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Posts posted by TheEccentrician

  1. Thanks Wodahs, I appreciate the post. Yours are the type of post that I enjoy reading, those that are thoughtful and that relate to the subject matter with a personal touch. I can relate to your experiences shared here, in my younger years I relished the prospect of camps and other organized outings for the sole purpose of escaping the place that I lived to get away from family and the obligations held within. I hope to contribute as thoughtfully as I can and contribute to the forum in a meaningful way. See you around.

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  2. I think the main thing that turns me off of series is the stagnation of subject matter.


    Many can claim that I have seen a LOT of anime in my time if they browse my viewed collection. I was mildly surprised that information is still out there as I recovered my Anime-Planet account recently and everything was there. I've still got to update it to cover the last five years or so but I'll digress now and get back on point.


    There are a lot of series out there that are knockoffs of other series that utilize tropes that are entirely ubiquitous to no interesting effect. I am entirely in favor of a new series improving upon previous ideas, such is the case between Shuffle and Nisekoi or GTO and Gokusen. The previous examples are all great in their own right but the latter ones either made the genre more appealing or added some nice touches to raise the bar on quality of work within the genre.


    An example going the other way would be between series such as Medabots and Spider Riders. These are both series with similar plot points including companion technologies and the whole "friendship conquers all" thing. I see these two series as trying to capitalize on the success of Pokemon, Digimon, and Power Rangers to some extent but falling flat due to lack of quality in aspects such as writing or the like. Basically, anime or other works that try to be something else without being their own unique identity is what I don't care for. Please do be unique, show a different side of a genre, satirize for improvement, just don't get whisked away by trying to keep up with something else.

  3. I don't know about GTO's romance aspect myself, of course I only got through the first 4-6 eps and there was only flirting for the most part and it was from some jailbait from what I remember. What I do remember clearly was much subversion and badassery to establish rapport. I can recommend GTO if you like the yakuza/delinquent genre entries such as Cromartie High School, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, or Gokusen.

  4. Sadly, I will need to get my financial life in order before I pick up console gaming again but that should be sometime soon as I just got word that I got a decent job offer (after five years searching, finally!). For the most part I'll be playing catch-up since the last five years has seen the birth of the current console generation and I haven't had the chance to be a part. If anyone wants to play some casual Mario Kart 8, Overwatch, Super Smash or Splatoon after I get the system/games I'll definitely be up for that.


    As for what I'm looking forward to, definitely Zelda as I've been a fan most of my life.

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  5. Right now I'm only following two series, though would like to follow more. Those are KonoSuba and Fuuka. I would like to see more of Seven Deadly Sins however the holdover time for Netflix kind of sucks... As for anime outside of Japanese influence, I've been following Steven Universe and Rick and Morty.

  6. There is a decent variety in the romance genre, it really depends on what you want which you will find enjoyable. Note that some of these are rather obscure so take these as just a few pointers and quality is all over the place.

    If you want some action with somewhat a romance theme then Elemental Gelade or Tokyo Underground is worth checking out.

    For a more surreal or just out of normal slice-of-life, you could go with Kyoukai no Kanata, Midori Days, Shuffle, Trouble Chocolate, Air or My Bride is a Mermaid just to name a few.

    If you want more normal slice-of-life then Da Capo, Nisekoi or Fuuka might be more your speed.

    For more deep stories, winding and entrenching emotions, things that will make you ball your eyes out, and more like what you might find in a real relationship then Clannad, Your lie in April, or Nodame Cantabile is worth watching.

    Lastly, the guilty pleasures if you will, ecchi from the generic to bordering on the absurd with some semblance of romance entwined, you could go with Futari Ecchi, Chobits, DearS, Girls Bravo, or Ladies Vs. Butlers.


    Hope this helps, and feel free to discuss any of these.

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  7. Sorry, can't pick just one here. There's three that come in to play for me:


    Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Killua Zoldyck (HunterxHunter), the main "character" of Sawamura Seiji/Kasugano Midori (Midori Days)


    Can not deny the hilarity of Trigun and the hijinx surrounding Vash. Killua is a deep character and one of the most enjoyable to watch in recent years IMO due to the family dynamic, gray area of the character's back story and the fact that he's still a kid and wants to enjoy his youth. Since getting in to anime I've found Midori Days an easy series to go back to for a quick laugh when I need a pick-me-up. I know Midori Days is not for most as it is primarily a romance, but those who have liked rom-coms would do well to check out this surreal romp in the genre.

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  8. Nice to meet you! I'm new here, too. So you like rock climbing? I tried that once, got up pretty high and looked down. Big mistake. Not good with high places, I get sick. Maybe hiking is more my thing, lol.


    I remember the first time I was on an actual rock face (not in a gym or some other climbing wall) once I was at the top and needed to belay down that first tug once I was being supported by my climb partner was frightening. I can dig a good hike, one of my favorites was when I was about 12 and my boy scout troop did a hike along the coast at Salem, OR around where the Goonies was filmed.


