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  1. @XII360 Making a new team again in FEH. xP  Just wanted to share and see your opinion.

    Main star of this team:

    Getting the +4 Buff from Veronica at all times (and plus -4 debuff to the enemy), Hector does pretty well for himself, but I wanted to take this a step further.  In perfect conditions (as seen with passive buffs from the rest of the team), Hector's stats will actually end up being:

    Atk: 76 (60 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 6 from Delthea)

    Spd: 33 (23 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin)

    Def: 51 (41 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin)

    Res: 35 (22 + 4 from Veronica + 9 from Corrin)


    Now for the unit you're probably questioning the most.  Corrin will also be receiving the +4 to all stats buff from Veronica.  Corrin's forged weapon does "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to that ally during combat.", so his buff is only specific to Hector.  Having a S rank support will give +2 to all stats as well when standing next to Hector, giving a +6 to all stats.  As Hector has bad Res, I opted for Drive Res as well giving a +9 to Res to Hector just by standing 2 spaces near him.  Corrin has good attack and speed as well, so he is not fated to solely sit on the back line.


    My standard Veronica build with Quickened Pulse instead to activate Wildfire Blam+ right away if needed.


    And Delthea.  I dont think anything has changed since I showed you last except for Glimmer.  She is mainly here for being the Red Mage check for Hector and being my favorite unit xP


    1. XII360


      Atk: 76 (60 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 6 from Delthea)

      all i hear is "HEKTOR SMASH" with that high af attack >.>, he's probably invincible, besides red units, mages specifically >.>

      and huh, i didn't know corrin's upgraded weapon skill did that (but to be fair, i didn't really level him either)

      the setup is actually pretty damn good, probably one of the bests you've made, besides the very first one, 

      hektor gets heals from veronica, which makes armor boots work at almost all times, aside from her buffs, corrin buffs hektor from the backside, but also a killer for green units, as if hektor cant do it, and delthea, for red units, though i feel your dealthea can kill almost all units, besides green (though i think she can still kill green units)

    2. drill


      Just about the only Green units Delthea can't kill are those with Triangle Adept or Dull Ranged.  Other than that, they are all dead as well. xP


      the setup is actually pretty damn good, probably one of the bests you've made, besides the very first one,

      Thanks ^^  Also, not sure what first team you are referring to.  Even went back to check, and couldn't find a first team in my status...  Made way too many teams xP

      Also, pasted the wrong Corrin, as he is actually +Spd/-Hp.  I am also actually short a skill (desperation), so thought of the budget skill Hit and Run to allow him to attack, but get further from the enemy.  Hector can then swap with him, giving him +2 movement after attacking.


    3. XII360


      found it, so the team im talking about was ares/fjorm/hektor/and lene


      the main killer of the team was hektor and ares, while fjorm tanked and killed, what lacked was healer, but boy did i find the team scary >.>

      now, this team you made, is even more scary than this last team composition you made >___>

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