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@XII360 So, my luck in FEH soared through the roof today. I summoned 3 times (two being the free summons) and here are two of my results:
Btw, Linde was summoned on Reinhardt's banner where she isn't even displayed xP
@XII360 Wasn't even aiming to get her, was actually shooting for Halloween Jakob to potentially help flesh out the team. +Atk/-Def which is good since she is an anti-mage unit by default. She could actually serve as that role for the team instead of Myrrh who could inherit Svalinn Shield instead of Earth Boost. As while the latter is good, my team got ran over by Hinoka due to her super effective damage to armors. That way, I don't need to spend all that time on that Effie build.
Also, started replicating someone else's Faye I saw on Youtube (A skill will be different than theirs though). Will be giving her Death Blow 3 (possibly 4 since I don't use my Celica? Thought I should save that though in case the final build isn't that good). She does 14 guaranteed damage just for attacking without enemy counter. If she has dance support, the damage she does becomes pretty good.
my bad for replying after two days, i just finished setting up my PC again, and monitor >.> (couse typing on phone has become, somewhat of a hassle >.<, plus, to be honest, theres no signal in hospital for my providor, either i change providors, or buy a repeater, dont wanna waste too much cash, but also dont wanna buy a new sim card ._.)
but yea, i've yet to get anyone in halloween, and im like seriously, trying my best to get mia (healer), i feel like, mia doesn't wanna come home with me (and i could reallly realllllly use her, im good with any stats debuff, please gods give me mia q_q)
but yea, im not too sure about faye build, whats the video link ?!, i wanna semi watch it to see, the build feels, wierdish and not that neat, though that's my PoV, if you dont have the link its fine, it HAS been 2 days >.>)
again, sorry !
Huh, was about to go to next game (being alchemist.code) when all of a sudden,
Mia spooped me! And her stats seem to be neutral
I am hella okay with this, and hella thank to gacha gods for giving me mai mia
Need to lvl her up and put her in my main group, probably fix new group too
huh, so thats how it is, well i can clearly see her doing guaranteed 20+ damage now, but well, im not sure how usefull deathblow will be for faye though, since the build seems focused on guaranteed damage,
but then again, your whole team DOES buff and debuff enemy, so faye may do some destructive damage at the same time
even after watching vid, i still feel wierded out on it, but i can imagine the concept now o_o
@XII360 I am done with this banner. Got this on my free summon. She is +HP/-Def, but her base stats are a lot more balanced than Hector. If I gave her the support I was going to give Hector (and the summoner support), and went for Fury instead of DC, and give Corrin Drive Spd 2 instead of Drive Res, she'd have the stats below at level 40. Will probably be switching out Delthea for Faye with Firesweep Bow+, Seal Atk, and Atk Smoke for better support.
Edit: Actually, I did all of the original calculations wrong, and am redoing them. Specifically for Veronica who provides a +4 to all stats in range, and -4 to all states for enemies in range. Because of not including this, Faye becomes obsolete on this team, so will still be looking for a replacement. Also, because of this I might switch to DC instead of Fury. She will likely have Swap or Reposition to get Veronica out of harms way. Not sure if I can get Aether on her right away, but she might actually just want Sol if Veronica is attacking more often than not to get that effective +8 boost. Or perhaps just getting a real healer for the team if that is what Veronica is contributing now.
HP: 54
Atk: 62-70 (54 + 0-8 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)
Spd: 34-42 (23 + 0-8 from Veronica + 9 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)
Def: 51-63 (39 + 4-12 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)
Res: 40-48 (32 + 0-8 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)
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So, actually was looking through skills, and think it is possible to replace Corrin with a blue armor if I go for the skill Ward Armor which would also give Myrrh +4 Def/Res buffs. Neither Hector or Myrrh really even care about the +4 Spd buff due to it being terribly low anyway, which would mean I'd only be missing out on the +4 Atk boost for only Hector which doesn't seem that bad really since it is already crazy high. Real question would be who to use. I don't really have many options to choose from:
Gwendolyn: 4* (+Atk/-HP), 4* (+Res/-HP)
Effie: 4* (+Def/-HP), 4* (+HP/-Spd), 3* (+Atk/-HP)
And then there is the thing on building a new unit as well. Possible Effie build I just threw together based on the 3* +Atk/-HP one I have. Goes for Spur Atk to mimic Corrin as close as possible. Not really sure about Sol and Reposition, but they seem like decent options at least. Possibly Swap instead of Reposition. As she doesn't have DC, she can use Death Blow + Sol combo to get a decent amount back, and to keep Wary Fighter up by herself without fully relying on Veronica for that. She will have Armor March support most of the time too, so that will help get her in range to initiate death blow.
