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Posts posted by MediaConsumesMe

  1. 9 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

    I've just checked and it seem like I only need to watch the first one, the second one and the last one. Good thing I don't need to watch all of them 😅.

    That sounds right, I wonder what processed them to make endless eight. From what the dubbed voice actors said they had to do the same lines over and over again for each new episode.

    And they weren't allowed to deviate much from the script so I can only imagin the boredom of going to work to repeat what you did yesterday. 

    It seemed nearly all involved believed the concept of Endless Eight was stupid. 

    7 hours ago, efaardvark said:

    Maybe not of all time for me but I did enjoy it as well.  Enough that I went and bought the discs.  That's something of a rarity for me. 

    I usually buy the discs for shows I like. As for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I haven't watched it yet. I know of it, but I've only worked my way past episode six. 

    I think I might just not be a huge SOL guy. For now Haruhi Suzumiya is on hold as I might come back and sit through it when my list clears up a little. 

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Soramee_ said:

    I currently started to watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and all I can say is that maybe I just discovered my favorite anime of all time. 🤩


    the only thing I am scared about is when I will have to watch the infamous endless eight arc 😨.

    Not sure if I'm right but I think you only need to watch three episodes of the endless eight arc to understand the plot. However I am not sure what episodes are relevant and which episodes can be skipped. 

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  3. 10 hours ago, Ohayotaku said:

    I watched a couple eps, but didn’t appeal to me personally. 

    Wrapping up some 2021 anime. 
    Last episode of The Faraway Paladin is Monday. I believe I saw where it would get a 2nd season. Honestly I haven’t enjoyed the series as much after the MC ventured out into the wider world, but it’s still ok.

    2 more eps of Komi. Really don’t get the hype around this series, pretty meh IMO.

    Will probably finish off 7 Deadly Sins since I’ve stuck with it this far. 

    Plan on watching the Lord El Melloi New Year’s special when it airs.

    My plan next year is too finally watch Heaven Feel part 3. I've waited so long for the UK release. Other wise I'll just hit shows and films as they go. 

  4. On 12/27/2021 at 9:59 PM, Lelouch said:

    My username is form anime code geass my fav character 

    Lelouch was cool. I personally wouldn't rank him in my top ten but then again it's a competitive top ten... Johan Liebert, Shogo Makashima and my Waifu Saber are constantly wrestling for top spot. 

    I really need to get around to finishing Code Geass Season 2. Because the first season was a solid eight out of ten experience. 

  5. Decided to start Paranoia Agent. Just got through the first volume. I didn't want anything to long as I'm still cracking through Full Metal with @MarathonGuy1337

    We got 12 episodes to go. Must say I wasn't expecting Full Metal to live up to all the praise it receives by most anime fans. 

    But I eat my own words because that might be one of the best shows I've watched.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ohayotaku said:

    A rare case where I think the live action version was more popular than the anime version 😂


    Interesting, @MarathonGuy1337 actually showed me the opening to the anime. If you hadn't have uploaded that picture I'd of had no idea what it was. So I do know about it, its a science fiction and the lady's a bounty hunter of sorts. I haven't seen it yet, but he's told me little bits and pieces about it. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Ohayotaku said:

    For me I think it’s more about my general preference for series over movies when it comes to anime.

    You know I have a similar opinion. However I don't mind anime films that follow from a series so say Rebellion Dawn of the Deep Star or Heaven Feel as you've already got to know the characters before. 

    But standalone films like Akira it hard to really get massively behind it. I like Akira, I think it's great, but the characters don't wow me. 

  8. On 12/22/2021 at 11:20 AM, Cemetry_Gates said:

    Hey everyone! I am pretty new to the anime community and wanted to be a part of somewhere I can discuss shows with other people. I'm a big fan of shows like Berserk and Evangelion, but I'm open to watching anything good! I hope I can make myself a regular here and I look forward to talking with you lads.

    Berserk and Evangelion, damn those are good shows. I'd suggested hitting one of Gen Urobuchi's works like Fate Zero or Psycho Pass.


    Another good couple of shows are Ergo Proxy, Steins Gate and if you haven't already Naoki Urasawa's Monster or Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Last two are on the longer side, FMA brotherhood clocks in around 64 episodes and Monster 74, however despite there length there well worth a watch. Monster was so good I re-watched it with a friend after completion. 

    Also Monster is gonna be a bitch to track down, it not up on any streaming sites and only Australia (for some reason) got a physical release. And the discs go for a lot on auction (300 USD or more) so that's not much of an option. 

  9. On 12/24/2021 at 6:20 AM, SummerAnimeFan2020 said:

    Hello everybody! I have been a fan of anime since the start of summer 2020. Let me explain. It first started when I was in a Discord server and most of its members were pestering me to watch anime around the end of spring that year. And so I did...in the summer of that year.

    Welcome to the Forums, I've also only been watching Anime for about over a year I'd say towards the start of 2020, maybe spring but that be my best bet. However I didn't watch the shows coming out at the time, in fact I don't think I've ever watched an Anime when its in season. However I've stuck true to the three episode rule/law of the lands. 

  10. 11 hours ago, deaaath said:

    i chose my username because i love everything edgy <3 that's just who i am, a edgy dude.

    i also accept death with open arms, as "edgy" as that sounds.

    Don't cut yourself.

    10 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

    yep it is and it's really strange to see mickey mouse and cloud talking to each other haha...

    Well it was on Xbox that I played kingdom heart since it got out there as a collection of all the games. And by the way I was also an xbox guy before.


    Good. Good. Xbox was a great system. I think the first games I got were Halo and Knights of the Old Republic. Good times. 

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