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Posts posted by RuthisianCodex

  1. 15 hours ago, adriano said:

    can you help me to find an anime of 90s, it's an adventure anime that 2 guys and girl are traveling and one of the 2 guys has a very long blond hair and wearing a green small hat. also they have 2 or 3 little creatures. please help me with suggestions 

    There is a thread in the Recommendations forum called 'What is this anime?' or something. If you post this there, maybe someone can help you find it :) 

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  2. 4 hours ago, adriano said:

    can you help me to find an anime of 90s, it's an adventure anime that 2 guys and girl are traveling and one of the 2 guys has a very long blond hair and wearing a green small hat. also they have 2 or 3 little creatures. please help me with suggestions 

    Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with it but if you try in one of the other forums someone may be able to tell you the name.

  3. Just started Paranoia Agent & so far, wow! It's about this creepy kid that goes around attacking people with a baseball bat & I don't know what it is exactly but it's just so damn unnerving! I've only watched the 1st episode but I can tell I'm really going to enjoy this :) 

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  4. 1 hour ago, adriano said:


    i'm Adriano Rekik a new member with you , i love animes and i always want to know more about them and i need your help to find some animes


    Welcome in, new friend! I'd be happy to recommend a few selections to you. What type of anime do you enjoy? I'm into fantasy, sci-fi, horror, & action anime myself. 

  5. The last thing I got was my Urakaka My Hero Academia jacket. I think I'm going to get a Black Clover or Demon Slayer hoodie next & I'm playing with the idea of getting some The Promised Neverland stuff too. 

    My new jacket:

    NoveltyBoy Boku No Hero Academia My Hero Academia Ochaco Uraraka Hoodies Sweatshirt Cosplay Costume Battle Suit Jacket

    What I want to get:

    Image result for black clover hoodie

    3D hoodies, 3dprintsweatshirt, Tops, Demon

    Image result for the promised neverland hoodie

    Image result for the promised neverland pillow

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    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Illusion of Terra said:

    I am also wondering what will happen after this arc. I think they will be exploring the whole devil thing more

    I sure hope so! And maybe it's just me but I would love to get more side quests/back stories for the other members of Black Bulls like Gordon, Grey, & Charmy! I mean, yes, the series has touched on them a bit but their characters are actually deeper than some of them others that I feel have been delved into a bit more. Sames goes for some of the other members of different groups like the captain of the Green Mantises, for example. That dude GOES IN when he is battling so I would love to learn more about him. His name is Jack The Ripper for crying out loud! Also, the Captain of the Peacocks who's always asleep & just go ahead & throw in every family member from the Vermillion family because they do not play around at all! 

    • Like 1
  7. I'm about 5 episodes in & so far I like it which surprises me because it's all about killer mutant cockroaches in space & I hate roaches with a burning passion so go figure. I was actually so freaked out after the 1st episode that I cleaned my house from top to bottom. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I literally swept & mopped all the floors, did the laundry, took out all the trash, re-arranged the kitchen & scrubbed the surfaces in my kitchen & bathroom until they shined. **shudders** Ugh! I mean I like other bugs & insects but roaches...no thanks! 

    Anyway, curious to see if anyone else here has seen this show & if so, what are your thoughts? 

  8. I really enjoyed the 1st Season & I love the fact that there was SO much suspense with no jumpscares or even showing the demons very much. There was authentic tension in every episode & my stomach was in knots the whole time. Norman is the GOAT in my opinion but I also like Emma, Ray, & Phil. Seriously, Phil is just too adorable! I'm looking forward to Season 2! 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Histoire said:

    I'm very much new here.

    I would greatly appreciate it if people showed me the ropes. Nice to meet you all!




    I'm actually not new, I just feel new cuz I haven't logged on in like, 2 years.

    Welcome in, Histoire! Hope you enjoy yourself here :) 

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  10. I adore Black Clover but I agree that Asta is just too much sometimes. It's like my goodness, must you be so loud my good Sir? Other than that I think it's fantastic. Yami is hands down my favorite Captain & I love how much we get to know about each member of the Black Bulls as the show progresses. I finished the most recent episode a little over a week ago & can't wait for the next season.

    • Like 1
  11. ID-19 isn't the "be-all-end-all disaster bug" that they think it is. 

    1 hour ago, The History Kid said:

    I'd be more worried about the Plague getting into the homeless population - which it's starting to in California.

    An excellent point that no one is talking about on the news. Which is baffling to me, not only as an advocate for the homeless in my area but also as someone with just flat out common sense, that a vast, at risk section of our communities is just being totally overlooked for the most part. 

  12. I can't think of a single situation where panicking has ever made things better so I just do my best to remain calm, look at the facts that are available, & go from there. Like I said earlier, I keep certain items stocked in my house at all times so I'm good there. I've also started taking a real good & honest look at my health over the last year & have put practices into place such as working out on a daily basis, watching what I eat, etc. because I believe in preventing problems before they start when possible. In all outbreaks like this, the people who will be the most affected are those with medical issues or compromised immune systems so I believe that improving one's health is one of the best weapons in situations like this. 

    • Like 1
  13. I will definitely be visiting at some point but the cost of living is so much higher than where I currently live that it just doesn't seem feasible. But if I could make the type of income that would allow me to live comfortably then I'd absolutely love to move to Japan! 

    • Like 1
  14. I'm not one to panic but it never hurts to be prepared so yes, I have stocked up on items such as extra toilet paper, over the counter meds, non-perishable food items, etc. I stay fairly well stocked on these items anyway, so I just picked up a few additional of each. No crazy hoarding of bottled water or anything like that. There is no shortage of anything in my area that I'm aware of & no sense of panic either, 

    To anyone who is currently in an area that is being severely impacted by this outbreak though, I hope that you & your family are doing well! 

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