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Everything posted by Greeneyes

  1. Guess more people tend to go for subbed but it does also depend on what you think...
  2. Honestly I cant remember but I think it might have been umm "Kiss Him Not Me" I think....
  3. I never felt crushed in Death note the ending to me felt kinda right but you know thats just me...
  4. Ok here is a game I just came up with! Now add up how many letters are in your name(AF name not real life) now subtract 2 and add 7 multiply by 2 and subtract 2. Now you have this number find it in the alphabet and add it in your name anywhere... (If you get over 26 then start at a again example. 25-y, 26,-z 27, a-28-b) Greeneyes to Greeneyesz
  5. Greeneyes


    Ok I have to hold a few tears because one of them died.... I don't usually get emotional because a lot of pets died when I was little so I became less affected but this one...
  6. These are pics I just got off my phone..
  7. Click* Click* Click* Click and orderd.... I want now...
  8. Truth or Dare there are things that lots of people want to know... and things I don't want anyone to know....
  9. I don't usually eat breakfast but lately I have been having french toast bacon and eggs and sometimes pineapple to have that sourness make be like-
  10. Can they be a bit edited because I cant take good pictures like at all...
  11. I never really cared all about sneakers but lately I have been looking at them since mine are getting old so I would like suggestions on some I should get! cy~ why do you say spouse? For me it kinda stood out...but thats just me you don't have to answer..
  12. I can absolutely not live with out AF!!!!!!!! csgo paint.net funimation google crunchyroll ebay amazon etc!!!
  13. ... Ok I first looked at this and wondered what is this contraption I never seen on before but now I see it can be vary nice to have but a pain to get used to... Anyway have 2 gamin- 3- 4 gaming keyboards and when I read your mom threw them out my heart sank... I feel bruh....
  14. I guess I prefer forum style because then you can talk about more then one discussion in a chat room if you start a conversation there isn't room for other people to have there own discussion on other topics and if they did it would get confusing for most people...
  15. I love chibis so much!! I wish I could draw them but since I have been practicing on normal proportions they look funny but overall they are the best!!!
  16. I agree most people used to know how to check oil fix a chain on a bike know where and how are food is made but now people know less and less and are starting to be to dependent...
  17. Hmm I don't know much about bureaucrats but do you have any sample story's you wrote or anything I would love to see since I am a writer to!!
  18. Ehhhhh well I guess Ill check it out then....
  19. I will I bet I will probably use them since I learn things fast and am attracted to new things!
  20. Oh sorry.. Maybe it came from the word forthcoming it means about to happen or someone on someday hit a ball and it hit someone and it was on the guys fourth ball so he said FORE
  21. Sad face....... Id there anything like an assassin in the game...
  22. I think I am gonna try these because I never tried any other software except for paint.net....
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