well, gwendol +atk is bad couse, i mean she will be there to fill corrins role, which is mainly supporting and countering color, +res and -hp is even worse though for a tank, unless anti-mages, but -hp is a turnoff
effie +def -hp is also, "eh", couse hp got reduced, +hp -speed is nice, pretty good boon, since speed isnt really gonna be needed, especially since she will have a "wary fighter" skill, and +atk -hp, also eh couse of reduced hp, for a tank, hp is crucial !
you could also, change hektors ostia pulse, to Goad armor, assuming you want to 100% replicate corrins buff, but well, that will depend on whats more important, +4 atk/speed (which isnt really THAT important) or -1 skill c/d for everyone ?
i vote c/d on skill to be more important o_o
Very true, I was thinking about building the +HP/-Spd one since it didn't really have any negative effects other than slightly lower attach than +Atk/-HP, but as you said as a tank, it'll be really important for her to take a hit (or multiple), so the loss of -6 HP will not be good at all for her.
Here is a revised build based on your feedback using the +HP/-Spd version. Went for Sacred Cowl, so then it can activate more often. Just in one encounter, she can guarantee recharging it through Brave Lance+. While she can't heal herself with this build, she shouldn't need to, as she is mainly there for support and taking a hit or two if needed, in which she can move to the back lines afterwards, or be healed by Veronica. Also, with her general support, Myrrh will get up to 65 Def and 48 Res....
Edit: Another potential option is going Svalinn Shield as my A skill as most of the team will be armored, and units like Hinoka would just crush them. Did a battle simulator, and Hinoka would do a mere 9 damage to this build (7 damage with Sacred Cowl up). Effie would run her over on the next turn and recharge Sacred Cowl in the process.
@XII360 Making a new team again in FEH. xP Just wanted to share and see your opinion.
Main star of this team:
Getting the +4 Buff from Veronica at all times (and plus -4 debuff to the enemy), Hector does pretty well for himself, but I wanted to take this a step further. In perfect conditions (as seen with passive buffs from the rest of the team), Hector's stats will actually end up being:
Atk: 76 (60 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 6 from Delthea)
Spd: 33 (23 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin)
Def: 51 (41 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin)
Res: 35 (22 + 4 from Veronica + 9 from Corrin)
Now for the unit you're probably questioning the most. Corrin will also be receiving the +4 to all stats buff from Veronica. Corrin's forged weapon does "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to that ally during combat.", so his buff is only specific to Hector. Having a S rank support will give +2 to all stats as well when standing next to Hector, giving a +6 to all stats. As Hector has bad Res, I opted for Drive Res as well giving a +9 to Res to Hector just by standing 2 spaces near him. Corrin has good attack and speed as well, so he is not fated to solely sit on the back line.
My standard Veronica build with Quickened Pulse instead to activate Wildfire Blam+ right away if needed.
And Delthea. I dont think anything has changed since I showed you last except for Glimmer. She is mainly here for being the Red Mage check for Hector and being my favorite unit xP
Atk: 76 (60 + 4 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 6 from Delthea)
all i hear is "HEKTOR SMASH" with that high af attack >.>, he's probably invincible, besides red units, mages specifically >.>
and huh, i didn't know corrin's upgraded weapon skill did that (but to be fair, i didn't really level him either)
the setup is actually pretty damn good, probably one of the bests you've made, besides the very first one,
hektor gets heals from veronica, which makes armor boots work at almost all times, aside from her buffs, corrin buffs hektor from the backside, but also a killer for green units, as if hektor cant do it, and delthea, for red units, though i feel your dealthea can kill almost all units, besides green (though i think she can still kill green units)
Just about the only Green units Delthea can't kill are those with Triangle Adept or Dull Ranged. Other than that, they are all dead as well. xP
Quotethe setup is actually pretty damn good, probably one of the bests you've made, besides the very first one,
Thanks ^^ Also, not sure what first team you are referring to. Even went back to check, and couldn't find a first team in my status... Made way too many teams xP
Also, pasted the wrong Corrin, as he is actually +Spd/-Hp. I am also actually short a skill (desperation), so thought of the budget skill Hit and Run to allow him to attack, but get further from the enemy. Hector can then swap with him, giving him +2 movement after attacking.
found it, so the team im talking about was ares/fjorm/hektor/and lene
the main killer of the team was hektor and ares, while fjorm tanked and killed, what lacked was healer, but boy did i find the team scary >.>
now, this team you made, is even more scary than this last team composition you made >___>
@XII360 Changed my team yet again with the summoning of a new character I've been waiting on for a while ^^ (She'll be shown at the very end.)
