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John jobs

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Status Replies posted by John jobs

  1. How is everyone? *eats pudding*

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Im doing alright *Eats a frame out of an animation*

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. "Here comes a mighter warrior"

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Yes, this is a fighterz referance, I love fighterz

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. *finishes binge watching Slam Dunk* I don't need the NBA playoffs in my life. 

  4. *munches potato chips as the anime world engulfs with fan service* So disappointing. Sigh -_-

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Your profile pic made me think of a friend i hadnt seen in awhile

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. i feel really awful, perhaps my worst ever

  6. rip cant visit my own club room due to this protective site blocker ;-;

  7. So stalking will be impossible now. hmmmmmm ~~

  8. rip cant visit my own club room due to this protective site blocker ;-;

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      ok so I have this thing called covenant eyes installed so it blocks out nsfw stuff and somehow my own club room counts as that and idk why, I don't think its on your end

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Doesn't this site have a discord server, is it still going?

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      i have a join code in my club room, can stop by if you would like :angel:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. So stalking will be impossible now. hmmmmmm ~~

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      I know :3


      cause me and rye are sneaky beans

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Have you actually watched umaru-chan ?

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Kinda just got into umaru chan, show is basically about my sister XD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Welcome dave, or should i say pickle rick >·>....anyways i hope you enjoy your time on here

  13. Welcome dave, or should i say pickle rick >·>....anyways i hope you enjoy your time on here

  14. Hey, I hope that you get through all of the stress. I am extremely depressed too, but it is too late for me. If you need advice on your daily life to help cope with the stress then send me a message telling me and I will definitely help you. Take it easy.

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Its not too late for anyone, as long as you have breath there is a chance

  15. Turns out you're an anime fan and I was just another anime

  16. Turns out you're an anime fan and I was just another anime

  17. Turns out you're an anime fan and I was just another anime

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      She is most on discord, dont know if she still logs back in on here XD

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Turns out you're an anime fan and I was just another anime

  19. Turns out you're an anime fan and I was just another anime

  20. Can't wait for Attack on Titan season 3 now next year

  21. I miss my friends, all of them are gone ;-;

  22. I miss my friends, all of them are gone ;-;

    1. John jobs

      John jobs

      Thats......kinda the position im in actually

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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