Do you like extremely long titles that get released rather frequently, along with a unique Shounen twist in it? If so, you might actually be more interested in Manhwa (Korean manga pretty much). Here are a few titles that you might want to start off with:
Tower of God
This is quite an interesting title as there are so many plot twists, and has great fight scenes and character development as well. As many titles that run for a long time, it does start to make quite a few of the characters more generic past around chapter 180 or so.
The first Manhwa I’ve ever read. It has an excellent blend of adventure and action, and does quite well with world building. Like Tower of God though, it starts to make some characters more generic later on, but sadly, I would say that it does it more so than Tower of God. Ah, and I need to mention, don’t let the artwork at the beginning turn you off, it gets better rather quickly.
However, maybe a long running action/adventure story really isn’t your thing, and you’re looking for something more relaxing. These few titles are slice of life, and are quite relaxing (and quite cute as well).
Love So Life
I’ve only just started reading this one, so I can’t actually say too much about it, but everything about the manga so far is really heartwarming. I think one of the main reasons why I like it so much is the MCs flashbacks are a lot darker than the story itself which helps contrast and explain certain decisions she might make during the present.
A story about little cat people called Nukos who live with their owner Yuuya and their every day lives. Its a rather short manga as it has very few pages per chapter, and really doesn’t focus too much on character development, but rather just being an extremely cute slice of life.
Finally, maybe you are looking to read a high school manga, but are tired of cliches that have been done before.
This is an amazing manga. It starts out quite a bit different from your typical high school setting since the MC is ten years older than everyone else at high school. I found it rather enjoyable, and a bit nostalgic as well, as it does a much better job at creating a high school atmosphere than most other stories do. Not only that, but all of the characters are well developed and have their own realistic problems.
Well, that’s it for recommendations for now. I’ll probably come around again in a bit and make another list that focuses on supernatural and romance next time. Thanks for reading! 🙂