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Posts posted by zoop

  1. download1-jpg.32840


    I have these once in a while, and find them to be pleasant now and then, though I don't tend to be able to do them too frequently. they've also got a premium Black version of that soup, which is pretty good. you can see a taste test between the two versions here over here.




    this stuff, though, is my cheap food / lazy good bread and butter... the hot and spicy version, anyway. the fact that there's no super salty broth is kind of a nice change of pace, and makes it something that I'm capable of eating more frequently.


    both of those pale in comparison to this stuff, though:




    sun ramen makes the noodles for a healthy chunk of American ramen restaurants... and uses the same noodles in their (admittedly hard to find at times) instant ramen kits. they use legit ramen flavors (their tonkotsu is the best imo), and have to be kept frozen. good stuff, though. with that said, they don't have the random veggie bits that you find in a lot of instant noodle packs, so they'd probably benefit from having a bit of green onion tossed in when serving.

  2. Hi there! So as most of you have probably guessed. I am new here. So I shall tell you about myself. Well, I am a college student, who will be taking graphic design classes in the fall. I like anime (obviously), video games, coffee, and narwhales.


    hullo there ~


    welcome to AF! coffee and narwhales are both things that I'm quite fond of, myself. :D

  3. I'm new here and just wanted to say hi!


    heya! o/


    A bit about me, I love talking about creative ideas and stories. I'm always interested in in depth analyzing of psychological plots or just general happy silliness!


    Those are definitely always fun things to engage in!


    I think all of the social cultural messages of saying enjoying anime is a bad thing got to me... (anyone else have this experience?) So I neglected my passion for it for a while. Then recently I've discovered there are so many new anime and it is really such an amazing artwork on many many levels. So I'm reintroducing myself to it and trying to find new awesome anime.


    The social stigma around anime is honestly really unfortunate, but I'm glad that you ended up finding your way back toward it! The art and animation quality that we're seeing these days are definitely light years ahead of what used to be available, so I think you've probably picked a good time to jump back into things!


    The thread title got cut off and I don't know how to change it... t.t oh well.


    Also, also! I went ahead and fixed that for you. ^^

    • Agree 1
  4. Ohayou gozaimasu, minna-san.~<3


    I am an extremely shy person, but also a major otaku.


    Please excuse and pardon me for the non-informative introduction; I have no idea what else to say, but feel free to post a message on my profile page and say hi.~ ^^'


    Welcome to AF, Miku! o/


    Let me know if you have any questions about how anything works, or if you need a hand with anything. :)

  5. Thanks zoop! I will have to check them all out. Azumanga Daiyo definitely looks my style as does Twelve Kingdoms


    I honestly can't gush enough about either of them! :)


    Twelve Kingdoms, especially, is a marvelous epic with a wonderfully expansive universe and a lot of really great characters. :D

    • Like 1
  6. Hey hiya! I suppose I already gave you sufficient welcomes, but hey - the more the merrier, right? :)


    My favorites, all of which I'd very strongly recommend are Clannad, Twelve Kingdoms, Spice and Wolf, and Azumanga Daiyo. :o

    • Like 1
  7. Do you like horror movies?


    I really do! Though, most horror movies are honestly and unfortunately really trashy so I'm reeeaaally picky with them. I tend to prefer things that don't rely on jump scares and pure shock value to get you going. Jacob's Ladder being a good example of a movie that does it well, imo.

  8. What was one of your favourite series from last season? :)


    Probably Attack on Titan season two, to be honest ... Re:Creators was a strong contender, though I honestly feel like the wheels kind of came off on that one. ^^;

    • Like 1
  9. Who's the very awesome looking girl in your main profile picture/avatar? :)




    She's a character from a fighting game that I'm quite fond of - her name is a little silly sounding: Riesbyfe.


    My wife and I noticed, while alternating between playing the game, that the Ries and another character had characteristics and a relationship that basically matched our own to a somewhat eerie degree, so we decided to adopt them as our avatar characters and such on the internet. A little goofy, but amusing I think. :D


    But yeah, that's the long and short as to why she and I always have these characters plastered everywhere, and why her profile background is the same as mine ^^. She isn't around AF nearly as often these days though, since we've recently started up a forum of our own, and she doesn't have quite as much free time as I do (housewife, here).

    • Like 1
  10. Do you have any tattoos? :)


    Oh gosh, no. :D


    While I won't say that I wouldn't, maybe, get something small, someday, it isn't really something that I'm thinking much about at the moment. A simple white ink tattoo could be nice, though, and subtle.

    • Like 1
  11. Are you a fan of Transformers?


    I can't say that I've ever actually gotten into Transformers before! My wife is a big fan though, particularly of the old cartoons. :D


    I had a couple Transformers toys though, as a child, that my older brothers passed along to me though.

    • Like 1
  12. What is (10y+2x)-5=29



    A math problem.


    What's your favourite flavour of juice?


    I WAS NINJA'D! Probably grape juice to be honest, though I'm not generally a juice person.


    What would you do for a Klondike bar?

  13. What's one of your favourite animes of this current new Summer 2017 season?


    To be completely honest, I've not really explored the current season too terribly much as of yet ... so far the only anime that has really caught my eye has been Fate / Apocrypha, which in my opinion is turning out to unfortunately be less than amazing. ^^;


    I'm sure there's a hidden gem somewhere that I've not yet stumbled upon, but ... I think this is going to end up to be a fairly dry season for me, if I'm to be honest. :'(

  14. No mention of Twelve Kingdoms/Juuni Kokki? This makes me sad - it features a world with intensely rich lore and a culture all its own, based loosely around Chinese mythology fused together with slightly more standard fantasy elements, a great deal of political intrigue, and a decent amount of action.


    It admittedly takes a few episodes to really get rolling, but once it starts, it really doesn't stop.

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