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John jobs

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Posts posted by John jobs

  1. So I have no idea how many of us here are speedrunners but i thought it would be a cool discussion anyways.

    Wether or not you're professional at it doesn't matter, Personally I'm an amature skyrim speerunner on the ps4 and xbox one, however trying to speedrun that and Binding of isaac are both really fun and rewarding when you pull off a good time.


  2. u have literally said Mob psycho 100 like 1000000 times :D but yea i will have a look

    More like, a "hundred" times......i mean its not like its my favorite anime next to clannad *slowly sips coffee"

    • Like 1
  3. Actually, doesn't that just make part of the security team? White hat usually refers to people that do it on their own time and tell the company about the flaws. Then again, it depends on if you actively fighting the crackers or doing penetration testing.

    Also depends on how exactly he helps security

    • Agree 2
  4. I would probably check it out, i would watch one or two episodes and decide to continue based on the art, animation, story, writing, composing, sound diseng and ofc if i have the time xD

  5. I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that she comes on for you soon :)


    How long have the two of you been together for now? :)

    3 months :D and they have been some of the happiest 3 months i have ever had

  6. It's not, but I can kinda see where you're coming from there though all the same :)


    Have you had/been having a good Wednesday? :)

    I have had a pretty good day, though my gf hasn't been on so it hasn't been the best Wednesday

    • Like 1
  7. Yes :) They also made the likes of Little Busters!, Angel Beats, Rewrite, etc :)

    I haven't checked out their other work, well unless the melancholy of hazasuhasusamia or however you spell it is one of them

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