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Everything posted by Kohloo

  1. Omg now I'm almost giving you rainbows trying to hit reply Anyway, to edit your posts, click on that little "more" button on the bottom of your post, the option to edit it will be in there! I've struggled with that in the past before. The "sure" then "ok" made it seem like you were suspicious of me maybe possibly lying about not fangirl. You caught me, I've got a batman shrine! For real though, I do have a lot of batman themed items (I even used to collect the lego sets), but I'm not super open about it because I don't really know a lot about batman. I've seen some episodes of the older batman series, and I've seen the older movies as well as the movies with him as the dark knight, but I've never seen the cartoon. Also, I think I read a little bit of batman comics in the past, but I would never be able to tell you which one because I have no idea (like where are you even supposed to start???) OMG I JUST REALIZED I SAID SEEMS ENTIRELY POINTLESS. I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT!!! I was trying to say "seems a little silly lol" but I was talking to family at the same time as typing and I made a comment about something being entirely pointless and accidentally typed that instead. Sadly not the first time I've done this T-T
  2. The only reason I even started liking Batman is because of my older brother. His 'superpower' is money and gadgets, sounds a whole lot more interesting to me than any other superhero. Same reason I also like Iron Man Also, why did you double post and quote yourself with one word responses? Seems entirely pointless.
  3. I haven't seen season 4 yet but I do absolutely love this show. Don't know when I'll watch season 4 though
  4. Oh you misunderstand. I just like Batman because he's Batman. I don't fangirl over him nor do I know much about him
  5. Hi there and welcome to the forum!
  6. Happy Canada D'eh

    1. brycec


      Do not cause too much trouble out there as you celebrate.

    2. Kohloo


      I will cause ALL the trouble!

  7. Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey. A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?

  8. Hi there and welcome to the site!
  9. Kohloo


    Hi there and welcome to the forum! I love FLCL
  10. My attention span is atrocious

  11. Snog- @Frost! I'm already in her harem and I have many times referred to her as my waifu, why wouldn't I snog her? Marry- @Cy~ and @zoop! Yes, both of them. They're one entity, fight me. Avoid- @RyePotatoes! But it's only for her safety. I love potatoes sooooo much, I don't want to accidentally cook her up and eat her! I do it out of love!
  12. Bby, going to your profile makes me groan. Gawd I love Jack Frost

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frost


      @[2173:Teru] - How could I not?

    3. Teru


      True, sorry to doubt you.

    4. Frost


      That's more like it.

  14. I need this banana cream pie flavour in my life. How come you're only online between a set time?
  15. I'm in her harem, probably the only crush I'm not oblivious too
  16. Imgonnasnugglethecrapoutofthatavatar
  17. I admire you for being able to do that. It's not something I would ever be able to handle, especially because of children and young people. The departed deserve to look the best they can though, and it's awesome you do that for them
  18. I would be completely oblivious to it unless the person actually told me outright that they have a crush on me. Then I probably wouldn't believe them and carry on with my life as usual, once again completely oblivious
  19. Sitting in the sun :) *skin sizzles* it's cool, I'm fine

    1. Frost


      Burning alive is all my skin knows

    2. Kohloo


      I'm actually not too bad this year! I got a little burn early on. But it faded to a tan fast. It probably helps that I've been getting outside a lot more than I have been, so I'm getting doses of Vitamin D (not the one I want though) every day, which has resulted in a sort of tan but still somehow pale. I'm tan for me.

  20. Today is a lovely day I'm feeling really good today!
  21. Happeh birthdeh! *smothers in love*

    1. zoop


      Thank you

  22. It's probably an animal safe dye! I used to work at a hotel that had a small lake/large pond and they used a dye that was totally safe for animals, even for them to drink! That's a super cute picture btw
  23. Hi and welcome to the forum! There's lots of friendly people here and we look forward to having you here
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