And the new addition to my team is Flora!!!! Was worried I wasn't going to get her
Anyway, really great Ploy user that kills just about anything reliant on Distant Counter or any mage in the game really. With Attack/Res Solo and buffs she gets up to 63 Attack and 44 Res. Harsh command was added to counter Panic Ploy users, and she can afford this skill since she sits in the back using Ploys as well. Below I do have a few impressive screens I saved during her training.
Whoa, whats her bane ?, shes.pretty op, makes me wanna pull for her now too (since i still have around 30?.orbs
I should still have until end of week to decide whether.to pull, i think
I hope, exams tomorrow so im gonna have to get serious now
But felicias sister seems pretty fun, since im semi maining felicia, i should really get her too >.>
My Flora is +Def/-Spd. Speed is pretty much a throwaway stat for her since its so bad, she becomes completely reliant on Quick Riposte and Hoarfrost Knife to score doubles. When initiating combat she gets a full +29 Def (20 due to her weapon, 3 due to her boon, and 6 due to her buff), so it seems that +Def is actually a pretty decent boon for her. I'd say +Atk, +Def, or +Res are all acceptable boons for her, but she would just be played on the field differently depending on each.
The banner is up for another 17 days, so you have plenty of time to summon her.
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Yes, not having the whole weapon triangle does make you think a bit more about unit placement. Also, raven tomes actually become an obstacle. Replacing Micaiah with Catria now as she was holding the team back as my team composition is mostly defensive now, and greens really aren't that threatening. One of the strongest greens in the arena, Hector, loses 1v1 to Faye 100% of the time while Zelgius is actually a threat to my team. Only tome greens out there are Julia, Nino, Cecilia, and Gunnthra. None of which I feel like needing specific units to counter. Just through Faye at them or Myrrh for Cecilia.
edit: here is the finalized team that seems to work pretty well.
Faye is an all-round tank that can deal with most anything except for raven tomes. Even raven tome users are only about on par with her due to her insane bulk.
Myrrh is about the best support Faye could ask for. Chill Def makes just about any foe in range for Faye to counter and take out or severely wound. While Def Tactic makes most non buffed foes deal 0 damage.
Catria is backup to take out Red/Blues while providing Faye attack coverage. With support from Myrrh and Veronica she'll be looking at 45 def against blues and 54 def from reds thanks to triangle adept. This is not taking into account Faye's Atk Smoke.
Veronica is basic support providing +4 Def and Res to units in range. Her staff also provides +4 to all stats when attacking (+8 to def thanks to Close Guard being passive), and really like how she doesn't get hit in return. She can kill almost all physical greens thanks to their low res and Wind Boost (this skill is especially good late battle) if they happen to have any speed.
Chill defense only affects those of the highest defense though, thus usually the tanks get weakened, but its a 100% weakened on someone
Gonna edit this later omw to school >.<
and edit: that toke whole day lmao
Only tome greens out there are Julia, Nino, Cecilia, and Gunnthra. None of which I feel like needing specific units to counter. Just through Faye at them or Myrrh for Cecilia.i guess, that's one way of doing it, since all of them are easy to kill, and wont really hurt you much, assuming you hit first
your veronica is pretty fragile though, but i guess that's where your catria comes to pull her out of trouble
you're team setup is pretty damn good, as always >.> it covers allot of fields, and i feel would work outside of arena's
i mean you have perfect buffs/debuffs, and i see very little flaw's, if next to none on the team composition you made >.>
@XII360 Not exactly who I was summoning for on the legendary banner, but not entirely disappointed either. Have you gotten anyone recently?
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ah i was right, it was for repositioning other allies
you're catria can kill off almost all units, exception of some green units from get go, brazen wont also activate till she's lower than 80% hp, so generally, get hit once, and you got massive def/attack boost all the time >.>
why not give micaiah, more res-buffing to allies ?, to overall increase survivability in cases of mage-hits on allies ? (though you might not even use this team composition when enemy is full of mages
Actually, was thinking about doing it the other way around and make Micaiah the mage tank. Due to her A skill, she'll have 59 attack and 51 Res. Green mages should be a joke for her, and with Red Tome Breaker, she shouldn't have to worry about her speed against those enemies either. Only thing left would be Reinhardt which she could probably tank? But would be much more safe for Faye to tank him, or draw him in and kill him with Veronica.
Red beats green, so you're micaiah shouls be safe from green units, just blue units like reinmeme are what she should watch out for,
But she does have a high res, so she will probably live, hopefully >.>, depends how buffed his attack is
Making micaiah the tanker for mage hits huh, though long rangers tend to target those that cant hit back, that or color advantage (from what i noticed atleast)