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Status Replies posted by Greeneyes

  1. Waves long time no see, Greeneyes

    1. Greeneyes


      Lol our job as humans to observe the flow of time, fun.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Waves long time no see, Greeneyes

    1. Greeneyes


      Oh you know how it is some killing lots a stalking... Lol how ye been?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Waves long time no see, Greeneyes

  4. I was wearing one of my convention hoodies today while out on my walk. I ended my walk by doing some quick gooseberry shopping at my local market. One of the baggers wouldn't stop complimenting me on it, and the fact I know so much about anime. Plus they kept asking if I was going to a anime con next month like 5 times. All five times I told them yes. I think I made their day more so then they made mine, but still making someone happy is its own reward. 

    1. Greeneyes


      Sweet I want to go to one, if I get money in time I definitely going to try to go to one!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. fehhh I am so over winter had yet another blizzard last night. My balcony is heavy with snow, butt not to much, or anything.

  6. Damnit this cold is no fun. Its hard to go outside to much well unless I really need to. I am hoping I get used to winter soon because it an't going nowhere fast.

  7. Damnit this cold is no fun. Its hard to go outside to much well unless I really need to. I am hoping I get used to winter soon because it an't going nowhere fast.

    1. Greeneyes


      You can do one of 3 things, first go into hibernation, 2 you can just slowly drop the temp in your home until its close to that of outside so you become a cold blooded animal. and then option 3 hope for summer sooner.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello please tell me what this anime is. I watched when i was twelve.

    The anime started off with this girl being given an artefact by her father. That artefact had a boy and a weird old man in it. The ending of the anime series had the girl turn into a giant and rest the boy in her breast

    1. Greeneyes


      Yes I will be searching for it, do any of these ring any bells? Gungrave, Roujin Z They may not all fit what you said but it is possible you mixed up 2 anime but I am still searching.

  9. Hay hows it been bro whats new.

  10. Hay hows it been bro whats new.

  11. Hay hows it been bro whats new.

    1. Greeneyes


      Me an my mom went shopping and she locked us out of the car for 3 hours

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hay there man how are you doing whats new in your world.

    1. Greeneyes


      I sprained my finger yesterday and Im sad because its difficult to draw.... :(

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. I am finally starting to get back on a regular sleep pattern again. I was so annoyed with being up all night as nothing got done around the house, and it interfered with my walking. Glad things are back to normal with me. :)

  14. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


    1. Greeneyes


      "I see Ya lott;a people don't even more when you live in a house"

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


  16. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


    1. Greeneyes


      Never sad History for the victory! MMMm sounds like a delicuos place to live.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


    1. Greeneyes


      Hmm If I could i want to try the food such as sushi, Actual ramen, rice balls etc otherwise I dont know to much about there history

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


    1. Greeneyes


      Oooh tuff one I think its a tie between Hanebado and Overlord

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


  20. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


  21. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


  22. Hi there Greeneyes hows it going. I saw you had a thread about anime suggestions. I found several good series from it. Wanted to thank you for that. You must spend a lot of time watching anime then.


    1. Greeneyes


      Well as you probably read in the thread I was trying to learn Python but due to some personal troubles never got any further but recently started to try to learn JavaScript and its going good but off of what i already know about coding I probably like Python more but since my knowledge isnt as big as I would like it to be I cant pick a favorite but I seen you know a lot of languages and part of why I asked the questions i did was to get input on what language to learn and tips on how to learn them so i will prob be messaging u later on that stuff if u dont mind!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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