    But cooking! Now that is something I can share a lot of interest in. I'd love to learn some Japanese recipes, and I'm particularly interested in keto-friendly dishes. As far as I can tell, there is a lot of potential to be found as long as I can skip or substitute the rice. I bet with some practice I can whip up a good miso soup. My favourite two things to cook/eat however is a good old stir fry (grilled onions and peppers, omg yum,) and green chile enchiladas (I try to avoid them though, since they can be really starchy.) I'd really like to make something like toriniku, maybe with some vegetables. <3 Turkey day sort of recipes though... not really my forté. I pretty much try to stick to the grill as much as possible, so I'm not the very popular cook at Thanksgiving time.


    I find sliced/chopped cabbage or some mixed veggies to be a nice substitute for rice depending on the dish, you may like experimenting there. I imagine a decent amount of traditional Japanese dishes are keto friendly so you may want to look more into that. If you are a grillmaster type you may like to try yakitori, so good there. I also love me some grilled onions and peppers, walla walla onions and yellow/red bell peppers turn out sweet and delicious on the grill. for Turkey day have you considered getting boneless turkey breast and grilling those or treating the legs and wings like chicken on the grill?


    I find miso soup is pretty easy to make once you've got the basic recipe down. I don't much care for tofu in that application so I've taken to either using pickled vegetables or using a white meat like chicken or pork instead. For one serving it's basically this:


    1 teaspoon miso

    1/6 teaspoon dashi no moto (dry dashi stock)

    1 cup hot water

    cooked meat/vegetables/tofu to taste


    I've found a little furikake is nice to finish it off but that's optional.

  9. I admit that both have their strong suits, in the first I found the character interactions and plot points to be great though the ending was a little disjointed. I don't think Brotherhood does Mustang, Hughes and Marcoh justice and for those points I still think the first is great. Brotherhood does have a really strong story in comparison and the conclusion is spot on with everything tied up nicely. The fact that brotherhood was so much darker is both good and bad and makes it kind of a conditional watch for me on subsequent revisits.


    End verdict, love them both.

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  10. I'll speak of both the first anime that I saw and the first that I cared about:


    First seen: Speed Racer, remember seeing it a few times on saturday mornings before things like Beakman's World and Bump in the Night (yay, I feel dated now)


    First cared for: Big O, toonami was a big influence on my anime fandom before I even realized it, great stuff on that TV block.

  11. I'm not much for rock climbing, myself (my significant other is fond of reminding me that I have an obligation to not get myself killed whenever I do anything that has some degree of danger), but I greatly enjoy things like hiking and camping. Cooking as well, though I'm definitely an amateur in that area. What sort of things do you prepare?


    I have a decent repertoire as I've been cooking since I was a kid (second of five in my family), over the last decade I've developed a taste for Japanese and other asian dishes. I've made my own sushi, dango, curry, miso soup, okonomiyaki, toriniku, proper Japanese ramen is delicious, and I've enjoyed making Yakisoba. My current roommates have made some traditional Danish dishes which are pretty good. I'm one for pasta, enjoyed spaghetti since I was a kid and recently carbonara sauce has become a favorite on a nice pasta. I can make everything in a traditional thanksgiving dinner from scratch, steak and other common meat preparations are no mystery to me, and eggs are some of the most versatile foodstuffs out there IMO.


    The significant other is only looking out for you, I completely understand wanting someone to be there for you as I'm looking for someone myself. I'm still a novice when it comes to the rock climbing and I've recently relegated myself to the climbing gyms in my area, got to have the safety equipment such as the harnesses and crash pads for when you fall.


    *edit: Oh hey, noticed your location, is that DC or up in the Great Northwet? I lived in Washington state for a few years, between Vancouver and Longview. Memories are bittersweet but overall a good place to be.

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  12. Hello All, this is TheEccentrician and I look forward to having some good times posting and conversing with you. Now for some information about me:


    If any of you are long-time forum-goers you may know me from National-Anime, AOST (Anime OSTs), or ACDB (Anime Characters Database), my previous alias was brobb355. In AOST I was a pretty active member of their contest teams which I met some awesome people in and the friendly competitions were pretty amazing. I had interest in graphic design during my active time at AOST and developed a modest understanding of photoshop. I helped moderate some of the ACDB entries due to the fact that I found that a pretty useful resource at the time.


    I am also a former youtube content creator, I had some fun making videos while Minecraft was a big thing. I have specialized in modded versions of MC and my interests in the game have waxed and waned (my endeavors IRL haven't helped much there). Feel free to check out my channel if you would like to see an amateur content creator with a technical/art focus to minecraft (youtube.com/theeccentrician).


    Professionally I'm an IT focused contractor looking for going full-time if a business will allow it. I'm currently living in Las Vegas though I could be persuaded to head elsewhere for a good opportunity.


    My anime tastes are pretty much whatever feels good at the time, whether it be rom-com, action badassery, just something pretty to look at, or something a bit titillating the taste changes but the consistent things that I like are something to think about or a coherent or smart story with a good range of emotion conveyed.


    Some other interests include Rock Climbing, Go (Igo, Baduk, Weiqi), video games, Beer & Wine, and cooking.


    I look forward to meeting you all, feel free to chat me up or start a conversation at your convenience.

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