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Wodahs last won the day on August 10 2022

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  1. i had forgotten i had a tubi account
  2. well there you have it https://myanimelist.net/anime/53065/Sono_Bisque_Doll_wa_Koi_wo_Suru_Zoku-hen?_user=6233923
  3. the boy and the beast now why does that sound familiar oh thats right check out my smile below
  4. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 3rd Season Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest 3rd Season https://animeforums.net/topic/10920 Well its getting a third season according to MAL today
  5. i too may have to revisit season 1
  6. interesting i awoke this morn to an email which i read from MAL then came here to see your post watched your preview before commenting but i too came to say its been announced as the MAL email informed me tho released soon im hoping so but as MAL states we may have to wait till April next or latter tho in the MAL page and also after watching the preview apart from noticing she is looking a little more grown they have shown Chise's left arm to be changing alike his form and in the preview (not that i can understand non english) it seems she is/has come to terms with the changes she is going thru
  7. well that sux
    i really hate it when they advertise shit on your paid streaming service only to tell you
    you cant have when you want to watch it

    1. Ohayotaku


      As we’re all able to “talk” on here, I’m frequently guilty of forgetting that many of us aren’t even on the same continent. And quite shocking to realize how restrictive “legal” access to streaming content is, beyond the boundaries created by “exclusive” streaming rights. As much as American anime fans ••••• about it, seems to be much worse everywhere else.
      For myself, I’ve been holding off on trying Disney+ until they make Summertime Rendering available. Comments I’ve been seeing is that it’s one of the year’s best anime & being a paranormal mystery sounds to be in my wheelhouse.

  8. to me the simplified story line was kinda similar you know basically a person with a disability of some sort that hates life in general and a able body person who seems to have it all love story but other than that with out going it no to many spoilers it was a totally different story line to the hate my life due to the bully ill get revenge to show how much they hurt me we fall in love story of SV this one to me seemed even with its cliche situations to be more general life situation involved too (more general public relatable) id say
  9. i dont remember any hype think i lust saw it on myanimelist as an up coming anime and saw the trailer or something and thought it be interesting i do remember thinking it may be along the lines of silent voice and i suppose in a way it was but different too yes i did enjoy it and would recommend it , even tho there was a 5 minute section that totally seemed they had to twist it to add a cliche piece of deja vu occurrence that seemed oddly out of place and subtract form its total quality to me but i wont go into depth on this as its also a spoiler in trying to explain , think youll realize it when you watch it
  10. just finished Josee, the Tiger and the Fish my self had thought bout watching it a while back then it didnt come to any of my platforms had forgotten bout it till it just showed up in crucnyroll tho did realize it was a movie thought it was a series as it showed to eps , turned out to be one sub n one dub
  11. well Lycoris Recoil is starting to get deep and interesting with twists n all
  12. yeh after our last little discussion on this anime i tried to revisit it but still couldnt make it past the second ep i dont feel so bad now hearing your latest comment on it
  13. idk Angle but isnt digging up a 2 year old thread just to make another shameless plug for your mask website going a little to far have you run out of threads to post it on and it seems thats all you come here for these days is to promote your website
  14. latest ep of Black Summoner and yes still fully enjoying it tho im totally loving the end theme song to
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