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Soramee_ last won the day on April 21 2023

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  • Favourite Anime
    Sword Art Online, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Konosuba, Lucky star, Haruhi Suzumiya series, miss kobayashi maid dragons, nisekoi, golden time, houkago teibou nisshi, chobits, fate/zero and... yeah a little bit of oreimo/eromanga sensei. You can judge me.
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
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    Kirito, Asuna, Konata izumi, haruhi suzumiya, hiiragi kagami and shiraishi minoru
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    in my basement
  • Occupation
    escaping high school
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    playing video games, watching anime, reading manga/light novels, listening to music, making utau covers(I'm pretty simple)
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    FF14, apex legend, osu, SMB ultimate, MK8 Deluxe
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Estelle, Marth, joshua and Atri
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Nintendo Switch, wii, PS vita and PSP

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  1. I know this is weird of me saying this on here since nobody really know me and but I just feel like I need to say it out. I'm passing trough a hard phase right now and I just want to say what is on my heart. recently I've been starting to feel pretty much nothing at all. For example when I watch anime, read manga, play video games, interact with other, listen to songs, just live a normal life, I can't feel happiness, sadness, anger and pretty much every sentiments out there. Even hope. It's as if I was a moving human shell or a robot. I've always been hard on myself and I've never tried to fix this so I don't remember how to not be hard on me and actually feel like I got weight took of my shoulder. the problem is that I'm totally lost. I don't what I should do, what I shouldn't do, how I should act, etc... and as a plus I can't stop always thinking about it. At school I always feel out of place, I'm always stressed and nobody resemble me. Even thought I'm pretty much friend with all the guys in my class. I'm sure one of you would think I should maybe do nothing so that I can resolve that problem but I know that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I do nothing. I don't want to just accept it and do as if nothing happened because for some reason I totally despise that. I don't know why for now but maybe it's because I feel like I just evaded the problem and didn't actually fight it. I don't know if it's the right thing to do or not. maybe I'm just being to hard on me again for the hundred time and it's just me not accepting reality again. When I do something good I don't feel good and when I do something bad I don't feel bad. I hate that completely and I just want to resolve my problem so that I can feel emotions again... really.

    1. Soramee_


      Maybe It's also just puberty. I don't know

    2. Soramee_


      It may seem like I abandoned every thing but actually it's the inverse, since if I do not resolve that problem that also mean that my enjoyment for anime/manga/video games etc will reduced and this is a big NO NO.

    3. Hällregn


      It's not weird, a lot of people come online to vent because they find it more comfortable and private to do so. There could be multiple reasons for your situation. Like burnout or boredom, e.g. the process of wanting/seeking a more productive lifestyle. Not that you might come to dislike or cease your current hobbies but that they may feel out of place for now. Advice is good to have online but always listen to your gut in the end. Never close off these conversations with your loved ones. People that are in your daily life. Family and close friends. Their aid is essential in the sense that they know and love you better than anyone else. :) 

      I would try exploring new hobbies that require more pursuit or things that might give you a sense of active achievement? Maybe look into your current hobbies and search for fresh inspiration? Think about where you would like to be in five years and try working towards that? 

      Don't worry about it too much, you'll find your way! 

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