he is on the Black Bull's side though, at least I think 😂 

    They better not pull some shenanigans like make Gordon out to be this secretly evil, cursed, Voodoo priest or something because I've really started to like him! 

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  13. On 3/18/2020 at 12:33 AM, Nyxnine said:

    Same hahah, all you can eat is dangeroussss. Gym days hahaha

    I LOVE TO COOK TOO. And bake, baking is fun. We should compile recipes 0-0 lol

    So, I've been on this smoothie kick these last few months & it's been working out great for me. My skin has cleared up, my digestion is better, & I've even lost some weight. Here is the basic base for my smoothies:

    1/2 a cup frozen fruit-I just use whatever I have on hand but I make sure that the fruit is cut up in small pieces. If the pieces are a little big, then I let the fruit thaw in the fridge overnight so that it will blend easier 

    a dash of cinnamon & a dash of tumeric

    1 teaspoon of chia seeds or flaxseed

    a few tablespoons of nonfat Greek yogurt-vanilla or plain, either one works fine

    skim milk as needed to thin it out because I don't like mine to be too thick

    I just put everything into the blender on high for about 30 seconds & I'm good to go. I've made it a point to get more fruits & vegetables in my diet no matter what so this is an easy & inexpensive way to do it that doesn't take up too much time either. 

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