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L Lawliet

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Everything posted by L Lawliet

  1. I finally made a song over 1 minute long. It's 1:01.


    OH. MY. GOD.

  3. Hello there.

  4. If any of you ever had bacon before, you have to try my Mother's. It's just... perfect.

  5. Thank God... a friend of mine was considering something, but...

    They're... not going to do that...

    1. RuthisianCodex


      Hope all is well. 

  6. Rose: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
    Michael: Yes, yes I do. I love that song. [clears throat, begins to sing] First I was afraid, I was petrified.

  7. Part of my state is reopening. My area still has 2 more weeks.

  8. Arima Kousei-kun. Kimi ga suki desu. Suki desu! Suki desu!


    God, that's painful.

  9. SPOILERS FOR YOUR LIE IN APRIL! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! One of the most beautiful anime soundtracks I know is the soundtrack from Your Lie in April. The music is upbeat and happy, but if you're paying close enough attention, you'll realise that the music is extremely sombre and... saddening. For example, here's Friend A. Now, the reason I like Friend A is because it doesn't really bother hiding the fact that it's supposed to be sad. It's obviously supposed to be a depressing song, for a moment of... well, sadness. Now, here's Again. Again is one of my favourites, because it plays when Kaori tells Kousei to literally play 'again'. She wants to restart the song. She wants the song to go well the second time. She knows that Kousei can do it. Next, Kousei's Final Song with Kaori. This is quite literally the final song Kousei plays with Kaori before her... well, her death. Kousei plays with all his heart, hoping that the song will 'get to her'. He hopes that she heard it... because he's playing for her. Kousei loves Kaori. Finally, my favourite song of all time... The first opening for Your Lie in April, Hikaru Nara! Now, without a doubt, Hikaru Nara is the most misleading song in the entire soundtrack. It sets you up for an upbeat, happy anime. Let's look at the English translation of the lyrics. I fell in love with you that day, as you gazed up at the crimson sky. Not even an instantaneous frame of this dramatic film will fade, This just seems like the stereotypical anime lyric thing, right? Boy falls in love with girl, boy thinks that girl will never go away or... something like that. Along with that, the song in general... is just happy, upbeat, etc. Who knew an anime like this could be so depressing and have someone make so many memories?
  10. It is Wednesday my dudes.


  11. Cincp de Mayo my weebs/weeblits!

  12. Y'know, the forums should really have a discord server. Now, I'd be willing to put it together and all. You may be asking yourself, "Well, Ryuzaki L, why would the forums have a discord server?" Easy. There's multiple reasons why a discord server could benefit the forums. Let me bullet point them * The server could attract more people to the forums. * Communication would be easier and faster. * Things would be easier to organise, I'm sure there's a lot more, but these are what I thought of at this time. So, what do you all think?
  13. I've always wanted to watch the anime or read the manga... though, I've never had the time.
  14. These quotes are beautiful. They really capture what love feels like.
  15. "WaiFuS Don'T jUSt cHanGe!!"

    Well, mine does. So... ha ha?

  16. I'm working hard on my manga... thing! I think the plot and whatnot is really good. Though that's just my opinion. See, it's magic that's basically contained with crystals, and- that's... that's just Madoka Magica, isn't it?

  17. A brilliant and somewhat depressingly true quote by Hachiman Hikigaya in Episode 5 of OreGairu, Once Again, He Returned To His Original Path.
  18. Re-watching season 2 of OreGairu.

  19. Hell yeah I have been. It's awesome. There's no other word for it.
  20. Fair enough lol I'll enjoy it to the best of my ability though. Maybe I'll actually start doing things so I can finish it in the future instead of... well, stopping in the middle and forgetting about it.
  21. Ha ha. I'd love to switch ages, be able to do stuff. But I like being young too, y'know
  22. OreGairu's season 3 has been delayed? Oh, no...

  23. In this topic, we'll be talking about the first episode of OreGairu! Now, if you haven't watched OreGairu/My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong, As I Expected, then you should. But if you don't want to and just want to learn about it, here's a very simple explanation: Source: https://oregairu.fandom.com/wiki/Yahari_Ore_no_Seishun_Love_Comedy_wa_Machigatteiru_(series) Important events in Episode 1 consists of Hachiman Hikigaya going to a service club against his own will so he can become less of a loner, the characters Yukino Yukinoshita and Yui Yuigahama being introduced, and Yui befriending Hachiman and Yukino. Anyways, discuss! I look forward to hearing what you guy think! PS, OreGairu is on VRV and I think it's on Funimation. Image source: https://www.mobileyouth.org/oregairu-season-3/ Alright, so the network got messed up so it posted the topic three times, and I'm sorry about that! This is the real one! The other two, I'll find a way to delete them. But this topic thread is the real one!
  24. So, title really says it all. If you can't find any anime similar to YLIA, then any anime in the romance/comedy genre is fine.
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