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Status Updates posted by Kohloo

  1. ‘Sup

    1. efaardvark


      Just survivin’ .. barely

    2. Kohloo


      Aren’t we all? Haha

  2. Ohhhh, you like Planetes! It’s one of my favourite (maybe even my number one). Recommend any similar hard sci-fi shows??

    1. efaardvark


      That's really difficult.  "Hard" SF is pretty uncommon.  Softer stuff is so much easier to make, and usually pays as much or more than SF that tries to do the science well.  Most of the audience can't tell the difference anyway, so why bother?

      That said, my favorite is probably Ghost in the Shell.  Another cyber-themed one was Dennou Coil.  It played the tech kind of loose, but it never quite veered into "fantasy" territory.  I'd consider the first "Aincrad" arc of Sword Art Online as "hard" as well, though the science part was mostly just a plot device to bridge into the fantasy story. 

      If you're looking for space-themed stuff there's Space Brothers, though that's more a slice-of-life type that just happens to feature contemporary NASA astronauts instead of school kids.  If you can find it I thought Moonlight Mile was decently "hard", as was Rocket Girls. 

      MM is probably closest in theme and style to Planetes.  It is a bit more "adult" and serious than Planetes, but if you liked Planetes then it might be worth a look.

      That's all I can come up with at the moment.  Like I said, there's not much out there.

    2. Kohloo


      I appreciate the response! Other than Ghost in The Shell, because I already know and like it, I’ll have to give a look into the others you’ve mentioned :)

  3. It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? Hi!

    1. Kohloo


      There’s been lots of ups and downs! But overall, good! I was feeling a bit social and decided to pop in here again haha. Who knows, maybe I’ll stick around longer this time? I never plan to vanish, I just get distracted easily :D

  4. I also have an interest in things

    1. Blue Dragon

      Blue Dragon

      Things are indeed most excellent! XD

  5. I forgot about this place...Hi!

  6. Oops, I like too many things and can’t react to posts anymore xD

    1. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      I'll sell you my ability to like for 100 bucks!

    2. Kohloo


      Hmm, but I can use that 100 bucks to get food! I’m quite fond of the stuff :P

    3. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      Yes but look at what food cannot give you. I liked your comment, something no food can give you!

  7. Hello people!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Myouya
    3. Kohloo


      I'm doing great! You're all such lovely people 😘

  8. Gettin' hangry. Feed me.

  9. I just realized the tooth I chipped is not only the one I had work done on a year ago, it's also the one I recently got a root canal for >.>

    1. zoop


      Teeth are a pain in the neck.

  10. Brrr cooold

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kohloo


      I'd rather go to the core >.> Lol I actually don't know anything about San Diego. Is it humid? Because hoo boy do I hate humid. I got to experience two summers in Niagara Falls, Ontario and it was humid enough to actually cause me to have breathing problems. You can only imagine how much I bitched :D

    3. brycec


      Weather-wise, it is good. It can get pretty humid, but not too bad, depending how far you are from beaches.

    4. Kohloo


      I grew up and love on the coast, so I'm used to moisture being in the air, but there's also a lot of mountains which encourage airflow. So it can be pretty windy here. It results in a really nice climate! That stagnant, maximum humidity of Niagara Falls was downright awful for someone like me lmao

  11. When I'm on mobile, it doesn't show people's signatures in their posts (even though I have it enabledddd). So, I only just now noticed your lovely signature xD

    1. Frost


      Do you like being gumi?

    2. Kohloo


      Of COURSE I do. I loooooooove Gumi

    3. Optic


      Ah yes signatures on mobile responsive narrow are hidden but they should appear if you flip your phone to landscape! I also miss @[1363:Kohloo]'s GUMI avatar. ;)

  12. Beyond stressed

    1. Tefutakato


      Sorry to hear that. If you can, please get some rest. Get well soon.

    2. brycec


      What happened?

  13. *stuffy nose, itchy eyes, seething hatred* allergiesss >.>

  14. *dances*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zin


      oho, then shall we do some... dirty dancing

    3. Kohloo


      Haha you're the best!

    4. zin


      aw thank you! not as great as you tho!

  15. Lemme have ur body bby

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kohloo


      So cruel and ohhhhh so right

    3. RyePotatoes


      What are you doing to my waifu?! :angry:

    4. Frost
  16. *sets off an airhorn*

    1. Cy~


      *is too tipsy to react*

  17. I'm gonna lick that thing

  18. Thank goodness for Altoids

  19. I bet you already have this one though xD http://i.imgur.com/C6YPbwX.jpg

    1. Underscorrr


      Awww. Thank you. I don't think I've seen that one yet. ~_

    2. Kohloo


      I thought it was super cute and noticed you have Toradora listed as your fave and then proceeded to notice your Taiga avatar (why didn't I notice avatar first? Because, that's why)

    3. Underscorrr


      I can totally relate @[1363:Kohloo] The obvious things seem to fly right by my head. I don't know why. .-.

  20. Happy Canada D'eh

    1. brycec


      Do not cause too much trouble out there as you celebrate.

    2. Kohloo


      I will cause ALL the trouble!

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